Authored by : Ghazala Yaqoob , Saubia Ramzan , Nagina Gul

18 Pages : 174-185


    Foundations of Higher Education (HE), public and private, are going through a critical state while going through subsidizing or funding cuts, educational cost increments, and layoffs. An all-encompassing methodology is fundamental whereby greatness in instructing and learning just as research examination ought to be a definitive point of the objective. Among the different approaches to accomplish this is the advancement of communities of practices (CoPs) among the scholastic academics. In this manner, CoPs are to be viewed as an extension of any program to accomplish excellence because it is the sharing of the tacit knowledge that impacts any association in its interest for a competitive advantage. This research examination presents that CoPs positively influence creating academic linkages/collusions with different other universities of the region for knowledge-sharing. It explains the overall impact of CoPs on building collusions among universities. The explorative research study follows a mixed-method approach with qualitative and quantitative research design. However, the research examination concludes that CoP impacts the cycle of knowledge sharing by creating and overseeing linkages among universities to advance explorative research culture and innovation. In light of the findings, the research investigation suggests further skylines for comparative exploratory research relating to the transfer of knowledge and barriers in knowledge sharing for CoPs inside institutions and organizations.

    Key Words

    Knowledge Management, Community of Practice, Academic Alliance, Research Partnership, Research Collaborative Environment, Socio-collaborative Culture


    Bronwyn, et al. (2001) gave an extensive definition of communities of practice as: "Groups of individuals who interact together to share from one another face to face and virtually. They are convinced by a need and desire to share different issues, bits of information, experiences, designs, best practices, devices, and these social gatherings held together in an assortment of information by the same interest. Community individuals extend their insight by interfacing with one another on a progressing basis"(Braun, 2002). The driver which is accountable for making a community of practice for associations is significantly established in its value to the extent of transferring information between people; it is alluring to call them "Knowledge Networks." These knowledge networks are systems that constantly try to draw on a wealth of information data to devise a course of action and new responses in order to adjust a rapidly evolving marketplace. Moreover, Google et al.(2001) a methodological approach of CoP about learning and training in higher education gives employees a space to reflect collaboratively, checking on and recovering their present learning, and instructing practices. Inside higher education, individualist culture and organizational designs cause a circumstance where people are frequently separated, and they stay ignorant about the practices of others.

    Stenhouse (1984) 'Partnerships' exist for different purposes in Institutes, organizations and various circles. This partnership particularly targets the progression of practice-oriented research inside the organization, similarly as detailing, researching, conceptualizing, and understanding strategies, results, and effects of this work as the partnership proceeds. Wood et al.(2016) in higher education, CoPs can be pointed towards a department-wide or university wide membership-base, where the association of a more noteworthy and valuable number of senior personnel can profit a university-wide. People: who might have the option to bring to the table thoughts or procedures that are not at present utilized inside a given office.Despite the exchange of knowledge-based upon practical tips and ideas, CoPs license teachers with the ability to remove their time in a generally overpowering schedule to consider their training practice. (Group, 2015) IUPCSS (Inter-University Consortium for Promotion of Social Sciences, Humanities and Arts Pakistan), which includes 30 Pakistani Universities, is Pakistan's greatest, voluntary, the independent organizational network for Higher education institutions of Pakistan (HEIs). UNESCO (United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization) Chairs and UNITWIN (University Twinning and Networking Program) are the two associations of such type that are viably drawn in with educators' education, the readiness of different informative explorative research analysts and administrators or executives, leading research examination in different huge domains of education, and the dispersing and creation of knowledge data.

    Evidences and literature show that community-based groups and collaborative joint efforts are amazing approaches for knowledge-sharing platforms. The reason behind framing this paper is exclusively to contribute towards new information creation in order to understand the overall effect of CoPs on the people of inter-university collaborative teams for building up the best practices or techniques for organizing and overseeing such teams. This research study focuses on Higher Education Institutions in Balochistan. This exploratory research examination is coordinated to review the general impact of CoPs, which gives knowledge-base, alliance, and research collaborative culture among universities of the locale.

    Communities of Practice (CoP)

    According to Sharp(1997) CoPs are normal small gatherings of specialists that learn and analyze things and issues together. They build up their own mutual understanding - Three, four, and twenty, perhaps thirty people end up motivated by each other through a force or power that is both expert and social in nature. They work cooperatively with each other as sounding forums and teach one another. 

    Alliance and Partnership

    According toRoberts and Wallace(2015), Alliances and partnerships are approaches in which corporations can work together to obtain defined goals. These goals can be similar to both companies, or they may be unique to every agency. Bronwyn, Albert and John (2001). The concept or idea of alliances and partnerships is not always new. Countries and nations had been forming alliances for heaps or thousands of years, frequently as a way of both attacking and forming a defense against an enemy. Historically, alliances within the political experience had been pushed largely with the aid of an aggregate of necessity and adversity. Roberts and Wallace(2015) Alliances and affiliated organizations do not simply appear. They may be outlined by using associations to acquire exact and precise targets. A whole assortment of forces can go about as drivers for coalition alliances and partnership associations

    Research Partnerships

    Dr. J.F.(2009) An inquiry that is not noted inside the literature on research study partnership organizations identifies with the kinds of comprehensive understanding intending to be made inside these partnership associations. A mixing of understandings meeting up is thought, with each individual having explicit and stand-out learning to contribute to the 'bigger picture Latour and Woolgar(1979), wherein an assortment of 'traces' get together to explain reality. As Law andHassard, (1999) and others for instance, Ward (1996) explain, this philosophy may likewise show closeness, even as the thoughts in the stream are unique and inadmissible. Bronwyn et al. (2001), many eyewitnesses have underlined the significance of research partnerships for U.S. innovative capacity. A new study regarding the science faculty of the U.S. revealed that a number of universities want considerably more partnerships with industry. However, surprisingly, none has imagined about the kinds of roles that universities play in such research-based partnerships or about the possible financial outcomes related to those roles. 

    Our research examination is the first exertion of an exploratory inquiry to give empirical data about universities as research partnerships. 

    Social Collaborations and Socio- Collaborative Culture

    Social collaboration is an empowering enabler of ideation, creation, a representative commitment, and information imparting entwined to the business process(Accenture and Microsoft). Roger et al. (2007). College and university teachers need progressing opportunities for proficient improvement in a time of quick and consistent change. Notwithstanding, higher education institutions have limited assets to put investment on their staff as projects to work with the different student populations, innovation, and new activities vie for restricted optional assets or funds. Collective workforce advancement can assist with keeping a unique institutional environment that supports and sustain good personnel staff and eventually advances a healthy learning climate for students' understudies. Collaborations require people and institutions to get out of their comfort zones, where they generally work autonomously. In order to achieve the advantages that collaboration guarantees, the partnerships should figure out how to perform productively along with others. 

    A few key inquiries assisted with building a base for our examination of collaborative staff development. Why do people and organizations invest their resources and energies in teaming up or in collaborations? What motivators spur teammates to embark on such commitment? What are the difficulties experienced enroot? Also, what guidance would we be able to extract from experienced and senior collaborators? We investigate such inquiries through a concise examination of the literature on joint collaborative efforts to outline our real-world examples to earlier research. Taking a gander at the literature, there are some factors, which are affected by CoPs and they fill in as the significant pointers for assessing the overall impact of Cops. The first stage of literature characterizes what precisely comprises CoPs and how these CoPs can be separated from the rest of the groups or teams. Be that as it may, the second segment depicts all those elements similarly as a knowledge base or networks, coalitions, research partnerships, research joint collaborative efforts and socio-collaborative culture and CoPs then again (social, informal networks, with deliberate cooperation). 

    Problem Statement

    There are different research studies done on the budgetary, monetary performance, and components of partner organizations in different worldwide universities, yet, there seems to have been less work given an account of the genuine inter-university research groups which are working in Balochistan that are related to the arrangement of information, especially concerning the cooperation to CoP and the possible impact of CoP on inter-university research teams which needs to work inside complex networking organization announcing structures, values, various organizational culture, practices, and needs. There has been extremely limited research study done on the necessities of the board strategy concerning research and development cooperative groups in this period of information. This highlights a prerequisite for these partnership associations to grasp the value and commitment of CoPs drawn in with the value creation process, especially in inter-university regional collaborative teams. This research targets investigating the overall effect of networks of practices which are working in a few universities at the national and international level, on inter-university research teams in Balochistan, regarding information sharing, profitability, standard and creating social coordinated effort and links among universities of Balochistan. 
    The research investigation will feature the CoPs as an incentive for such inter-university research groups, which is the most imperative need of the time. This study expounds various parts of what rest of the investigations being led on CoPs and information sharing process in universities in light of the fact that no consideration has been paid so far in coalitions or research exploration groups that are working within these universities that are associated with one another through diverse CoPs in the locale of the region. Hence, this exploration study endeavors to feature the flow position of knowledge management CoPs and the collusions of research alliances through which the cops work to formlinkages across universities of this area. This study is an endeavor to survey the overall impact of CoPs inside universities as information-sharing groups to reinforce the inter-university research coalitions. Universities that are working in a particular area can offer more towards efficiency if the exploration and knowledge sharing cycles are adjusted through strong networks as worldwide acknowledged practice. Balochistan province is as yet battling towards information creation and sharing process and needs such platforms for overseeing intellectual capital, along these lines; universities in this region are chosen to survey the effect of CoPs and their outputs towards information sharing and research examination group-building processes.

    Conceptual Framework

    Three dependent variables have been identified in this research study, where CoP is the independent one that is recognized in the literature. 

    Objectives of the study

    This research focused on the following research objectives: 

    1. To examine the existing situation of community of practices (CoPs) in the knowledge sharing cycle in universities of Balochistan and Inter-University research coordinated efforts. 

    2. To examine the role played by these communities of practices (CoPs) in creating research partnership associations among universities. 

    3. To explore the degree or extent to which CoPs contribute in fortifying or enhancing alliances for socio-collaborative culture among universities.

    Research Hypothesis

    H1: CoPs provide research partnerships from diverse and distinctive backgrounds of different universities

    H2: CoPs assist in developing socio-collaborative culture among different universities in Balochistan

    Research Methodology

    This research examination consists of the mixed-method approach in which a sequential exploratory strategy has been utilized that includes collection and analysis of qualitative data followed by the collection and analysis of quantitative data. This research design consists of a mixed-sequential exploratory approach containing firstly, subjective (qualitative) and then, quantitative method to deal with managing collected data and taking a look at the data Creswell and Tashakkori (2007) Developing publishable mixed-methods manuscripts and as of late, planning subjective and quantitative strategies changes into essential in research  (Bryman, 2007) because of the way that mixed design gives complete and definite data to accomplish the research examination goals and answer the research study questions. The exploration stage comprised of essential data (survey) simply like any current information (best practices that were being used in universities). In both of the two cases, the researcher's control over information was low as the researcher had no impact on the information. 

    This research examination was done in stages. In the primary part, the qualitative research design included the use of semi-structured one-to-one interviews for information collection. Be that as it may, in the second segment survey was performed and information gathering was helped out through questionnaires. Two sources of data were recognized for this research, specifically interviews and a questionnaire which are implied/alluded to as a basic source of data and a literature review as secondary information (Mouton, 2006). Simple Linear Regression between the variables was analyzed. In the first phase of research, while conducting interviews, it was important to narrate the statements of interviewees. Therefore, the narrative story technique was used. This strategy of qualitative research examination was sought after considering how appropriate respondents were hard to perceive and contact. Therefore, some senior researchers were best found and were motivated to share their knowledge and participate through referral networks. After that, in the second phase of quantitative research, questionnaires were analyzed through different relevant tests, which are explained below. 

    The information was analyzed by utilizing Linear Regression. As per Mukesh et al.2011, Linear regression is a methodology for modeling the connection or relationship between a scalar dependent variable y and one or more explanatory variables (or independent variables) denoted by X. We have utilized this data analysis technique to examine the data. The research exploration assessment includes the value of CoP on inter-university research teams and attempts to examine various factors of CoP and the data sharing cycle among universities. The research exploration examination adds to the improvement of academic culture within universities and serves as a model for other higher education institutions essentially. In this examination, survey questionnaires were circulated to very nearly 350 researchers, employees, PH.Ds, Associate professors and Professors in these establishments for the assessment and appraisal of the effect of Communities of practices on Inter-University Research Teams in Balochistan and in general hierarchical methodology, norms, culture and it includes the current part of CoPs and the research groups through which they work to shape linkages among universities to profit the students, the sharp gathering of laborers furthermore the foundations themselves.

    Data Analysis

    This first portion of the research examination study was passed through individual interviews involving 15 people from different universities in the area. Information was accumulated through questionnaires and interviews from 37 respondents, and their narrative story has been examined to reach conclusions. Interviews gave a significant insight of information into the current approaches towards administering and overseeing communities of practice, information sharing, research partnership organizations, the management of these joint collaborative efforts, and networking. The accompanying section presents the results of the interviews directed from picked interviewees, which show the investigation of their verbal responses during the interviews.

    Question 1: How a Large Part of the University's Work Depends on Inter-university Joint Collaborative Efforts? 

    Respondents uncovered that each university needs to keep up its joint collaborative efforts, whether inter or intra-university, because research collaboration, expertise development, training, and publications is a critical need of time. That is the reason we foresee from these overall perspectives that a lot of the university's strength depends on its inter-university coordinated/collaborative efforts in light of the fact that without teaming up with different partners in the local area, it cannot acquire variety and diversity in knowledge exchange. The descriptive analysis shows that 69% of respondents favored coordinated efforts or these collaborations can either be made for sharing, financing, or goodwill of the organization, which in the long run would be advantageous for both linked partners. 

    Question 2: Why do Universities go for Inter-university Collaboration Efforts? 

    As per the responses by those interviewed, a university opts to have inter-university joint collaborations because of the accompanying reasons: Firstly, when it should adapt up to the changing patterns with respect to various new fields and disciplines. Furthermore, when a university faces a deficiency of skilled labor force needed for a particular issue and thirdly when a university should redesign its performance indicators yet to introduce innovative ideas, it should give essential training to its staff. Additionally, there could be a few other reasons of why universities choose to pursue inter-university collaborations however keeping up these efforts to collaborate with different universities in the area has numerous benefits.

    Question 3: What does the University Expect to Accomplish or Achieve Through these Collaborations? 

    As per interviewees' perspectives, every university desires to keep up a balanced out the competitive edge in the area. Universities want to be recognized locally, nationally, and globally for their assorted courses and their number of researches published, and for accomplishing that goal, a university needs to maintain its collaborative efforts with different other universities. A major part of respondents' perspectives argued that universities in a similar domain need to achieve education excellence with the least assets, so this is an ideal approach to accomplish their objective without investing a lot of energy and exertion. Research centers, most recent equipment, workforce, and information can be shared through such coordinated efforts, which in any case would be so troublesome and somewhat unreasonably expensive if coalitions are to be worked with universities outside the domain. 

    Question 4: How would you quantify the Performance of these Collaborations? 

    There is no predetermined measure for assessing the performances of these coordinated efforts. In any case, guidelines can be determined to the premise of type and motivation behind the cooperation like assuming it as research collaboration; it very well may be estimated by the number of analysts or researchers that are looking for help through it, a number of quality publications that resulted after these joint research efforts depend upon socio-culture then the estimation scales may vary. Additionally, the Academicians and faculty members expressed that there are no factual criteria to estimate the results of collaborations, yet its viability could be achieved through demonstration of the mutual bonding and comprehensive understanding between groups. Every one of the shared academic activities and socio-collaborative culture would characterize the achievement and failure of arrangements and partnerships. In some cases, the coalitions may not demonstrate effectiveness and durability, and they can end up among institutions, yet this cycle is a constant advancement measure which at last characterizes the limits of cooperation and this experience additionally gives space to degradation and improvements. 

    Question 5: Have the Collaborated joint Efforts been added to the University's overall performance? In the event that yes – how? 

    72% responses were positive that the joint research collaborative effort straightforwardly adds to the overall performance of the university in an unexpected way: Increasing the flow of information and culture exchange programs offered by universities, working with such teachers or divisions in a university that needs skilled faculty and expertise, producing a number of researchers and offering supervisory assistance to them. It helps in upgrading the research culture by leading aggregated research projects by connecting with students and employees under various research projects through globally diversified conferences. It works with students in getting a more profound view of the research by providing them a forum to connect and collaborate with research analysts of various countries through research exchange programs.

    Question 6: In your Assessment, what are the Contributing Components of Achievement or Success? 

    According to various referenced contributing elements by interviewees, mainly were the followings: Expanded enrollment of university is dependent upon its improved, coordinated research networks with different universities of the locale, its number of exchange programs and scholarships its offers time to time, a university's capacity to offer diverse courses whether physical or virtual and its competency to deliver quality-oriented alumni, skilled researchers and ranking publications. 

    Question 7: Is the Trending Pattern of these

    Are research Collaborations going to Grow more in the Future? 

    Thinking about the world as a global village, the responses appear positive by numerous interviewees. With a quickly changing environment, the pattern of collaboration appears to be growing. The larger part of responses mirrors that this pattern of partnerships is an impending practice, which is worldwide acknowledged as a success factor. Collaborations with partner associations, community-oriented associations, and foundations are expanding step by step as this promotes the possibility of a "business-to-business" organizational network. It, in a real sense, advances the true essence of knowledge sharing and entrepreneurial businesses among researchers and faculty by opening the skylines of development and innovation. Academic institutions are not anymore confined to study halls now; the universities have been transformed over into professional development forums that contribute to preparing specialized and professional abilities alongside the information expansion of students. Hence, it appears to be unthinkable for institutions to advance without partnership alliances and solid linking networks. This period requires arranged and networked knowledge sharing and ability development in the universities. 

    Question 8: Who are the Individuals that are Associated with Work-related Social Casual or Formal Networks? 

    Numerous respondents were of the view that CoPs nearly exist in almost every discipline and field of study. It is difficult to separate them based on informal or formal networks. However, during their working hours, they may appear to be informal networks anyway may likewise appear in casual ones after the working hours. Since these CoPs are those people who are masters in their field. Individuals may try to acquire information or may answer for their issues from such skilled-oriented CoPs during the working hours or after it. It does not make any difference whether these networks are formal or casual, the principal target that must be satisfied is the results delivered by them and how much efficient they are for improving the overall framework. 

    Question 9: Are the Researchers from among the Managerial Staff, Employees, or Dynamic and Active Groups of Students who are Effectively Participating in it? 

    CoPs could be seen everywhere. We all as a whole are a part of various sorts of CoPs – at work, at school, at university, at home, and during our relaxation exercises. This suggests that everyone has experienced CoPs, so it might be seen as a typical encounter or experience. Some have names, and some do not have them. CoPs are casual, normally existing, promptly created groups, and the sense of community network starts from portraying and characterizing them to the extent regarding practice. In this case, it has been discussed at the university level, so CoPs can be found in all structures depicted above in the question. They can be from administrative staff; they can be research scholars, personnel, or active group of students who are effectively taking an interest and coming up together on a regular premise to analyze subjects of vital pertinence and significance to the overall population or institution and to build up their understanding towards information and expertise. Responses express that research analysts and staff are adequately taking an interest individually, however not through the formal procedure as there is no such official institutional-based network that is set up. 

    Question 10: What is the Experts’ view in Regards to Employees Participating in Work-related Informal Networks/CoPs? 

    Universities obviously respect these works related to informal networks because of its broadly spread benefits and its definitive target of improving university's overall efficiency however, lamentably yet, there is no exertion made in such a manner in light of the fact that the idea of CoP is obscure and new in Balochistan. The interaction process is moderate here, yet the universities do understand the value of empowering the idea of CoPs that the outcomes would be erratically productive regarding the institutions' ranking, its quality of education delivered, and a number of researches published. The majority of the academicians and authoritative staff responses uncovered that CoP is generally new terminology to be utilized in the universities of Pakistan, it does have esteem and value when the community is inherent globally, yet it should be presented appropriately in some forums. Casually, informal communities are created on an individual basis for sharing research publications' interests and ideas. Respondents accepted that such CoPs could upgrade in the overall performance of research exploration and development if appropriately oversaw and observed for knowledge-sharing.

    Descriptive Analysis

    Table 1. Descriptive Statistics Results

    Variables  Statistics







    Standard Deviation






















    Here in table 7.1, 1.081 is the average value of CoP, where 1.113 is the value of mean (median) and 1.15 is the most repetitive observation.The RP observation here is 0.936, 0.945 is the mean and 0.90 is the most repetitive value. 0.805 is the average value of the SCC observation, with 0.788 as the mean value and 0.78 as the most repetitive one.  Whereas, 0.010 and 0.101 are the value of variance and standard deviation of CoPrespectively. However, 0.018 and 0.132 shows the value of variance and standard deviation of the Research Partnership RP, respectively. In the same way, the value of variance and standard deviation of Socio-collaborative Culture SCC are 0.016 and 0.128, respectively. The values of variance and standard deviation of all observation of the variables are small; it shows that the observation fall nearer to the mean and has the least scattered values or dispersion from the mean. The range of Community of Practices CoP, Research Partnerships RP, and Socio-collaborative Culture SCC are 0.45, 0.54, and 0.52, respectively. It demonstrates that the observation shows the least statistical dispersion.


    Correlation Analysis

    Table 2. Pearson Correlation Results


















    The correlation between the value of CoP and RP is 0.566, which is significant at a 5% level. The connection value of CoP and SCC is 0.412, that is significant at a 5% level. The correlation between CoP and the other two dependent variables is measurably significant at 5% while the relationship between CoP and RP is comparatively higher than CoP and SCC.The result outcomes are given in the table as:


    Regression Analysis

    Table 3. Regression Analysis Results


    CoP and Research Partnership

    CoP and Socio-Collaborative Culture


    Unstandardized co-efficient

    Standardized Co-efficient

    Unstandardized co-efficient

    Standardized Co-efficient















    The values in bracket shows Standard Error

    *** indicates significance level at 1%


    The impact of CoP on Research Partnership is 0.740 which is positive and significant at 1% level. If CoP value expands one unit, Research Partnership increases by 0.740 units by and large, holding other variables constant. Nonetheless, the second value shows that there is a positive effect of CoP on the Socio-Collaborative Culture, which is 0.519 and significant at 1% level. In the event that the CoP builds one unit, Socio-Collaborative Culture increases by 0.519 units, by and large, holding other variables constant.

    The following diagnostic tests are used and give inTable 7.3.1.


    Table 4. Diagnostic Tests


    CoP and Research Partnership

    CoP and Socio-Collaborative Culture






    F- Statistics



    *** indicates significance level at 1%


    The value of  tells the extent to which there is variation between the values of dependent variable and independent variables. The value of here is 0.32 while the value of the adjusted  is 0.317. Portrays that there is a 32% variation in the value of Research Partnership, clarified by CoP. It implies that a satisfactory goodness of fit. The F-statistics is 123 and significant at a 1% level. It tells that the overall model is significant. Whereas, the estimated value of the second hypothesis shows that the   is 0.169 while the value of the adjusted  is 0.166.  Portrays that there is a 17% variation in Socio-Collaborative Culture that is clarified by CoP. It as well shows a significant goodness of fit and the estimated F-statistics is 54, which is significant at a 1% level with overall significant model.

    Results and Conclusion

    The results from the study show and demonstrate that the membership of the same or comparable CoPs positively influences these inter-university research collaborative groups or teams. The research findings reveal that CoP strongly affects research partnership associations, and it assumes a positive part in uniting individuals who are prepared to give their time and endeavors for research purposes that at last impacts the profitability of the organization. In any case, the correlation between CoP and research partnership appears to be significant and are emphatically correlated with one another. CoP impacts socio-collaborative culture strongly through the generation of an idea, knowledge sharing, and employee commitment. CoPs strongly impact on socio-collaborative culture regarding advancing research exploratory culture through growing social links and it also helps research groups to shape solid research collaborative culture that depends on friendly collaboration, correspondence, and coordination among the research analysts. The outcomes show a significant and strong correlation between CoP and socio-collaborative culture. In the wake of finishing the research investigation and considering its limitations, the accompanying recommendations can be derived for future research exploration: This research would set valuable guidelines or rules for universities to fortify their community networks for sharing research exploration and assembling university coalitions. The research investigation can be a contribution to the managerial practices inside universities to carry out this plan for improving the effectiveness of research and training divisions. Similar investigation can be carried out all over Pakistan to investigate the CoPs impact on information and research sharing. As the Balochistan region has a very limited number of universities that are contributing through CoPs. In the event that this research study will be directed and carried out in other areas of Pakistan, the discoveries would lead towards organizational advancement and development. The research results of this investigation would likewise be useful for the scholar community to assemble fast-paced knowledge networks across the countries whenever applied by practitioners. The same research investigation can be stretched out to determine correlation with socio-cultural diversities as barriers of the information sharing process for shaping up the research exploration groups across CoPs. The research would give clear guidance for implementable answers to enhance the culture of research investigations and collaboration among higher education institutions all over the world.

    The research examination led to analyze and investigate the function of CoP for Inter-university research alliances and groups which may likewise end up being an innovative answer for speedy information sharing among higher education institutes. Same investigation can likewise be done across Pakistan to investigate the effect of CoPs on information and research sharing as Balochistan region contains a very less numbers of universities that are attempting to contribute through CoPs. In the event that this exploration study is to be directed across Pakistan, the research examination discoveries would lead towards hierarchical developments. At present, the investigation explored the effect of CoPs on research teams within universities of the province keeping up the time thought view and assets required. Nonetheless, the elements of assessing the effect of CoPs on information creation, innovation of management and building global coalitions can likewise be investigated in detail.


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Cite this article

    APA : Yaqoob, G., Ramzan, S., & Gul, N. (2021). Impact of Community of Practice (COPs) on Inter-University Research Partnerships and Socio-Collaborative Culture in Balochistan. Global Educational Studies Review, VI(IV), 174-185.
    CHICAGO : Yaqoob, Ghazala, Saubia Ramzan, and Nagina Gul. 2021. "Impact of Community of Practice (COPs) on Inter-University Research Partnerships and Socio-Collaborative Culture in Balochistan." Global Educational Studies Review, VI (IV): 174-185 doi: 10.31703/gesr.2021(VI-IV).18
    HARVARD : YAQOOB, G., RAMZAN, S. & GUL, N. 2021. Impact of Community of Practice (COPs) on Inter-University Research Partnerships and Socio-Collaborative Culture in Balochistan. Global Educational Studies Review, VI, 174-185.
    MHRA : Yaqoob, Ghazala, Saubia Ramzan, and Nagina Gul. 2021. "Impact of Community of Practice (COPs) on Inter-University Research Partnerships and Socio-Collaborative Culture in Balochistan." Global Educational Studies Review, VI: 174-185
    MLA : Yaqoob, Ghazala, Saubia Ramzan, and Nagina Gul. "Impact of Community of Practice (COPs) on Inter-University Research Partnerships and Socio-Collaborative Culture in Balochistan." Global Educational Studies Review, VI.IV (2021): 174-185 Print.
    OXFORD : Yaqoob, Ghazala, Ramzan, Saubia, and Gul, Nagina (2021), "Impact of Community of Practice (COPs) on Inter-University Research Partnerships and Socio-Collaborative Culture in Balochistan", Global Educational Studies Review, VI (IV), 174-185
    TURABIAN : Yaqoob, Ghazala, Saubia Ramzan, and Nagina Gul. "Impact of Community of Practice (COPs) on Inter-University Research Partnerships and Socio-Collaborative Culture in Balochistan." Global Educational Studies Review VI, no. IV (2021): 174-185.