Authored by : Shamas Suleman Arshad , Sher Zaman

36 Pages : 373-381


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    CHICAGO : Arshad, Shamas Suleman, and Sher Zaman. 2022. "Assessment of Followership Styles Among Teachers Teaching in High Schools." Global Educational Studies Review, VII (I): 373-381 doi: 10.31703/gesr.2022(VII-I).36
    HARVARD : ARSHAD, S. S. & ZAMAN, S. 2022. Assessment of Followership Styles Among Teachers Teaching in High Schools. Global Educational Studies Review, VII, 373-381.
    MHRA : Arshad, Shamas Suleman, and Sher Zaman. 2022. "Assessment of Followership Styles Among Teachers Teaching in High Schools." Global Educational Studies Review, VII: 373-381
    MLA : Arshad, Shamas Suleman, and Sher Zaman. "Assessment of Followership Styles Among Teachers Teaching in High Schools." Global Educational Studies Review, VII.I (2022): 373-381 Print.
    OXFORD : Arshad, Shamas Suleman and Zaman, Sher (2022), "Assessment of Followership Styles Among Teachers Teaching in High Schools", Global Educational Studies Review, VII (I), 373-381
    TURABIAN : Arshad, Shamas Suleman, and Sher Zaman. "Assessment of Followership Styles Among Teachers Teaching in High Schools." Global Educational Studies Review VII, no. I (2022): 373-381.