Present study was aimed to investigate the effectiveness of the Diploma of Associate Engineers (DAE) Program TEVTA. The population of the study was comprised of all the employees (Civil, Mechanical and Electrical) working in public and private organizations in Punjab. Employees were selected on a convenient basis. Therefore, 143 employees were a sample of the study. A questionnaire for employees was adapted to collect the data. The reliability of the instrument was 0.847. Findings revealed that employees were satisfied with the DAE curriculum, physical facilities, and administrative facilities at their workplace. On the other hand, employees were not very satisfied with their assessment and evaluation systems and social factors affecting their workplaces. A significant mean difference was found in employees’ perceptions regarding the effectiveness of DAE regarding their locale, job type, and trade. It is recommended that DAE graduates might be trained according to the industry demand rather than conventional knowledge.
Key Words
Curriculum, Physical Facilities, Administrative Facilities, Assessment and Evaluation System, Social Factors
In general, the term "Technical Education" (TE) refers to postsecondary courses of study and practical training aimed at preparing technicians with technical skills over a two or three year period and technicians to work as early technicians in labour markets. Additionally, TE is a prerequisite for admission to higher technical education, engineering programs, and training. The term "Vocational Training" (VT) refers to a lower level of practical education and training that prepares a population of skilled or semi-skilled workers in a variety of trades/skills but does not raise their degree of education beyond the elementary level. Thus, "Technical and Vocational Education and Training" (TVET) is an applied component of education and training with a direct connection to early and rapid labour market entry. TVET equips workers with the necessary skills to take advantage of labour market possibilities such as employment contracts, wage premiums, union membership, efficiency wages, health benefits, and improving cognitive and non-cognitive based quotients for increased earnings, among others (Herr, 2013).
A country's economic competitiveness is directly related to the capabilities of its workers. The workforce's skills and competencies, in turn, are contingent on the quality of the country's education and training systems (Mustapha, & Greeman, 2002). Additionally, (Aina, 2006) asserts that education is unquestionably the basis of any meaningful development, whereas Technical Vocational Education and Training (TVET) is the bedrock of any sustainable technical development program. Thus, TVET is seen as workforce education that, in its traditional function, aids in the adjustment of man's skills and knowledge to changing societal needs. This kind of teaching is purposefully intended to assist man in developing his abilities. It puts a premium on the development of people' skills in their chosen professions (Olaitan, 1993). Thus, TVET plays a critical role in improving the quality of work and the quality of TVET graduates, boosting job satisfaction and motivation, as well as increasing productivity (Manifred & Jennifer, 2004). Thus, TVET is anticipated to create an educated, competent, and motivated workforce in the changing economic climate.
Global socioeconomic developments are posing difficulties to the educational and industrial sectors. This tendency has resulted in economic, political, and social crises that have jeopardized certain countries' political and economic stability. According to (Giroux, 1991), increasing unemployment, a shortage of qualified employees, high dropout rates, and the changing demographic makeup of the workforce have elevated the problem of workforce education to the top of many countries' educational reform agendas. According to this perspective, (Okolocha, 2006) noted that the high rate of unemployment and changing face of the global economic, social, political, and labour markets have resulted in new education reforms/policies with a focus on TVET aimed at assisting adolescents and adults in becoming self-sufficient.
Objectives of the Study
Objectives of the study were to;
1. Find out the level of employees’ perceptions about the effectiveness of the Diploma of Associate Engineers (DAE) program at the workplace.
2. Investigate significant mean differences of employees’ perceptions about the effectiveness of the Diploma of Associate Engineers (DAE) program at the workplace regarding their selected demographic variables (locale, job type, trade, qualification, age and experience).
Research Questions
Following were the research questions of the study.
1. What is the level of employees’ perceptions about the effectiveness of the Diploma of Associate Engineers (DAE) program at the workplace?
2. Is there any significant mean difference in employees’ perceptions about the effectiveness of the Diploma of Associate Engineers (DAE) program at the workplace regarding their selected demographic variables (locale, job type, trade, qualification, age and experience)?
The present study was quantitative in nature. The population of the study was comprised of all the employees (Civil, Mechanical and Electrical) working in public and private organizations in Punjab. Employees were selected on a convenient basis. Therefore, 143 employees were a sample of the study. A survey questionnaire for employees was adapted to find out their views about the effectiveness of the Diploma of Associate Engineers (DAE) at their job place. The reliability of the instrument was 0.847. Data were collected personally by the researcher. Descriptive and inferential statistical techniques were used to analyze data. Results in the form of tables are given below.
Table 1. Employees’ Level
of Perceptions about Effectiveness of Diploma of Associate Engineers (DAE)
Program Proposed by TEVTA
Measures |
N |
Minimum |
Maximum |
Mean |
Std. Deviation |
Curriculum |
143 |
13.00 |
35.00 |
29.09 |
3.37 |
Physical Facilities at Job Place |
143 |
23.00 |
50.00 |
40.79 |
7.27 |
Administrative Facilities at the Job place |
143 |
35.00 |
65.00 |
51.50 |
6.25 |
Assessment and Evaluation |
143 |
5.00 |
15.00 |
11.84 |
1.87 |
Social Factor |
143 |
9.00 |
20.00 |
15.09 |
2.62 |
Table 1 indicates
employees’ level of perceptions about the effectiveness of the Diploma of
Associate Engineers (DAE) proposed by TEVTA in different aspects. Study
findings revealed that the factor administrative facilities (M=51.50, SD=6.25)
and physical facilities (M= 40.79, SD= 7.27) having high mean scores, which
mean employees are provided proper job facilities at their workplace. Whereas
social factors have a low mean score (M=15.09, SD=2.62) which indicates that
employees were a little bit anxious about social factors and kept continuing
their practices. Moreover, they were also seems contented with the DAE
curriculum (29.09, SD=3.37) taught to them, whereas they were not truly
satisfied with the assessment and evaluation system at the workplace.
Table 2. Comparison of Rural and Urban Employees’ Perceptions about
Effectiveness of Diploma of Associate Engineers (DAE) Program at Work Place
Variables |
Locality |
N |
M |
SD |
df |
value |
Sig. |
Curriculum |
Rural Urban |
31 112 |
28.09 29.36 |
2.48 3.54 |
67.666 |
-2.276 |
0.026 |
Physical Facilities at Job Place |
Rural Urban |
31 112 |
34.61 42.50 |
4.79 6.91 |
68.397 |
-7.297 |
0.000 |
Administrative Facilities |
Rural Urban |
31 112 |
48.38 52.36 |
4.08 6.49 |
76.413 |
-4.159 |
0.000 |
Assessment and Evaluation |
Rural Urban |
31 112 |
11.74 11.87 |
1.73 1.91 |
141 |
-0.349 |
0.728 |
Social Factors |
Rural Urban |
31 112 |
16.12 14.80 |
2.18 2.67 |
57.312 |
2.533 |
0.006 |
An independent
samples t-test was applied to find out the rural and urban employees’
perceptions about the effectiveness of the DAE program based on five factors at
the workplace. Findings revealed that a significant
difference between rural and urban employees’ perceptions about DAE curriculum,
physical facilities, administrative facilities, and social factors was found at
p?0.05 level of significance at the workplace. However, there was no
significant difference between rural and urban employees’ perceptions found
regarding assessment and evaluation systems at p?0.05 level of significance at the
Table 3. Comparison of Public and Private Sector Employees’
Perceptions about Effectiveness of Diploma of Associate Engineers (DAE) Program
at Work Place
Variables |
Job Type |
N |
M |
SD |
df |
t- value |
Sig. |
Curriculum |
Public Private |
66 77 |
28.21 29.84 |
2.90 3.58 |
140.549 |
-3.007 |
0.003 |
Facilities at Job Place |
Public Private |
66 77 |
37.74 43.40 |
7.37 6.10 |
126.432 |
-4.947 |
0.000 |
Facilities |
Public Private |
66 77 |
49.95 52.83 |
5.57 6.54 |
140.996 |
-2.840 |
0.005 |
Assessment and
Evaluation |
Public Private |
66 77 |
11.95 11.75 |
1.74 1.98 |
140.930 |
0.639 |
0.520 |
Social Factors |
Public Private |
66 77 |
15.72 14.54 |
2.44 2.67 |
140.422 |
2.762 |
0.007 |
above table 3, the public and private sector employees’ perceptions about the effectiveness
of the DAE program based on five factors at the workplace were compared by
applying independent samples t-test.
Findings revealed that a significant difference between public and
private sector employees’ perceptions about DAE curriculum, physical
facilities, administrative facilities, and social factors was found at p?0.05
level of significance at workplace. On the other hand, employees have no
significant difference in assessment and evaluation systems in the
organizations they were working at p?0.05 level of significance.
Table 4. Program Wise Comparison of Employees’ Perceptions about
Effectiveness of Diploma of Associate Engineers (DAE) Program
Variables |
Sum of Square |
Mean Square |
df |
F |
Sig. |
Curriculum |
46.132 1573.686 1619.818 |
23.066 11.241 |
2 140 142 |
2.052 |
0.132 |
Facilities at Job Place |
1727.706 5782.000 7509.706 |
863.853 41.300 |
2 140 142 |
20.917 |
0.000 |
Administrative Facilities |
495.290 5066.458 5561.748 |
247.645 36.189 |
2 140 142 |
6.843 |
0.001 |
Assessment and
Evaluation |
1.108 497.507 498.615 |
0.554 3.554 |
2 140 142 |
0.156 |
0.856 |
Social Factors |
76.069 903.749 979.818 |
38.035 6.455 |
2 140 142 |
5.892 |
0.003 |
In table 4 the
employees’ (Civil, Electrical and Mechanical) perceptions about the effectiveness
of the DAE program based on five factors at the workplace was compared by
applying One-way ANOVA. Findings
revealed that a significant difference between employees’ (Civil, Electrical
and Mechanical) perceptions regarding physical facilities, administrative
facilities, and social factors was found at p?0.05 level of significance at the
workplace. On the other hand, employees (Civil, Electrical and Mechanical) have
no significant difference about DAE curriculum and assessment and evaluation
system in the organizations they were working at p?0.05 level of significance.
Table 4(a). Program
Wise Comparison of Employees’ Perceptions about Effectiveness of Diploma of
Associate Engineers (DAE) Program (Post hoc Tukey, HSD)
(I) Program |
(J) Program |
Mean Difference (I-J) |
Std. Error |
Sig. |
Civil |
Electrical |
-11.24109* |
2.82543 |
.000 |
Mechanical |
-12.16878* |
2.85023 |
.000 |
Electrical |
Civil |
11.24109* |
2.82543 |
.000 |
Mechanical |
-.92769 |
2.67947 |
.936 |
Mechanical |
Civil |
12.16878* |
2.85023 |
.000 |
Electrical |
.92769 |
2.67947 |
.936 |
In above table 4(a),
post hoc (Tukey) results were indicated that a mean difference among employees’
perceptions belongs to Civil technology was significantly different as compared
to the employees’ of Electrical and
Mechanical technology at p?0.05 level of significance.
Table 5. Qualification wise Comparison of Employees’ Perceptions
about Effectiveness of Diploma of Associate Engineers (DAE) Program
Variables |
of Square |
Square |
df |
F |
Sig. |
Curriculum |
34.215 1585.603 1619.818 |
8.554 11.490 |
4 138 142 |
0.744 |
0.563 |
Facilities at Job Place |
720.872 6788.834 7509.706 |
180.218 49.194 |
4 138 142 |
3.663 |
0.007 |
Facilities |
391.638 5170.110 5561.748 |
97.910 37.465 |
4 138 142 |
2.613 |
0.038 |
and Evaluation |
5.738 492.878 498.615 |
1.434 3.572 |
4 138 142 |
0.402 |
0.807 |
Factors |
36.608 943.210 979.818 |
9.152 6.835 |
4 138 142 |
1.339 |
0.259 |
In table 5, the
employees’ perceptions about the effectiveness of the DAE program based on five
factors at the workplace was compared by applying One-way ANOVA in terms of
their qualification. Findings revealed
that significant differences between employees’ perceptions regarding physical
facilities and administrative facilities were found at p?0.05 level of
significance in terms of their qualification. On the other hand, employees have
no significant difference of perceptions regarding DAE curriculum, assessment
and evaluation system and effect of social factors in the organizations they
were working at p?0.05 level of significance in terms of their qualification.
Table 6. Age-wise Comparison of Employees’ Perceptions about
Effectiveness of Diploma of Associate Engineers (DAE) Program
Variables |
of Square |
Square |
df |
F |
Sig. |
Curriculum |
21.989 1597.830 1619.818 |
4.398 11.663 |
5 137 142 |
0.377 |
0.864 |
Physical Facilities at Job Place |
921.318 6588.388 7509.706 |
184.264 48.090 |
5 137 142 |
3.832 |
0.003 |
Administrative Facilities |
289.681 5272.067 5561.748 |
57.936 38.482 |
5 137 142 |
1.506 |
0.192 |
Assessment and Evaluation |
12.622 485.993 498.615 |
2.524 3.547 |
5 137 142 |
0.712 |
0.616 |
Social Factors |
80.231 899.587 979.818 |
16.046 6.566 |
5 137 142 |
2.444 |
0.037 |
In table 6 the
employees’ perceptions about the effectiveness of the DAE program based on five
factors at the workplace was compared by applying One-way ANOVA in terms of
their age. Findings revealed that a significant
difference between employees’ perceptions regarding physical facilities and
administrative facilities was found at a p?0.05 level of significance in terms
of their age. On the other hand, employees have no significant difference about
DAE curriculum, assessment and evaluation system and effect of social factors
in the organizations they were working at p?0.05 level of significance in terms
of their age.
Table 6(a). AgeWise Comparison of Employees’ Perceptions about
Effectiveness of Diploma of Associate Engineers (DAE) Program (Post hoc Tukey,
(I) Age |
(J) Age |
Mean Difference (I-J) |
Std. Error |
Sig. |
20-25 years |
26-30 years |
8.22632 |
4.98693 |
.567 |
31-35 years |
2.61667 |
5.28126 |
.996 |
36-40 years |
-2.95714 |
5.03126 |
.992 |
41-45 years |
5.75882 |
5.59193 |
.907 |
46-50 years |
6.17368 |
5.48184 |
.870 |
26-30 years |
20-25 years |
-8.22632 |
4.98693 |
.567 |
31-35 years |
-5.60965 |
3.65850 |
.643 |
36-40 years |
-11.18346* |
3.28730 |
.011 |
41-45 years |
-2.46749 |
4.09420 |
.991 |
46-50 years |
-2.05263 |
3.94251 |
.995 |
31-35 years |
20-25 years |
-2.61667 |
5.28126 |
.996 |
26-30 years |
5.60965 |
3.65850 |
.643 |
36-40 years |
-5.57381 |
3.71869 |
.666 |
41-45 years |
3.14216 |
4.44801 |
.981 |
46-50 years |
3.55702 |
4.30880 |
.962 |
36-40 years |
20-25 years |
2.95714 |
5.03126 |
.992 |
26-30 years |
11.18346* |
3.28730 |
.011 |
31-35 years |
5.57381 |
3.71869 |
.666 |
41-45 years |
8.71597 |
4.14808 |
.293 |
46-50 years |
9.13083 |
3.99844 |
.208 |
41-45 years |
20-25 years |
-5.75882 |
5.59193 |
.907 |
26-30 years |
2.46749 |
4.09420 |
.991 |
31-35 years |
-3.14216 |
4.44801 |
.981 |
36-40 years |
-8.71597 |
4.14808 |
.293 |
46-50 years |
.41486 |
4.68440 |
1.000 |
46-50 years |
20-25 years |
-6.17368 |
5.48184 |
.870 |
26-30 years |
2.05263 |
3.94251 |
.995 |
31-35 years |
-3.55702 |
4.30880 |
.962 |
36-40 years |
-9.13083 |
3.99844 |
.208 |
41-45 years |
-.41486 |
4.68440 |
1.000 |
In above table 6(a),
post hoc (Tukey) results were indicated that mean differences among employees’
perceptions having age group 26-30 years were significantly different with the
employees having age group of 36-40 years at p?0.05 level of significance in
terms of their age.
Table 7. Experience Wise Comparison of Employees’ Perceptions about
Effectiveness of Diploma of Associate Engineers (DAE) Program
Variables |
of Square |
Square |
df |
F |
Sig. |
Curriculum |
61.933 1557.885 1619.818 |
12.387 11.371 |
5 137 142 |
1.089 |
0.369 |
Facilities at Job Place |
535.234 6974.472 7509.706 |
107.047 50.909 |
5 137 142 |
2.103 |
0.069 |
Facilities |
531.138 5030.611 5561.748 |
106.228 36.720 |
5 137 142 |
2.893 |
0.016 |
and Evaluation |
25.537 473.078 498.615 |
5.107 3.453 |
5 137 142 |
1.479 |
0.201 |
Factors |
81.091 898.727 979.818 |
16.218 6.560 |
5 137 142 |
2.472 |
0.035 |
In above table 7,
the employees’ perceptions about the effectiveness of the DAE program based on
five factors at the workplace were compared by applying One-way ANOVA in terms
of their experience. Findings revealed that a significant difference between
employees’ perceptions regarding administrative facilities and social factors
was found at a p?0.05 level of significance in terms of their experience. On
the other hand, employees have no significant difference about DAE curriculum,
physical facilities, assessment and evaluation system and effect of social
factors in the organizations they were working at p?0.05 level of significance
in terms of their experience.
The study was aimed to investigate the effectiveness of the Diploma of Associate Engineers (DAE) Program based on five factors (DAE curriculum, physical facilities, administrative facilities, assessment and evaluation system and social factors). Findings of the study revealed that employees at the workplace were satisfied with the curriculum taught to DAE graduates, where the curriculum is enough to make them knowledgeable and skill-oriented. Employees at the workplace also agreed that they were provided with facilities, for example, infrastructure, laboratories, transportation, fir-fighting, residence, and equipped workshops at the workplace. On the other hand, employees were satisfied regarding administrative facilities (resource utilization, technology support, and provision of skilled employers). Employees, on the other hand, were not much satisfied with their assessment and evaluation system included compensations, promotions, opportunities for foreign training, and a professional development system at the workplace. It is further concluded that employees were not very satisfied with the feedback and assessment system at the workplace. Developing countries, including Pakistan, are relying on the development of skilled workers to contribute to their economy (Tilak, 2003). Pakistan needs to prepare a class of workers who are high-level skilled and proficient in modern technology (Amjad, Haque, & Colclough, 2005). Findings further indicated that employees belong to rural and urban areas have significant differences in perceptions regarding the effectiveness of Diploma of Associate Engineers (DAE), including curriculum, physical facilities, administrative facilities, and social factors as compared to assessment and evaluation systems in organizations. Moreover, employees working in public and private sectors have differences of perceptions regarding DAE curriculum, physical facilities, administrative facilities and social factors as compared to the assessment system at the job place. It was further indicated that civil, mechanical and electrical engineers have differences of perceptions regarding physical facilities, administrative facilities, and social factors affecting them at the workplace. However, they were not satisfied with the assessment and evaluation system at the workplace. It was further revealed that age-wise differences of opinion were found among employees regarding physical facilities and social factors, but employees have no significant difference about DAE curriculum, assessment and evaluation system and effect of social factors in the organizations they were working in terms of their age. Employees’ perceptions regarding their experience were found to be significant about administrative facilities and social factors as compared to DAE curriculum, assessment and evaluation system and effect of social factors in the organizations they were working. It was found in the literature that the employability of TVET graduates, employers in Nigeria believed that TVET graduates are not well prepared to enter the competitive workplace and do not possess technical skills in their areas of specialization (Bappah & Medugu, 2013).
It is concluded that employees were satisfied with the DAE curriculum, physical facilities, and administrative facilities at their workplace. On the other hand, employees were not very satisfied with their assessment and evaluation systems and social factors affecting their workplaces. A significant mean difference was found in employees’ perceptions regarding the effectiveness of (DAE) program regarding their locale, job type, and trade. Employees’ perceptions regarding their experience were found to be significant about administrative facilities and social factors as compared to DAE curriculum, assessment and evaluation system and effect of social factors in the organizations they were working. It was further revealed that age-wise differences of opinion were found among employees regarding physical facilities and social factors, but employees have no significant difference about DAE curriculum, assessment and evaluation system and effect of social factors in the organizations they were working in terms of their age.
It is concluded that employees were satisfied with the DAE curriculum, physical facilities, and administrative facilities at their workplace. On the other hand, employees were not very satisfied with their assessment and evaluation systems and social factors affecting their workplaces. A significant mean difference was found in employees’ perceptions regarding the effectiveness of (DAE) program regarding their locale, job type, and trade. Employees’ perceptions regarding their experience were found to be significant about administrative facilities and social factors as compared to DAE curriculum, assessment and evaluation system and effect of social factors in the organizations they were working. It was further revealed that age-wise differences of opinion were found among employees regarding physical facilities and social factors, but employees have no significant difference about DAE curriculum, assessment and evaluation system and effect of social factors in the organizations they were working in terms of their age.
Following are the recommendations of the study.
1. Curriculum planners and implementers should enhance skill development strategies.
2. It is recommended to hire teaching faculty who have knowledge and skills to train DAE graduates according to the industry demand.
3. Laboratories should be well equipped with apparatus to develop skills among DAE graduates.
4. It is recommended to provide On Job Training (OJT) to DAE graduates to improve the organization’s standard.
5. It is recommended that government may create job opportunities and ensure job securities for DAE graduates in Punjab.
6. It is further recommended that employees’ promotion criteria should be defined for DAE graduates at the workplace.
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Cite this article
APA : Gull, M., & Ch., A. H. (2021). Effectiveness of Diploma of Associate Engineers (DAE) Program Working Under TEVTA in Punjab. Global Educational Studies Review, VI(II), 74-82. https://doi.org/10.31703/gesr.2021(VI-II).07
CHICAGO : Gull, Mehwish, and Abid Hussain Ch.. 2021. "Effectiveness of Diploma of Associate Engineers (DAE) Program Working Under TEVTA in Punjab." Global Educational Studies Review, VI (II): 74-82 doi: 10.31703/gesr.2021(VI-II).07
HARVARD : GULL, M. & CH., A. H. 2021. Effectiveness of Diploma of Associate Engineers (DAE) Program Working Under TEVTA in Punjab. Global Educational Studies Review, VI, 74-82.
MHRA : Gull, Mehwish, and Abid Hussain Ch.. 2021. "Effectiveness of Diploma of Associate Engineers (DAE) Program Working Under TEVTA in Punjab." Global Educational Studies Review, VI: 74-82
MLA : Gull, Mehwish, and Abid Hussain Ch.. "Effectiveness of Diploma of Associate Engineers (DAE) Program Working Under TEVTA in Punjab." Global Educational Studies Review, VI.II (2021): 74-82 Print.
OXFORD : Gull, Mehwish and Ch., Abid Hussain (2021), "Effectiveness of Diploma of Associate Engineers (DAE) Program Working Under TEVTA in Punjab", Global Educational Studies Review, VI (II), 74-82
TURABIAN : Gull, Mehwish, and Abid Hussain Ch.. "Effectiveness of Diploma of Associate Engineers (DAE) Program Working Under TEVTA in Punjab." Global Educational Studies Review VI, no. II (2021): 74-82. https://doi.org/10.31703/gesr.2021(VI-II).07