The purpose of this study was to examine the factors contributing to the delay in the research work of MPhil students in the public sector universities of Punjab. The focus of this study was to identify the key factors that have affected MPhil Degree delay. The population of the study was all the supervisors and supervisees of the public sector universities of Punjab. The sample of the study was ten supervisees and five supervisors conveniently selected. A semi-structured interview was used as an instrument. Thematic analysis technique was used. Responses of the respondents revealed that time management, job constraints, marital status, understanding of the research, lack of motivation, access to supervisor, domestic and social responsibilities of the researcher, workload of supervisors and inexperienced supervisor were the most significant factors. The findings of this study suggested that supervisors and supervisees needed to be actively engaged in research activities during the course work and thesis work.
Key Words
Supervisor, Supervisee, Delay Factor
Research brings our minds; too difficult work, information gathering, analysis, curiosity, studying, and so on. A research degree is about research preparing and in addition adding to information and, in spite of the fact that it was not difficult to discover methods for preparing oneself, the entire procedure is intended to be guided by a supervisor (Cryer, 2000).
There are several researchers in Pakistan who are doing research and lookup ideas in our minds: difficult work There are numerous researchers in Pakistan who are doing research in various zones yet the issue is that there are such a large number of issues required in doing research so there may be diverse reasons or elements with respect to the finishing of the examination. There are diverse perspectives about these variables and issues which exist in our frameworks, structures and societies (Rao, 2003). There is no legitimate framework for doing research in our nation. Indeed, even a few people thought scrutinising was pretty much a waste of time. Another researcher gets baffled when he/she doesn't locate any highly contrasting standards to be taken after. From the choice of theme to the accommodation of the proposition, he/she needs to confront numerous issues at each progression. Finally, analysts are demoralized and they simply need to dispose of a proposition as quickly as time permits (Iqbal,1981).
Many studies have revealed that many PhD students in the UK did not complete their studies, with the most frequently cited problems being the nature of the guidance provided. (Delamont & Atkinson 2000). A boss and assistant need to get along well when preparing for exams. The connection between the student and the supervisor is crucial to the student's ability to develop regularly and successfully complete his or her thesis on time. The connection between the student and the adviser is crucial for ensuring that the student makes constant progress and is able to effectively deliver his or her thesis on time and to the required standard. (Barnet, 1990). The failure can be attributed to a variety of variables, but managers and management are the primaries Therefore, managers play a crucial role in oversight, acting as the backbone of the research process and directing research students throughout the entire research process, particularly at the early stages of research. A review of the literature should show that there are some particular supervisory traits that must be possessed and variables that must be taken into account to create successful supervision. This study examines research students' perceptions of conducting research and their interactions with managers using qualitative data. Research students' experiences can be used as useful resources for advice on how to create high-quality research. (Deem &Brehony, 2000).
In Pakistani colleges, the greater part of the researcher don't finish their exploration in controlled time and now and again the understudies stay two to five years more than the typical system length. The chiefs need to do numerous assignments, for instance, they need to educate and direct the understudy, money-related responsibilities, and workload with the supervisee. Much of the time, a researcher goes through the departmental issues, the staff barrier and the outside resistance stage before he could have an effective theory fruition. Each of these stages includes a considerable measure of duties as far as time, cash and institutional strategies. It ought to be noticed that every barrier will require the consideration of all the scholarly staff in both the office and the workforce. Cases possess large amounts of divisions in a staff where numerous researchers dropped out of their research program after they have finished their course works while some complete their course works quickly and take years in finishing their thesis.
One student who finished his course works in the same year and completed their thesis within four or five years is yet to graduate. This type of situation is very worrisome and discouraging to students in a research program and puts a lot of burden on both the scholars and faculty (Adeeb, 1996). The researcher had a purpose to explore and highlight those reasons/issues and propose key recommendations that how MPhil scholars can do their research in a given time. When a researcher starts research, he/she did not have proper information about the research to be followed.
Statement of the problem
Throughout the years there is by all accounts increment in the number of researchers enrolling for MPhil programs in Pakistan but the major challenge was the delay of the MPhil thesis at this level, there has been the issue of completion. Completion of thesis writing could be affected owing to different stages and people who are involved in the research process. This study is sought to explore the experiences of supervisors and supervisees in conducting the research to identify the factors that contribute to the delay in their researchs work at the MPhil level. The people here included the supervisors of the students as well as other researchers within the university community. There was an observed delay in the completion of the thesis in research programs, so which factors can be responsible for it? Therefore, the need to investigate the factors that attribute to delayed thesis completion from the students' experiences.
Significance of the study
This study is carried out with immense significance from a number of aspects. It yielded use full data relating to factors contributing to delays in thesis completion for a student in the MPhil program at public Universities of Punjab. Finding and recommendations of this study were expected to be very helpful for those who wanted to take action to control delays in thesis writing of students of MPhil level in future. This study also helps the educational faculty of public university supervisors and administration to eliminate the factors that compel students to delay their education. It is also likely to lead to some further research studies in other programmes of public universities of Punjab, in particular and other Universities of Pakistan.
Objectives of the study
The major objectives of the study were as under:
1. To explore the supervisors perceptions of factors contributing to the delayed completion of the research thesis at the MPhil level
2. To explore the Supervisees perceptions of factors contributing to the delayed completion of the research thesis at the MPhil level
Research Questions
A number of key questions were constituted to find out the major factors of delay in thesis writing. These questions are described as under:
1. What are the perceptions of supervisors about the factor to delay in research work?
2. What are the perceptions of scholars about the factor to delay in research work?
Delimitations of the Study
Due to constraints of time, money and resources this study was delimited to twenty (10) MPhil students and ten (5) supervisors. It would be possible to focus on the experiences of students who have completed all requirements of an MPhil degree and supervisors who supervise research work at the MPhil level.
All the supervisees who have done their thesis in public universities and supervisors from all major public universities of Punjab province were the population of the study.
Ten students who have done their thesis at M.Phil level public universities of Punjab province (a) the University of Sargodha (b) the University of Gujarat and (c) the University of the Punjab Lahore and ten (5) supervisors from different public universities of Punjab province were selected as the sample of the study conveniently.
Tool of Research
After the reviewing literature and experts' opinion, the semi-structured interview technique was used for collecting the data for this study.
Data Collections
The researcher personally collected the data from respondents.
Data Analysis
Thematic analysis was used for data analysis.
Operational Definition of the Term
Delay factors: Factors which become a problem in completing theses work in structured time of the department and students take one or more extensions to complete their work.
Literature Review Literature Review
Research work
Research helps to identify better answers to common issues and provides clearer explanations for everything that occurs in this world. Numerous documents about Pakistan's study gap have been published for a long time. This problem is also being discussed in many scholarly institutions. The lack of a vibrant, world-class research culture, which is necessary for the abundance of new information, is one of the main reasons why research is not done in Pakistan. Additionally, it is necessary for societal integration and economic growth. Unfortunately, Pakistan has very little money and sufficient facilities. (Abdullah, 1992). The literature review plays a significant role in solving the research problem (Creswell, 2002). The issue of thesis finishing rates has received attention, particularly overseas in countries like Canada, the UK, and the USA.graduate courses account for more than half (Andrea, 2002). A few schools have evaluated and suggested that less than 40% of candidates will wear out during the initial lengthy period of their application. According to various research, more than 33% of employees depart during the primary year. (Lovitts, 2000). According to Colebatch (2002), Australia's research degree graduation rates at the lower end have risen significantly since the 1980s, reaching between 80% and 90% in the middle of the 1990s. According to Elgar (2003), a recent research conducted in Canada revealed that control area was essential for culmination, with fulfilment rates increasing from 45% in the sciences and arts to 70% in life sciences, with science fruitions being by and large in the high 60% territory. In the UK, completion rates after ten years differed by general control zone, with expressions/humanities rates at 51% and sciences mentioned at 64%, according to Wright and Cochrane (2000). According to Martin et al. (2001), 60% of PhD rivals who began in 1992 would have successfully completed their studies in 2003, which suggests a wear-down rate of 40%. Additionally, the same concentrate noted a wide range in consumption rates between organizations and purchases.
General overview of factors contributing to postgraduate research Studies
There is the majority of the exploration of researchers who are experienced and/or separation learners with their own needs and distinctive to those of private and undergrad specialists (Humphrey & McCarthey, 1999). The low-maintenance specialists battle to adapt to their scholarly and expert workloads and encountered an absence of backing and comprehension from their managers, hardened programs and structures and a sentiment detachment (Lessing and Lessing, 2004). The research understudies feel uneasiness as an after-effect of instability about what is anticipated from them and their activities, for example, assessment ( Malfroy, 2005). Zuber-Skerritt et al. (1994) identify the important issue in research supervision: directors' absence of experience, duty, and/or time
? Emotional and mental issues: understudies' scholarly and social segregation; their shakiness to satisfy the models and absence of trust in their capacity to finish their theories inside the predetermined time or not in the least;
? Insufficient supervision: directors' absence of experience, duty, and/or time
? Emotional and mental issues: understudies' scholarly and social segregation; their shakiness to satisfy the models and absence of trust in their capacity to finish their theories inside the predetermined time or not in the least;
? Absence of comprehension and correspondence between director and understudy;
? Students' absence of information, aptitudes, preparation or involvement in exploration techniques. Another issue is that the part of supervision and the thought process in supervision additionally appear to be vague. Absence of comprehension and correspondence between director and understudy;
? Students' absence of information, aptitudes, preparation or involvement in exploration techniques. Another issue is that the part of supervision and the thought process in supervision additionally appear to be vague.h supervision as:
? Lessing & Schulze (2002) suggested the most important factors for doing research as under:
? Availability of literature
? Analysis of data and understanding
? The Interactive learning opportunities.
? Pieces of training in the research techniques,
? Research base seminars,
? Feedback to the learner,
? Supervisory practice
Mackinnon (2004) summarized the influence factors on the research experience as individual, skilled and managerial factors.
Postgraduate research needs
Research is an intuitive method and requires the development of social and additionally scholarly aptitudes (Phillips & Pugh, 2000). So as to bolster analysts in the direction of the fruition of PhD, there are guidelines with recognize to the supervisory for helping and characterizing the understudies' exploration application contain developing a specific association in composing, would possibly be one of a kind each and every division, that portrays the office's point of view on mind-blowing supervisory work on; constructing up everyday gatherings amongst understudy and director, putting up enough techniques for evaluating coursework, concept supervision-file retaining and mission enhancements (Brown &Atkins, 2002). According to Malfroy (2005), disappointed college students frequently experience what is known as "a disjunction in expectations" between the supervisee and the supervisor or what is viewed as a dearth of assistance.
According to Haksever and Manisali's (2000) description of the student supervision requirements,
? Direct research-related help: extensive psychoanalysis of work, help with procedural problems, specific route and assistance with the administration;
? Indirect research-related help: imparting contacts, both manufacturing and academic; providing equipment; and
? Individual help, support, thought socialization, assistance in organizing adjustment and various matters that may also be necessary, but are no longer related to the research.
Typically, a supervisee is a supervisor's adjacent associate. (McAlpine & Norton, 2006).
Research is an intuitive procedure and requires the advancement of social and also scholarly aptitudes (Phillips & Pugh, 2000). So as to bolster analysts towards the fruition of PhD, there are recommendations with respect to the supervisory for supporting and characterizing the understudies' exploration program incorporating creating a particular arrangement in composing, that might be distinctive for every division, that portrays the office's perspective on magnificent supervisory work on; building up normal gatherings amongst understudy and director, setting up adequate strategies for evaluating coursework, theory supervision record keeping and venture improvement (Brown &Atkins, 2002). Malfroy (2005) stated that research students often experience disappointment as a result of a perceived lack of support or what is referred to as “a disjunction in expectations” between the supervisee and the supervisor.
Haksever and Manisali (2000) defined the supervisory requirements of the student as follows:
? Individual help, support, inspiration socializing, help in organizing adjustment and other things that may be necessary, but are not linked to the research;
? Indirect research-related help: providing contacts, both manufacturing and academic, providing equipment and preliminary help in locating references;
? Direct research-related help: significant psychoanalysis of work, help with procedural troubles, precise direction and help with the management of the task.
A supervisee is frequently his/her administrator's adjacent accomplice (McAlpine & Norton, 2006).
According to Abiddin & Hassan (2011), faculty are under pressure to recruit and retain qualified candidates who will be able to complete on time, attract research funding, and raise the level and status of the institution's research profile. Supervisees conducting research at universities are under increasing pressure to complete their submissions within specific time frames. It does not include advancing knowledge, generating groundbreaking work, reading the latest scholarship, or composing a thesis. Most supervisees experience worry as a result of their obligations to their families, jobs, and finances, which could affect their studies. Married people who work are more impacted. It would verify age; culture; experience and capacity; Part-time, full-time, inner or outside; their needs change after some time/place/space; and Sometimes with, however generally without grants or other subsidizing support. There are additional weights on examination understudies to Complete research work in time; Support families/occupations; build up a more extensive scope of abilities that will improve their attractiveness difficult if a researcher is doing a part-time job then he faces the issues of time, money, effort and patience. Mostly, the students are self-financial and they have no other financial support so it is compulsory for them to complete their studies in a given time (Abiddin, & Hassan,2011).
Supervisee role in research work
For the supervisor it is important to know his/her roles and responsibilities, it is similarly important for the supervisee to know their roles if the supervisor and supervisee are to set off one another. For most of the supervisees, the first significant decision in the successful responsibility of postgraduate research is the selection of a supervisor, and the effective supervision of the relationship with him/her (Burton & Steane, 2004). Though most universities just assign supervisors, it is also acceptable for a researcher to influence the procedure. One can inspect the personnel on the staff and suggest a supervisor he/she thinks may be a good match for his/her research topic and personality. It is also possible and suitable for one to change a selected supervisor. But this should be done in start to avoid time wastage, and one needs some capability in finding his/her way out (Shulman, 2010). Burton and Steane (2004) have made the following suggestions on how one can recognize who might be a good supervisor, how to target that supervisor, and how to make oneself attractive to a prospective supervisor. (1) While during the selection of a supervisor who will be right for you, academics are trying to identify a researcher whom they agree to work with. So part of your procedure of selecting the right supervisor should consist of making yourself appear to be a ‘good supervisee. To that end, it is helpful to think about how supervisors select students, and ways in which you can try to convince potential. (2) Should you have to choose your supervisor at the initial stage, and frankly put, sustaining a positive supervisor-supervisee relationship is mainly the supervisees goal. Though keen your supervisor is, your thesis is most important to you than it is to them. If you treat your supervisor like a superior at work that you want to please, and aim to cause them the least possible frustration, youre likely to have a much more beneficial relationship. This may sound quite difficult because many people suppose that the supervisor will put the same effort into the relationship, but this is not usually the case.
This chapter described the description of research methodology adopted for this study. The methodology used to have consisted of the nature and explanation of the research design, population, sampling procedure, instrument improvement and the method of statistics series in the context of factors contributing to delay in thesis work.
This qualitative study is part of a larger study which explains the challenges in the thesis writing process.
All the supervisees who have done their thesis in public universities and supervisors from the public universities of Punjab province were the population of the study.
The sample in this study was twenty students from the three public universities of Punjab (a) the University of Sargodha (b) the University of Gujrat (c) the University of the Punjab Lahore and ten supervisors as available who were supervising the research work at the public universities of Punjab.
Sampling technique
A convenient sampling technique was used for the collection of data.
Research tool
After reviewing the literature on qualitative research the researcher used a semi-structured interview protocol schedule to gather data for this study.
Development of the Tool
The semi-structured interview technique was used to identify the factors to delay research work and employed exploratory research techniques: asking orally structured questions, and then questioning more deeply, using open-form questions to obtain additional information (Gall, Borg, & Gall, 1996). For the validation of the tool, it was presented to the experts and made necessary modifications according to the purpose of the study. The tool was validated by Doctors and Scholars of the University of Sargodha, main campus and M.B.Din campus. There were two Doctors and five PhD Scholars(Anx B) for validation. They checked the face validity of the tool. The semi-structured interview technique was the essential method for gathering information for the qualitative study. The data collected from these interviews were analyzed and displayed in full content story structure with supporting showcases.
Pilot testing
In order to check the validity of the instrument in terms of content, the instrument was discussed with experts in the relevant field. The researcher pre-tested the interview at a local university on a sample of( 05) students. A pilot study was conducted to know the preliminary results of the study. After thematic analysis, the researcher found some results which verify the research questions respectively which showed that the instrument was highly reliable.
Data Collection
The researcher used the semi-structured interview format as a research tool to find out the factors to delay research work at the MPhil level. After finalizing the tool of research, the data were collected from the University of the Punjab Lahore, the University of Sargodha and the University of Gujrat. Ten students who have completed their MPhil thesis and five supervisors from public universities of Punjab have been interviewed for the purpose of relevant study. Carefully selected questions were asked during the interview and allowed the respondents to provide afresh observations about the topic. During the interviews, candidates were given an opportunity to address the relevant factors in the following areas: thesis experience, personal experience, financial experience, supervisors and supervisees' relationship experience and employment experience. By having the participants address such variables, the researcher extrapolated the factor to delay in the completion of the MPhil degree.
Data analysis techniques
Data in this study were gathered from audio-taped interviews and respondents' notes. One set of interview questions was developed for all candidates interviewed. For the purpose of analysis of the data the recorded interviews were transcribed, coded, assessed, interpreted and verified. First of all the researcher transcribe the first interview and adjust it in themes and then conducted other interviews. In addition to the factor to delay in completion, data were analysed by relevant variables in the research process, supervisor, supervisee, financial, marital status, time, gender, distance aspects and the employment process. The researcher transcribes the first interview in one week. Then the time was comparatively minimized to 3 to 4 hours for transcription of other interviews. The researcher synthesizes the themes according to the themes of the interview schedule. Conclusions have been exhibited in full content account structure with supporting presentations.
Data Analysis
This chapter deals with the interpretation and analysis of the data collected for the research. The data were collected through semi-structured interviews and themes were developed to interpret the factors delaying research work. The purpose of the short key terms was to simplify the qualitative data for interpretation in order to have an overall picture of the scenario.
There are twenty (20) questions (09 main questions and 13 sub-questions, according to the theme) arranged for the supervisees interviews and ten (10) questions for the supervisors interviews. The researcher would interpret the data, question to question, as each question has produced different types of factors that have contributed to the delay of the outcomes of the scholars.
Data Analysis
The data were analyzed using the thematic analysis technique. The themes and sub-themes of the in-depth-interview are as followed:
Part 1. Analysis of the supervisors Data
A number of key questions were constituted for the supervisors to find out the major factors of delay in thesis writing. The analysis of questions is described as under:
Nature of the research
The entire supervisor told that most students did not do their research at the master's level. They did not have much understanding of the research process. They fear that if they work independently then their research will spoil so they always depend on supervisors.
Four of the supervisors told that some students face some issues in data collection. According to one respondent, "It is a time-consuming job, but I assist my students in data collection because people do not readily respond to the researcher" Actually the researcher has also a misconception and he thinks that where I will go for data collection in the field the respondent will free for him and respond him at the spot but the things are different”. One respondent was told that “I think if you are committed to accomplishing the task then no issue can affect your study”
All supervisors told that understanding the research process is a big factor; there is no research culture and most students are introduced to the research at the MPhil level. They do not have an understanding of research. Research is full-time work as a researcher but students took it easy and do not give a proper time thats why when they had learned about the specific time duration they feel anxious and lost interest which causes the delay. Students were not clear about the methodology of research during the course work. One respondent told that “ In the start, students think that a supervisor is a person who writes their thesis like course notes. They dont have an understanding of the role of the supervisor and he is like a guide and mentor. They expect that supervisor will select the topic, and will do everything by themselves i.e. make the synopsis, make the research tool, analysis of the data, etc”. One respondent told that “Students believe in spoon feeding and they do not have a clear concept about their work”. One respondent told that “ Mostly student have lack of research understanding but gradually the supervisors help to overcome the issue”. One respondent told that “The students take the research as an academic study which creates ambiguity in their mind. They are habitual of fortnight preparation of exams in their previous practices so they think that research is like academic study”. One respondent told that “ There is no research culture and most students are introduced by research at MPhil level”.
Major factors in the delay
All supervisors have discussed different factors which are contributing to the delay of the research work, for example, the lack of motivation, students domestic issues, health issues, financial issues, the lack of commitment to their work, proper time management, the workload of supervisors, and misconception about research. One respondent told that “Mental approach is a big factor. If you slowly perceive things then you work slowly”. One respondent told that “ In my perception, if the students know that they are doing research and they have dedication then no other factors can delay their research”.
Lack of time
In the discussion about the lack of time, the entire respondents told that lack of time was an issue because supervisors had multiple tasks; they had to teach the students, they have to supervise the different students, they had their personal and social responsibilities but the students had expectations that supervisors are always free for them. This is a misconception. Those are students who have more concern about research so the students who are regular and do their work, take the attention of the supervisors. One respondent told that“ lack of time is a factor because a supervisor is doing work in different dimensions and he has multiple tasks, he has workload but he manages his time in any way. It is a misunderstanding that students think, a supervisor is available at any time. It is impossible because it depends on students how they are working and trying to manage time with responsibility and dedication with supervisors”
Gender differences
Five of the respondents told that there were some gender differences in supervisors' work and supervisees' work. Usually, female researchers face more issues than males and in supervising, male supervisors are more competent. One respondent told that “In the understanding of research material there is no difference of gender but in social issues, the females face more issues”. One respondent told that “In my point of view there is no gender difference at the MPhil level”.
Distance factor
Four of the respondents told that distance affects the students regularity, especially for female researchers. One respondent told that “ During the course work students were in regular classes to attend lectures whereas in research work they relaxed, and show laziness due to distance they were not regular, traveling took time”. One respondent told that “ If a student will be committed then distance does not matter at all”.
One respondent instructed that “During course work students had been every day no longer however during the research work they relaxed, and do not bother due to the distance they have been no longer regular, visiting took time”. One respondent advised that “ If a researcher is dedicated then distance does no longer matter”.
Supervisor and supervisee working relationship
All the supervisors told that it is a very important factor that any researcher has a better understanding with their supervisor so he will do his work properly. One respondent told that “It is very important to complete the thesis if you have mutual understanding with each other then both will do their task properly”.
Institutional and departmental factors
Three individuals stated that administrative variables are to blame for the delay, while three others stated that there are no departmental problems. "It depends on the department to department and institution to institution," said one respondent. While some schools support their pupils, others struggle."I think whenever you are doing your work properly then one can create problems for you," said one respondent. "I have no comments about the issues," one respondent stated. One participant responded, "Yes! There are some ASB (Advance Study Board) problems, including a delay in subject clearance.
Workload of the supervisors
Two respondents stated that the supervisor is aware of how many pupils he is responsible for, so this is not a problem with the supervisor. However, some respondents noted that the superintendent is also a human being. He has similar problems to a scholar. These individuals had varying views on the subjects. One of the respondents stated, "I don't believe the supervisor is an influence. The learner is the one who is more focused on his study. The supervisor provides the pupil more time if he is worried. A supervisor is aware of how many pupils he oversees, so this is not a problem, according to one respondent.
Chang of the Supervisor During the Research
The change of supervisor is a big issue. It was embarrassing to both supervisor and the scholars. When it happens, it affects both supervisor and supervisee because research depends upon mutual understanding and work. The responses were the same.
Supervisee Factors
In this question, the supervisors discussed the main factors of the delay from the supervisee side, for example, the lack of commitment, health issues, priorities of the researcher, social issues, job, marital status of the supervisee, the concentration of the work, irresponsible attitude of the student, job distance, intellectual level of student priorities of things. The response was the same.
time required job. One respondent told that “If you are committed to doing something then nothing affects your research”.
Part 2. Analysis of the Supervisees Data
Nature of Research
Six respondents said that it is difficult, hardworking and time taking; one supervisee said the culture in Pakistan and students have not to research understanding before the master and MPhil level”. Four respondents told that it is not a difficult
The respondents who had done their research at the masters level did not face many issues. Thirteen respondents told that they had taken time in understanding because they had no experience in research before the master and MPhil levels. One respondent told that “I did not have any concept of research before MPhil but with my own interest in research I learned things rapidly”. One respondent told that “In the beginning, it took time to understand research work but if you have regular meetings with your supervisor you will do your work within the time”. One respondent told that“ There is no big issue in understanding research material at this level if you are committed to your work you will learn things easily”. Seven respondents told that they have done their thesis at a master's level so they had no issue understanding the research work.
Time Restrictions
The nine respondents told that there are no more issues with supervisors' time they are professional and they have managed, it depends upon the supervisees how he or she takes time from the supervisors. Just one respondent told that“My supervisor did not give me proper time”. Sometimes understanding a supervisor takes time and the supervisee thinks that the supervisor does not give proper time to the supervisee. One respondent told that “ I think there is no issue of time with a supervisor. It is the supervisee who is not an active person and delays their thesis”.
The entire respondents told that if the supervisees are highly motivated, and work hard they can do their work properly and on time. One respondent told that “At the beginning of seven months I was not regular and I wasted my time”. One respondent told that“ Due to my distance from the university I was not regular”. One respondent told that“My supervisors professional attitude was lazy thats why I was not regular”.
Two of the respondents told that one year is not enough, but Eight respondents told that if a scholar does his work regularly with clear direction from the supervisor then the specific time of research was enough for research work and one respondent told that “It depends upon topic if you are doing an experimental study then the structured time of research is not enough”. If the students do not waste time then there is enough time for research.
Three respondents told that they have done their work within time and seven respondents told that it had taken two to four years to completion of the work.
Workload of the Supervisees
Eighteen respondents told that the researchers have to face domestic, social, financial and time issues but two respondents have not faced any issues. One respondent told that “ if you are committed then nothing affects your work”.
Six respondents did not face any issue in data collection but fourteen of the respondents told that it is a difficult job, sometimes respondents do not respond willingly, they do not cooperate with the researcher and sometimes the topic of the study makes the respondents hesitate to respond.
Lack of Institutional Management
The entire respondents told that it is a big issue but it happened in rare cases. One respondent told that he is one of the victims of this issue. He told, “This is a very big issue if it occurs then it becomes too much embarrassment to the scholars”.
Four of the respondents were satisfied with the department, six respondents told that there are some issues with the behaviour of the department. One respondent told that “ I have done my work almost when I face this issue. The board of study disapproved my topic then I started my work again and my supervisor who has already supervised me completed his tenure so my supervisor was changed”. Two respondents told that they face many issues in topic approval. Sometimes supervisor has been allotted without the consultation of the scholar. In this respect, the scholar takes much time in mutual understanding with his supervisor. One respondent told that “Yes! sometimes supervisor has been allotting without the consultation of the scholars. In this respect, the scholar takes much time in mutual understanding with his supervisor”.One respondent told that “I face some departmental issues in topic selection and supervisor selection which have wasted my time”. One respondent told that“ I have faced many problems with ASBA (Advance Study Board Authority) and the student who has good relation with their supervisor do not face departmental issues”.
Six of the respondents have no departmental issues. Four of the respondents told that some time supervisor has been allotted after six or seven months and without the consultation of the scholars in this situation research was affected. In this appreciation, the researcher asks for a good deal of time in the mutual perception Six of the respondents informed that the mindset of the Head of the department, and board of research affected on research work. In this respect, the scholar takes much time in mutual understanding with his supervisor. Six of the respondents told that the attitude of the Head of the department, and board of study affected research work. They do not forward the thesis which becomes a factor to delay.
Inexperience of Supervisor
The entire respondents told that the experience of the supervisor is a very big factor. A novice supervisor has limited vision and sometimes he himself is confused and zigzags the students. A supervisee is usually detracted but an experienced supervisor has managed it properly.
Workload of Supervisors
The entire respondents told that personal responsibilities can be a factor but their supervisors are very experienced person thats why they did not face this issue. But the main reason for the delay is the workload of supervisors. A supervisor has many students at the time and they are doing their duties in different dimensions.
Key Factors of Delay
The entire respondents told their experiences during their research work and general observation about the factors which contribute to delayed thesis work. Supervisee and supervisors concentrations of work, the interest of supervisor and supervisee, social constraints, cooperation of supervisor, supervisee and supervisors concentrations of work, time constraint, social constraints, cooperation of supervisor, weak feedback and lack of motivation.
Major Findings of the Study were as Under
Findings of the Supervisors
? The researcher found that most of the students did not do research at the MPhil level and they did not have much understanding of the research process, they have fears that if they work independently then their research will be spoiled. So, they always depend upon supervisors.
? It was found that research understanding was a big factor, there was no research culture in Pakistan most of the students have introduced the research at the MPhil level they do not have an understanding of research before this, research is a full-time job but students take it easy thats why when they learn about the time duration is minimizing they feel anxiety and lose the interest which causes the delay.
? The supervisors discussed different factors which contributed to the delay of the research work for example, lack of motivation, student, domestic issues, sometimes health issues, financial issues, lack of commitment to their work, proper time management, the workload of the supervisor, and misconception about research.
? It was found that the lack of time management of the supervisors' respondents told that it was a big issue because they had multiple tasks, they had to teach the students, they had to supervise the different students and they had their personal and social responsibilities. On the other hand, the students had expectations that supervisors were always free for them and they were always available whenever the students approached them. This was a misconception of the researchers. These were the students who had more concerns about research so the students who were regular and did work took the attention of the supervisors.
? Majority of the supervisors told that distance affected the students regularity, especially for the female researcher.
? They have different opinions about the issues of supervisors time. A supervisor knows how many students he supervises. So, this is not an issue of the supervisor but the supervisor is also a human being he has also same social issues as a researcher.
? The supervisors have discussed the main factors of the delay from the supervisee side for example, lack of commitment, health issues, priorities of researcher, social issues, job, marital status of the supervisee, the concentration of the work, irresponsible attitude of a student, job, distance, intellectual level of student priorities of things.
Findings of the Supervisees
The researcher finds that research work is difficult, hardworking, time taking and practical job.
? It was found that the females had travelling issues; some families did not allow their females to go outside alone. They are bound to go with any person in the family. So the females are restricted to going alone. The females have some social restrictions they cannot move at any time at any place freely. They do not stay late with their supervisors for data collection.
? It was found that there were no more issues of gender in the supervision of research at the MPhil level but the majority of the male respondents told that they were comfortable with the same gender the female researchers have no issue with the gender of the supervisor but the male researchers have the gender issue they feel comfortable with the same gender.
? Distance is a very big issue in data collection. Sometimes, the researchers have to go a large distance and there is no facility for travelling. The majority of the students told that this was an issue.
? The experience of the supervisor is a very big factor in research work a novice supervisor has limited vision and sometimes he himself is found confused, a supervisee usually remains detracted but an experienced supervisor manages it properly
? The personal responsibilities of the supervisors cannot be a factor. They have a workload but they are very experienced people and they manage it.
? It was found that lack of time management was a big issue in thesis work because the research was a time taking and practical work.
? The job of the supervisee was a very important factor in delaying the research work. All the respondents told that the researcher who was in service had very limited time for research and the students who were not doing jobs, spent more time in research. As a result, they did their work on time.
? It was found that there were many institutional issues such as change of the supervisor, allotting of supervisor, approval of topics, and efficiency of the board of study. The change of supervisor was a big issue it means a change in the entire research and it affects both supervisor and supervisee.
? The majority of the respondents told that some time supervisor had been allotting after six or seven months, in this situation research was affected.
? Most of the supervisees did not have experience with the departmental issue, but some had an issue and the attitude of the Head of the Department, board of study and external supervisor affected the research work delay.
? It was found that the respondents told key issues that a supervisee faced, Supervisee and supervisors concentrations of work, Interest of supervisor and supervisee, Social constraints, Cooperation of supervisor, Supervisee and supervisors concentrations of work, marital status of the researcher, the job of the supervisee, workload of supervisors and supervisee, Time constraint, departmental issues, Social constraints, Cooperation of supervisor, Weak feedback, lack of Motivation.
Conclusion of Supervisors Perceptions
It was concluded that most of the students did not do their research at the MPhil level and they did not have a crystal clear idea about the research process. They have ambiguities that if they have worked independently then their research will be spoiled. They generally relied on supervisors. Research understanding is a big factor, there is no research culture most students have been introduced to the research at the MPhil level. They do not have an understanding of research.
There are different factors which contribute to delaying the research work, for example, lack of motivation of the students, domestic issues, health issues, financial issues, lack of commitment to their work, proper time management, the workload of supervisor and misconception about research. Lack of time management is a big issue because the supervisors have multiple tasks. They have to teach the student, they have to supervise the different students, and they have their personal and social responsibilities but the student has expectations that supervisors are always free to them. This was a misconception of the students. It is a student who has more concern about research. so the students who were regular and did their work regularly took the attention of the supervisors.
There are some gender differences between supervisors work and supervisees work. Usually, female researchers face more issues than males and in supervision, process supervisors are more competent. Distance affected the students regularity, especially for the female researchers. There are some institutional factors that cause delays in the research work. The job of supervisee was a big factor because the job had its own responsibilities and research was also time requiring job. The researcher has to face financial and domestic issues, married persons have their own responsibilities they ruined their families, took care of children, have health issues and others.
Conclusions of Supervisees
It was concluded that the research was difficult, hard-working and time taking the job but the supervisees who had done their thesis at the master level had a better understanding of the research. There are no more issues with supervisors time. They are proficient and they can oversee. It depends on the supervisees how he or she takes time from the supervisors. If the supervisee is highly motivated and works hard, he does his work properly.
The researcher finds that the females have travelling issues; some families do not allow their females to go outside alone. Females additionally have some social confinement. Male persons have also so many domestic issues, but female researcher faces more issues in conducting research work process rather than males. Distance issue was a very big issue because most of the students dont have a conveyance facility; they have been travelling on local vehicles. In this respect, travelling takes much time, and in this situation, the meeting time of supervisors gets disturbed. Travelling to the university, supervisors and data collection was a big issue for the female researcher because they have some social restrictions.
An inexperienced supervisor has limited vision and sometimes he himself gets confused. During the supervision, a supervisee usually remains detracted but an experienced supervisor manages it properly. The individual duties of the supervisors can be a major factor however the supervisors are extremely experienced individuals which is the reason they don't feel this issue. The primary reason for postponing the research work is workload; a supervisor has numerous researchers at the time and they are doing their obligations in various dimensions.
The researcher faces domestic, social, financial and time issues. Sometimes, the respondent does not respond willingly, he does not cooperate with the researcher. The nature of the study is also a type of respondent who hesitates to respond. There are many institutional issues such as change of the supervisor, allotting of supervisor, and efficiency of the board of study. Without the consultation of the scholars, the supervisor is often allotted and in this respect, the scholar takes much time in mutual understanding with his supervisors. The attitude of the Head of the department, board of study and external supervisee affect the research work to be delayed.
The researcher concluded the key issues that supervisees face, Supervisees and supervisors concentrations of work, Interest of the supervisor and supervisee, Social constraints, Cooperation of supervisor, Supervisee and supervisors concentrations of work, marital status of the researcher, the job of the supervisee, workload of supervisors and supervisee, Time constraint, departmental issues, Social constraints, Cooperation of supervisor, Weak feedback, lack Motivation. Marital status was a big issue because married researchers had more responsibilities.
The purpose of the present research was to identify the contributing factors which affect the research and delay at the MPhil level. The former MPhil students were asked to conclude the main factors that students face and their research gets delayed and fails to complete MPhil degrees in time. The questions were regarding the personal opinion and the perceptions of the researchers about research. So, the discussion with the respondents resulted in sixteen (11) general categories of obstructing factors. This list included the level of previous research experiences of a supervisee, interest or desire to learn, personal reasons (which includes workload due to job/professional activity while studying, health concerns, family responsibilities, marital status, cultural norms, etc.), nature of the task, general awareness on research and related aspects of both the respondents, time restrictions departmental issues, and others (this includes differences with the administrative staff, management, etc.)
This study concluded that there was a positive relationship between the supervisor and the supervisee. Most of the supervisors are reported to be playing their roles in terms of moulding the supervisees but the workload of the supervisor causes affect the research. Furthermore, the study revealed the opinion of supervisors that the main factors of a delay from the supervisee side for example, lack of commitment, health issues, priorities of researcher, social issues, job, marital status of the supervisee, the concentration of the work, irresponsible attitude of student, job distance intellectual level of student priorities of things. A competent boss was described by supervisees as one who prioritized reciprocity in the working relationship, invested in the success of the supervisee, and was open to sharing personal experiences. (Walsh, Gillespie, Greer, & Eanes, 2002). The reasons behind the supervisees factors were the supervisee in the job, social issues, family responsibilities, distance issues, gender issues, marital status of the supervisee, lack of time management, lack of motivation, understanding of research materials, institutional issues and a host of other activities at the same time. There are many explanations offered for the delay in finishing the study. Ideas from numerous foreign scholars are heavily correlated with data from the literature outlining managers' experiences (Lessing, 2004). This study also revealed that the supervisees lose their interest as well as their motivation after coursework with the passage of time about their thesis. According to AIOU (1998), there are major reasons for not working/completing the study as given: lack of time, difficulties in focus, family or local issues, organization of time and arranging, low level of inspiration, lack of study abilities, isolation, anxiety, lack of advising. Moreover, it shows that the completion of thesis work may be delayed due to poor skills in conducting the research data. It shows that a student must be well-developed in the proficiency of research procedure for completing thesis work. Due to these factors in conducting the research, the results of the research could be delayed.
Based on the results of this study, these are following recommendations were made:
1. The course work should be related to the thesis process, activity based and methodologically oriented.
2. Supervision schedule may compulsory for both supervisor and supervisee.
3. Supervisors may actively perform research-related activities, in which they can work together with their students so that they can make their research work perfect.
4. There should be a schedule for the duration of topic approval, research work, a regular meeting of the advanced study board from the starting session of the research and mechanism of research for topic selection and about the works which already have been done.
5. The supervisor may be bound to complete the thesis if any managemental changes in the supervisors working time period.
Suggestions for Future Researchers
1. Future researchers may conduct research in other universities in Pakistan.
2. This study is conducted through a qualitative method of research, the mixed method research techniques may be used by future researchers to conduct similar sorts of research.
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APA : Khatoon, R., Hassan, K. H. u., & Akmal, F. (2023). Factors Contributing to Delay in Research Work at M.Phil. Level. Global Educational Studies Review, VIII(I), 101-117. https://doi.org/10.31703/gesr.2023(VIII-I).10
CHICAGO : Khatoon, Rohina, Khwaja Hisham ul Hassan, and Farhana Akmal. 2023. "Factors Contributing to Delay in Research Work at M.Phil. Level." Global Educational Studies Review, VIII (I): 101-117 doi: 10.31703/gesr.2023(VIII-I).10
HARVARD : KHATOON, R., HASSAN, K. H. U. & AKMAL, F. 2023. Factors Contributing to Delay in Research Work at M.Phil. Level. Global Educational Studies Review, VIII, 101-117.
MHRA : Khatoon, Rohina, Khwaja Hisham ul Hassan, and Farhana Akmal. 2023. "Factors Contributing to Delay in Research Work at M.Phil. Level." Global Educational Studies Review, VIII: 101-117
MLA : Khatoon, Rohina, Khwaja Hisham ul Hassan, and Farhana Akmal. "Factors Contributing to Delay in Research Work at M.Phil. Level." Global Educational Studies Review, VIII.I (2023): 101-117 Print.
OXFORD : Khatoon, Rohina, Hassan, Khwaja Hisham ul, and Akmal, Farhana (2023), "Factors Contributing to Delay in Research Work at M.Phil. Level", Global Educational Studies Review, VIII (I), 101-117
TURABIAN : Khatoon, Rohina, Khwaja Hisham ul Hassan, and Farhana Akmal. "Factors Contributing to Delay in Research Work at M.Phil. Level." Global Educational Studies Review VIII, no. I (2023): 101-117. https://doi.org/10.31703/gesr.2023(VIII-I).10