BACK TO SCHOOL AFTER PHD EXPLORING TEACHERS WORK EXPERIENCES      10.31703/gesr.2021(VI-I).08      Published : Mar 2021
Authored by : Muhammad Saqib , Syed Abdul Waheed , Nadia Gilani

08 Pages : 78-85


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    CHICAGO : Saqib, Muhammad, Syed Abdul Waheed, and Nadia Gilani. 2021. "'Back to School after PhD': Exploring Teachers' Work Experiences." Global Educational Studies Review, VI (I): 78-85 doi: 10.31703/gesr.2021(VI-I).08
    HARVARD : SAQIB, M., WAHEED, S. A. & GILANI, N. 2021. 'Back to School after PhD': Exploring Teachers' Work Experiences. Global Educational Studies Review, VI, 78-85.
    MHRA : Saqib, Muhammad, Syed Abdul Waheed, and Nadia Gilani. 2021. "'Back to School after PhD': Exploring Teachers' Work Experiences." Global Educational Studies Review, VI: 78-85
    MLA : Saqib, Muhammad, Syed Abdul Waheed, and Nadia Gilani. "'Back to School after PhD': Exploring Teachers' Work Experiences." Global Educational Studies Review, VI.I (2021): 78-85 Print.
    OXFORD : Saqib, Muhammad, Waheed, Syed Abdul, and Gilani, Nadia (2021), "'Back to School after PhD': Exploring Teachers' Work Experiences", Global Educational Studies Review, VI (I), 78-85
    TURABIAN : Saqib, Muhammad, Syed Abdul Waheed, and Nadia Gilani. "'Back to School after PhD': Exploring Teachers' Work Experiences." Global Educational Studies Review VI, no. I (2021): 78-85.