The major driver of the phenomenology research was to explore the lived experiences of school heads about the School Leadership Development Programme (SLDP) in improved practices of leadership in terms of knowledge, skills, and attitudes in public sector schools of Punjab. The sample of the study was based on the geographical distribution of the province of Punjab i.e., central, southern and northern. The seven districts were taken, and 14 SHs were selected through purposive sampling. The in-depth semi-structured interviews were conducted after the prior consent of the participants. The instruments were self-developed and validated from five experts along with Mock interview practice. The researcher collected the data personally, and thematic analysis was employed to analyze the data. The findings revealed that SLDP is inseparable in the development of improved practices of SHs. It was strongly recommended to continue the SLDP encased with certain paraphernalia to get better results in the future.
Key Words
School Leadership Development Programme, Effective, School Heads
School Leadership Development Programme (SLDP) was offered to School Heads (SHS) in public sector schools across Punjab. The modus operandi of SLDP comprised of soft skills and technical skills includes enhancing knowledge, developing skills, and attitudinal development of SHs for improved practices of leadership. The distinct features of the SLDP network consist of ensuring technical skills and soft skills:
• Technical skills involve Training Need Analysis (TNA) and are employed in rendering tasks and duties associated with the description of job under management and administration.
• Soft skills contain effective leadership skills, presentation skills, practical communication skills, motivation, behavior change, and social cohesion.
The school leadership development is well-recognized and considered central for maintaining the school effectively. At the same time coordinating with the personnel during the process of improvement in developing internal climate, accelerating professionalism upheld the responsible attitude and school culture conducive to cooperation (Walker et al., 2007). The SHS actions and activities are dominant in school culture, climate and morale. Though, the literature on how in what ways positive school climate and culture can be achieved (Morris et al., 2019). Around the globe, nations are spending and investing substantial amounts in the context of leadership development for the reason that they consider that it will transform and yield better leaders and more effective school organizations (Bush, 2009).
The effectiveness of leadership is emergent in improved practice globally, and nations are in the thrust to get the best in order to get highly managed school dispensation. In Pakistan, the SHs are involved in various tasks fulfillments, i.e., administrative, financial, and academic, but the predominance of SHs are unaware of accomplishing it efficiently and effectively. Therefore it is a prerequisite to engage them in professional development programs to ensure an increase in competencies and skills. Therefore private and public sectors are engaged in effective school leadership through efficacious skill management. Such capacity-building programs enhance the potentialities of SHs and mark schools as "leadful” that expands capacities (Memon, 2003).
The thinking behind SLDP is to adopt and adapt and to the vivacious global vision and fluctuating scenario. The main persistence of SLDP was to develop the efficient and effective leadership empowered in terms of knowledge, skills, and selective 'leadership behaviors' confirming optimum effectiveness in the school dispensation and releasing of duties prosperously. To impart this doctrine, special content in the form of modules was developed to grip the core skills by imparting the certain identification of managerial and administrative areas and capacities. The study focused on the effectiveness of SLDP, while the effectiveness denotes the degree to which something is prosperous and successful in creating an anticipated result; success.
This Phenomenological study reconnoitered to what extent the SLDP acquires success and to what level the anticipated objectives were achieved? It further discovered the measures that might be taken to expand its modus operandi, implementation, and future orientation. The SH played a crucial role in keeping in view the diversified nature of responsibilities and duties. This is well established the fact that knowledge and skills are directly linked with leadership. Hereby, SLDP predominantly in the development of educational leadership spheres are conducted and steered; however, most organizations never really know about the success of their struggles, whether effective or not? Consequently, it is indispensable to understand the complete effort at the beginning to recognize and anticipate future milestones without wastage of efforts and resources and time. The leadership effectiveness topics reflect an envisioned leader and process of refining the skills of an educational leader through SLDP:
Figure 1
SLDP Context for Improved Leadership Practices of School Heads (Source: Author)
Objectives of the Research Study
The objectives of the study were to:
1. Explore the experiences of school-heads after experience of SLDP about its effectiveness in improved leadership development in terms of knowledge, skills, and attitudinal changes
2. Review the dimensions of SLDP training modules in terms of knowledge, skills, and attitudinal developments of school heads
3. Document Analysis of the SLDP modules in terms of knowledge, skills, and attitudinal developments of school leadership
Review of Related Literature
An effective school principal necessarily requires prioritizing their own professional development as a well-recognized element to impart an insight necessarily important to execute their complex roles as a SH (Goss, 2015). It is a prerequisite to developing the capacities of school principals to improve teaching practices and lead changes because only effective and skillful leadership can ensure the completion of school goals. Principals must possess the skills to manage organizational change and the capability to have a transparent vision to lead change (Zbar, 2013).
Surji (2015) has revealed that leadership is a mode in which an individual influences on the conduct, attitudes, and thoughts of other people. Leaders instituted a course for a team to motivate and inspire people and assist people in looking forward. An individual group can easily be engaged in a conflict without leadership because every individual has their own unique perspective to settle diverse ways out. Leadership guides us towards a similar track that connects our energies and potentials collectively. Leading people for doing something substantial is called leadership that is not possible without a leader. It is an act of generating passion among people to attain a definite goal. The imprint of leadership denotes an efficacious leader who motivates individuals to generate an image of the future. A leader encourages and moves people, managing the transmission of vision, building a team for vision achievement. Morrison (1998) has enunciated the key features of effective school leadership are creativeness, compassion, vision, and subsidiarity. Morrison (1998) also underscored the five main jobs of leaders in educational intuitions areas setting goals, leading through instances, assisting and respecting the colleagues, creating and sustaining the school culture, interpreting and arranging a mission and vision statement and accomplishment. An active leader comprehends that leaders live, inspire, lead and motivate other people, and their assistance makes people successful (Mckee, 2016). Rizvi (2008) has endorsed that openings of training may contribute to better management in Pakistan to comprehend the process of teaching and learning improvement. Inauspiciously, in our context, there are not many opportunities to principals to receive professional development. It is a prerequisite to provide clarity to head-teachers and teachers about their duties and job description (Khan, 2012).
Research Methodology
The research was qualitative and phenomenology that describes in excellence the experiences of individuals in-depth about the phenomenon. Phenomenology is an interpretive research methodology intended to apprehend the gist of the lived experiences about any perceived phenomenon by the participants (McMillian, 2004). To comprehend the phenomenon, 14 secondary/higher secondary SHs were selected through purposive sampling as a sample based on the geographical distribution of the province of Punjab, i.e., central, southern and northern. It is shown as; Central Punjab: Kasur, Jhang, Gujranwala Southern Punjab: Multan, Bahawalpur and Northern Punjab: Jhelum, Rawalpindi.
The selection of schools from each district was one boy, and one girl's school total of 14 schools. The population of the study was SHs experienced SLDP training across Punjab in general. The 15 thousand SHs from elementary to high/higher secondary school heads experienced the SLDP in terms of knowledge, skills, and attitudinal changes. The researcher delimited the study to the higher/higher secondary level focusing on the target population, inclining to accessible population pave the way towards large study accessible to the researcher for qualitative sampling and generalizing the results of the study. This process also saved time, implications of data quality and permitted the researcher to be aware of the characteristics of the study population.
Research Tool
The self-developed semi-structured in-depth interview protocol was employed by the researcher. The interview protocol consisted of two parts, i.e., the first part was based upon demographics of the participants while the second part based on five questions, and under each question, further probing questions were posed in order to explore the phenomenon in depth. The first query unfolded the nature of SLDP and its impact in terms of knowledge, skills, and attitudinal changes in improved leadership practices, second explored the value of SLDP. Implementations and staff appreciation keeping in view the implementations, third discovered about the relevancy of the modules; expertise of Master Trainers (MTs); deficiency in modules, pedagogy and activities and follow up, etc.; the fourth exposed the what effectiveness and beneficial aspects of SLDP in school dispensation and the fifth asked for the suggestions and essentialities of SLDP in an improved leadership context.
Validity and Reliability of the Instrument
The researcher prepared the instrument by herself after reviewing the filed related literature, specifically in the perspective of school leadership development and related modules and documents, etc. The instrument was validated by five experts in the field comprising two faculty members of IER, University of Punjab, and a principal while a Mock interview practice was conducted from SH to endorse the validity and refinement of the instrument. The research ethics were the prior concern of the research and carried out up to the hilt throughout the research. The prior consent of the participants was fortified, and confidentiality and anonymity were observed at all phases of research. The trustworthiness of the research was upheld.
Data Collection and Analysis
The research
personally collected the data online under prevailed situation of COVID-19. The document analysis of the modules
was also established in order to get proper comprehension of the phenomena.
The modules were analyzed keeping
in view the context of SLDP perspectives, i.e., skills, knowledge, and
attitudinal changes delineating expertise and transformation i.e., students'
voice, students leadership, distributed leadership, developing staff,
well-being, leading on happiness, the power of coaching, protecting child,
facilitation, and support, PEEDA,
organizing co-curricular activities, PPRA and other modules casing earlier
mentioned skills to check the alignment with reference to knowledge, skills, and attitudes to explore
the endeavor in a planned mode. The data
was analyzed by employing thematic analysis after comprehending, synthesizing,
theorizing, and reconstextulizing the qualitative collected data through the
rigorous procedure of coding and memoing. The modules were reviewed for proper
comprehension of the modules.
Table 1. School-Heads
Demographics of Interview Data Analysis: (Government Male and Female High/ higher Secondary Schools
S. No |
Districts |
Govt.High /Higher Secondary Schools
of Punjab (Male Participants) |
S. No
Govt. Girls high/Higher Secondary Schools of Punjab
(Female Participants) |
Q |
PC |
D |
E |
Age |
Q |
PC |
D |
YE |
Age |
1. |
Bahawalpur |
Ed. MS.
Math M.Ed. |
P1 |
Prin. |
13 |
Phy. M.Ed. |
P2 |
HM |
35 |
2. |
Multan |
M.Phil. Eng. M.Ed. |
P3 |
HM |
05 |
9. |
Eng. B.Ed. |
P4 |
Sr. HM |
37 |
3. |
Kasur |
MSc Psy. M.Ed. |
P5 |
Prin. |
10 |
54 |
Chem. M.Ed. |
P6 |
Sr. HM |
45 |
4. |
Jan |
MSc (Geo) B. Ed, |
P7 |
Prin. |
32 |
58 |
Zool. M.Ed. |
P8 |
Prin. |
51 |
5. |
Gujranwala |
Phil (Urdu) M.Ed. |
P9 |
HM |
03 |
40 |
Bot. M.Ed. |
P10 |
Sr. HM |
49 |
6. |
Rawalpindi |
Phy; M.Ed. |
P11 |
Prin. |
27 |
52 |
His. M.A.
Pol.Sc M.Ed. |
P12 |
Sr. HM |
47 |
7. |
Jhelum |
M.Phil. Maths M.Ed. |
P13 |
HM |
05 |
42 |
Eng. M.Ed. |
P14 |
Sr. HM |
49 |
T |
07 |
07 |
_ |
_ |
07 |
_ |
_ |
Note. SN=Serial no; Q=Qualification; PC=Participant code;
D=Designation; YE=Years of Experience; Psy.=Psychology; Geo= Geology; Phy=Physics;
Eng.=English; Chem.= Chemistry; Zool=Zoology; Pol.Sc=Political sciences;EY=Ye
Prin= Principal; HM= Headmaster/headmistress; SHM= Senior
Figure 2
Themes of School Heads Data Analysis
Findings of SHs
The SHs acknowledged and approved the constructive role of SLDP in terms of knowledge, skills, and attitudinal changes in leadership improved practices. In comparison, not even a single participant negated this notion. The SLDP played a key role in developing skills, communication, developing professional attitude, and effectively dealing with financial management. The emergent concept of child protection envisioned the SHS about the unevenness of evils. The title of child protection and stress management were esteemed and articulated that these areas were not even included in induction training.
The association, coordination within blended classes of SLDP promoted many opportunities to grow and learn for SHs.
SHs enunciated their perceptions about the modules and at a concomitantly unfolded range of issues faced by SHs under prevailed situations. The SLDP modules were devised for idealistic situations, but the actualities of matters is quite different for idealistic situations. The modules were developed effectively, but implementations under prevailed situations due to the reasons that impeded its effectiveness at the larger scale. The shortage of non-teaching staff, no sanctioned seat of sweeper, vacant seat of the clerk, and superfluous work tasks are barriers that somehow affects the proper and efficacious implementations of SLDP in letter and spirit. The SHs are trapped in unnecessary assignments and waste the entire day in compilation of financial matters and record keeping. Such state of affairs prevails for years and not a matter of few days; in fact, looks busy in the hectic mode of work and doing nothing fruitful. The colossal triumph of SLDP is mired by unjustified work, and bigoted practices have damaged the teaching and learning endeavor. It was interrogated that the practices such as updating activities of anti-dengue even on Eid Day are educational pursuit?. The conduct of some school teachers is not well in maintaining discipline and processing school work as SIS (School Information System) has added more nuisance in this matter. Now SH is compelled to sanction casual leave because if SH refuses to approve it, the bar of proof is put on the SH to justify non-acceptance of casual leave and why leave is in pending status?. The school staff applies for leave without prior intimation, and SH knows that four staff members are on casual leave as applied on SIS; such kinds of situations put proper implementations in jeopardize.
Thus it is a pressing need of time to eliminate such obstacles that are threats on the road to effective and efficacious leadership practices. The background of developed and developing society is drastically different from one another, and the our society and foreign set-up is mismatched more alluring and less productive.
The SLDP played its role fullest in showing vision and mission inculcation realizing to SHs about the spirit of their job and task.
As a matter of fact SLDP initiative has inculcated and indoctrinated the newfangled information, skills, and attitudes to SHs and revitalized the old. It assisted in all capacities of headship from financial record management, effective communication, conclusive leadership, building teams, elevated academics, core skills, and students' voice aspect. SLDP inspired SHs and facilitated them in accomplishing ISA award even with minimal support and fewer budgets through team building successfully. The dissemination of values and ethics and child protection awareness is an amazing aspect of SLDP that was obscure. The domain of attitude emerged as a core and central point that realized the importance of SLDP. The reference of a statement is worth mentioning that "SHs should never lose and never lose integrity and do with the finest that recognizes your haters to rectitude."
The term "team-building" was a milestone effort of efficacious and effective leadership that purported SLDP aimed at developing teams to assure improvement. A stereotype prevailed that a school headship is a "one-man show," but with the advent of SLDP, a new dogma of team building and mutual interaction was instilled in the smooth and successful running of a school enterprise. SLDP diffused that school is a joint venture of students, staff, and community and led by all stake-holders and removed the misconception of sole dispensation.
SLDP has furnished a platform to the SHs for interacting and moving forward, simultaneously refreshing the learning in an amusing way. The topic "leadership styles" realized the SHS to adapt and adopt in accordance with the situations demanded aptly.
The multi brains sitting under one roof from the same background enhanced the potentialities and added up enriched diversifying dispensational aspects. Even the SHs trickled down the learned knowledge, skills, and attitudes to their staff members that helped in initiating a new era of improvement by breaking barriers.
The enormous benefits were grasped and earned from SLDP and strived for the best implementations. The salient labels that are worth cherishing are child protection, stress management, rules and regulations, effective communication, team building, mutual interaction, motivation, effective organizational climate and culture, dissemination of values and ethics, character building, coordination, critical thinking, value culture, PEEDA, PPRA, uplift of teaching and learning and many more. The tedious environment was shattered with the advancement of SLDP that enriched SHs with politeness, good environment, organizational well-being, patience, diversified leadership styles, financial matters management, increasing enrollment, achieving UPE/USE targets, leave rules, and polished SHs with technical and soft skills prerequisite to be an effective school leader.
The emergent merit of SLDP worth sharing is to develop a "sense of responsibility" that sprouted sincerity leading towards changing with positivity. The most central idea offshoot of SLDP was to trickle down the learning to the staff members adding vigor to enforcement and implementations.
There are various corners of learning that were appreciated and valued by staff members, specifically child-friendly controlled environment, anti-narcotics, child protection, academic uplift, and parent-teacher meetings, etc.
Here it is worth mentioning the developed foreign nations have huge resources and lot of amenities, but in our system, there is a scarcity of resources. Therefore there is an urgent need to induct own culture and set-up in SLDP learning. It was further recommended that the experts from the particular field or professions must be engaged to transmit knowledge, skills, and attitudes s to trainees.
The mode of TNA (Training Need Analysis) exposed the opportunities of prerequisites to the SHS unanimously. SLDP provided SHs best at all levels and developed the already developed ones at marginal level of expertise towards excellence and improvement. The ISA (International School Award) won by SHs was an offshoot of SLDP because it was the matter of motivation and struggle that was extracted from SLDP to show dedication and diligence.
The continuity of SLDP was strongly demanded by declaring it an essential part of improved leadership practice. The school running once considered an aloof responsibility of SH, but it was demanded to initiate SLDP again and add one or two school teachers. Because the participation of teachers will assure better effectiveness and strengthen SLDP efficacy in order to establish resultant implementations, the staff amalgamation in this program will enhance the efficacy of SLDP as it will ensure the rest of the staff participation.
The duration of SLDP needs to be reviewed because some of the MTs just dragged the sessions in order to kill the time that is of no use. The emergent orifices during the course of collected data may unfold new dimensions to resolve and speed up the effectiveness of SLDP and educational endeavor.
The follow-up of SLDP is strongly recommended, and it is uttered "without follow-up is as "swim or sink" therefore never let the swimmer to sink".
The status of the following stated the central and pivotal to seek insight of SLDP in order to modify and remedial work. The thought provoking orientation was suggested that the follow-up must be healthy and supportive rather than devastating and destructing. The situation in our system is different as in our set-up, the follow-up is used to punish the SHs, and such kind of follow-up is a dirty practice. The example of PEC (Punjab Examination System) was extended that in 2006 that the PEC has to support the system and learning, but the PEC follow-up was used to destruct the system. The PEC was declared a dirty practice because it was based to threat and punishing the people therefore, SLDP follow up must be based upon healthy grounds, and the purpose must be provision of the system to uplift the system and effectiveness. The result of PEC followed up to put the system in hazard and promoted cheating that went deep into the roots to destruct the system. Therefore it is a high time for policymakers to think and rethink about the system of SLDP follow-up and other areas and rely on support rather than punishment. The follow up that offered punishment is rejected out rightly and consider appreciation and rewards to make the system refined and productive in actual means. The healthy follow up will encourage the resultant conduct of SLDP to increase its effectiveness and efficacy.
The SLDP learning was shared with the staff members by the SHs, and team making was a much liked and appreciated corner of SLDP. The induction of success stories of schools and SHs must be included to motivate the trainees.
The District QAEDs has poor infrastructure and insufficient amenities and facilities tin accommodation and provision of favorable conditions and environment; therefore, it is a prerequisite to uplift the district QAEDs in order to make good conduct of SLSDP and effective results.
The researcher has employed phenomenology that is best suitable to deal with the experiences of individuals. The effectiveness of SLDP in school leadership development and improved practices of SHs with reference to knowledge, skills, and attitudes is indispensable, effective, and cohesive. The participants recognized SLDP and unfolded novel horizon in a manner that played a key role in filling the research gap in this orientation because this field is lacking in attention, and not much work has been initiated in this regard. In a nutshell the improved leadership practices are obscured in SLDP. It is revealed that continuous learning and progress of school-heads is considerably vital for application of policies, learning of teachers, students and developing cooperative and sound school environment (Rowland, 2017).
The drive of the researcher was to seek the perceptions of the SHs about the SLDP experience enclosed diverse aspects of SLDP to pen down the real picture of these experiences. The radical zeal was involved to SLDP aiming at learning, relearning, growing, getting enriched, and unfolding the actual prosperity of educational institutions. Eventually, the interlinked prosperity of SLDP is interlinked with all society and stakeholders and for upcoming generations virtuously in vernacular and native perspective. The massive and enormous sustenance was voiced and established that integration of SLDP with improved practices of leadership is deep-rooted and inseparable.
The first objective of the study was to explore the perceptions of SHs about the effectiveness of SLDP in leadership development with reference to knowledge, skills, and attitudinal changes of school-heads. The SHs come up with comprehensibly and comprehensively. The investigation about pieces of training' indispensible role in developing school leaders; the answer definitely is “yes”. (Bush 2009). The enorm The massive appreciation and effectiveness was emerged in improved leadership practices of SHs in terms of knowledge, skills, and attitudes changes. Skills are prerequisites for principals to manage and accomplish organizational change, and the capability to have a clear vision to introduce change (Zbar, 2013).
The immense effectiveness and appreciation appeared in SHs' improved practices of leadership in terms of knowledge, skills, and attitudes changes. The vital aspects of managing the organizational change are skills and the competence to have a transparent vision introducing change (Zbar, 2013). Goss (2015) emphasized the need to grow the capacities of SHs to lead change, and only skillful, competent, and effective leaders can assure the accomplishment of school goals. The effectiveness of SLDP in developing SHs is outstandingly, and no other remark in negation. The complete realm of school was conversed comprising management of finance, dispersal of responsibilities and roles, building teams, effective communication and voice of students, safety and child protection, expansion of absolute professional attitudes, cooperation, coordination, and effective achievements of success. There was not even a single side of headship and leadership that has not earned effectiveness and prosperity from SLDP. The ISA award distinction was named after SLDP, and further endless achievement are off shoot of SLDP. The orifice emerged that SHs are overpowered with undue burdens of undue tasks and responsibilities that are impeded the quality education and proper implementations of SLDP.
The second objective was to review the dimensions of SLDP training modules in terms of knowledge, skills, and attitudinal developments of school heads revealed that SLDP must be continued consistently and with a proper follow-up plan. The follow-up must be based upon healthy dealings and incentives rather than punishment promotion. It is recognized that adept professional development is an offshoot of constant processing involves proper time, follow-up, assistance and practice, and training (Scheicher, 2016). The thought provoking sharings were imparted that in 2006 PEC punished the SHs on poor performance even though the objective of PEC was to support after following up but as a result, deep-rooted cheating malady emerged and spread. This indicated the insecurities, uncertainties, and rethinking and reviewing the policies by the think tanks for smooth functioning and more better results. Gamage (2004) stated that the recent in-service programs of training need to be rearranged and replant in an extensive and consistent manner. The SHs uttered that modules were comprehensive and well-developed, but the examples in modules were mismatched with the culture of Pakistan. Therefore the examples from Pakistan and culture relevancy must be added. The MTs need to be trained expertly because there was a vacuum need to be filled in. The Master Trainers needs to employ practical mode of delivery rather than theoretical as MTs emphasized more on the theoretical mode of delivery.
The third objective was to document analysis of the SLDP modules in terms of knowledge, skills and attitudinal developments of school leadership revealed that data set declared modules well-development. At the same time, the examples and absence of Islamic aspect were critique and urged to keep in view while initiating again. Further, the MTs role must be come up with more refinement and expertness to move progressively.
The wide-ranging and all-encompassing SLDP effectiveness emerges and massive acknowledgment and appreciation recognize by SHs. The irrefutable gear up of SLDP played a key role in cultivating the skills, knowledge, and attitudes among SHs that created ways out by removing the disheveled state of affairs. The empowerment of SLDP enriched the SHs technical and soft skills in three realms of knowledge, skills and attitudes. It encompasses identification of vision to reach the destination embraces budget management, rules and regulations includes PPRA; PEEDA etc., building teams, office management, problem solving skills, strengthen communication, polishing the ability of critical thinking, vital decision making, engaging community, enhanced teaching and learning, effective organizational climate, character building, advancement of ethics, core leaders skills, child protection, anti-narcotics and accelerating uplifting of school by manipulating all resources and strategies in terms of knowledge, skills, and attitudes. The high pedestal of achievement disseminate is to progress with confidence and to remove all fears and stereotypes that impede progress. The financial matters maintenance imparted strength to SHs by reshaping their headship and smashing the boring, stagnant routine by encouraging and envisioning SHs at improved knowledge. skills and attitudinal levels.
Previously this incompetence in handling the financial matters often leads SHs at stake by putting burdens of unknown fears. The ISA award was integrated with the SLDP imparted knowledge, skills, and attitudinal strengths that encouraged the SHs to move on and win the milestone distinction. The SLDP transformed the educational institutes towards betterment and prosperity.
In a nutshell, extensive effectiveness emerged, and it could have been many times more effective if certain assorted and integrated paraphernalia were sought out. The continuity of SLDP was strongly demand, but certain demands were extended in order to get resultant results in the future.
The orifice that emerged during the study is to lesser the futile burdens from the SHs and increase the implementations of SLDP towards up to the hilt effectiveness and efficacy. The sole responsibility of SHs to assign must be the teaching and learning and remove all other irrelevant tasks of SHs that impede effective implementations. The mutual interaction enhances the learning of SLDP and provides on the spot feedback and growth on different issues of educational dispensation. The SLDP realizes the SHs to develop teams in order to achieve their goals because it is not possible all alone. The SHs trickled down the SLDP learning to their staff members and transferred the knowledge across the school organization. The continuity of SLDP was demanded, and refinement of assorted paraphernalia was uttered to get fullest benefit out of SLDP such as follow up, expertise of MTs, adding cultural examples in modules, and proper arrangement of SLDP is prerequisite. The training time and aspects of discipline need to be checked for proper conduct and learning. The accommodation of district QAEDs requires proper facilities for proper SLDP conduct and accelerating learning.
The document analysis revealed that the modules were well-explained, well-developed in terms of content and context of the SLDP with reference to knowledge, skills, and attitudes. The impactful nature of the modules was appreciated by the trainees, but the way of module deliverance requires capability, expertise and proficiency, and appropriate time management. The one aspect of the modules was questioned by the participants as the native culture, and Islamic ideology must be a part of the modules. The modules were well-developed, keeping in view the foreign set-up contains ideal situations while the ground reality of our system is far different.
The recommendations are as follows.
• SLDP continuity is prerequisite for capacity building of SHs and empowering them.
• The MTs need to get proper training and expertise for proper delivery and endorsed learning.
• The additional and irrelevant tasks of SHs must be removed such as that are creating barrier ineffective implementations to get the fullest benefits out of SLDP.
• The directives by the authorities need to be implemented in order to enforce disciplined mode of SLDP conduct by the trainees.
• The modules must include examples from our background and module delivery must follow practical mode of instruction.
• The district QAEDs needs to provide proper facilitation and accommodation to the trainees during the conduct of SLDP.
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Cite this article
APA : Saleem, S., & Saeed, M. (2021). A Phenomenological Exploration of School Leadership Development Programme: Improved Practices of School Leaders a Breakthrough Triumph in the Province of Punjab. Global Educational Studies Review, VI(IV), 81-90. https://doi.org/10.31703/gesr.2021(VI-IV).09
CHICAGO : Saleem, Samia, and Muhammad Saeed. 2021. "A Phenomenological Exploration of School Leadership Development Programme: Improved Practices of School Leaders a Breakthrough Triumph in the Province of Punjab." Global Educational Studies Review, VI (IV): 81-90 doi: 10.31703/gesr.2021(VI-IV).09
HARVARD : SALEEM, S. & SAEED, M. 2021. A Phenomenological Exploration of School Leadership Development Programme: Improved Practices of School Leaders a Breakthrough Triumph in the Province of Punjab. Global Educational Studies Review, VI, 81-90.
MHRA : Saleem, Samia, and Muhammad Saeed. 2021. "A Phenomenological Exploration of School Leadership Development Programme: Improved Practices of School Leaders a Breakthrough Triumph in the Province of Punjab." Global Educational Studies Review, VI: 81-90
MLA : Saleem, Samia, and Muhammad Saeed. "A Phenomenological Exploration of School Leadership Development Programme: Improved Practices of School Leaders a Breakthrough Triumph in the Province of Punjab." Global Educational Studies Review, VI.IV (2021): 81-90 Print.
OXFORD : Saleem, Samia and Saeed, Muhammad (2021), "A Phenomenological Exploration of School Leadership Development Programme: Improved Practices of School Leaders a Breakthrough Triumph in the Province of Punjab", Global Educational Studies Review, VI (IV), 81-90
TURABIAN : Saleem, Samia, and Muhammad Saeed. "A Phenomenological Exploration of School Leadership Development Programme: Improved Practices of School Leaders a Breakthrough Triumph in the Province of Punjab." Global Educational Studies Review VI, no. IV (2021): 81-90. https://doi.org/10.31703/gesr.2021(VI-IV).09