Authored by : Rabia Siddiqui , Zehra Habib

02 Pages : 13-26


  • Abdullah, M. R., Sultana, T., Shaari, A. H., & Shaari, N. D. (2021). Contrasts Between Moral and Islamic Religious Education: Dilemmas and Prospects. Jurnal Pendidikan Islam, 10(1), 1-22.
  • Abro, A. A., Ul Mustafa, A. R., Ali, M., & Nayyar, Y. (2021). Does Ramzan effect the returns and volatility? Evidence from GCC share market. The Journal of Asian Finance, Economics and Business, 8(7), 11- 19.
  • Al-Aidros, A.-H., Shamsudin, M. F., & Idris, M. K. (2013). Ethics and Ethical Theories from Islamic Perspective. International Journal of Islamic Thought, 4, 1-13.
  • Ali, A., Aleem, A., Mahmood, N., & Mann, M. (2022). Islamic Education in Pakistan and its Objectives for Peaceful Society: Analytical Study. PalArch's Journal of Archaeology of Egypt/ Egyptology, 19(2), 1153-1160.
  • Asif, T., Guangming, O., Haider, M. A., Colomer, J., Kayani, S., & Amin, N. (2020). Moral Education for Sustainable Development: Comparison of University Teachers’ Perceptions in China and Pakistan. Sustainability, 12(7), 1-20.
  • Awan, N. W., Abro, A. A., & Mustafa, A. R. (2021). Do environmental degradation and agricultural accessories impact on agricultural crops and land revenue? Evidence from Pakistan. Sarhad Journal of Agriculture, 37(2), 639-649.
  • Aziz, A. A., Ibrahim, M. A., Shaker, M. H., & Nor, A. M. (2016). Teaching Technique of Islamic Studies in Higher Learning Institutions for Non-Arabic Speakers: Experience of Faculty of Quranic and Sunnah Studies and Tamhidi Centre, Universiti Sains Islam Malaysia. Universal Journal of Educational, 4(4), 755-760.
  • Boscaljon, D., & Levinovitz, A. (2019). Teaching Religion and Literature. Newyork: Routledge.
  • Cerna, M. (2018). Psychodidactic Approach in the Development of Language Competencies in University Students with Blended Learning. Open Learning: The Journal of Open, Distance and e-Learning, 2(33), 142-154.
  • Chowdhury, M. (2016). Emphasizing Morals, Values, Ethics and Character Education in Science Education and Science Teaching. Malaysian Online Journal of Educational Science, 4(2), 1-16.
  • Corbin, J., & Strauss, A. (2008). Basics of Qualitative Research (3rd ed.): Techniques and Procedures for Developing Grounded Theory. Thousands Oaks, London: SAGE Publications.
  • Halstead, J. M. (2007). Islamic Values: A distinctive Framework for Moral Education? Journal of Moral Education, 36(3), 283-296.
  • Haron, H., Jamil, N. N., & Ramli, N. M. (2020). Western and Islamic Values and Ethics: Are they Different? Journal of Governance and Integrity, 4(1), 12-28.
  • Hasanah, N. Z., Sutra, S. D., Istiqomah, Dewantara, M. H., & Boulahnane, S. (2022). The Role of Islamic Education The Role of Islamic Education. Mudarrisa: Jurnal Kajian Pendidikan Islam, 14(1), 33- 47.
  • Hassan, A., & Rehema, K. (2021). An Islamic Approach towards Nurturing Learners’ Morals in Institutions of Higher Learningin Uganda. East African Journal of Interdisciplinary Studies, 3(1), 207-220.
  • Khan, H. M., Khan, W., Farooq, S., Aleem, A., Mann, M., & Akhtar, S. (2021). The Role of Islamic Education in Moral Character Building of Pakistani Youth: An Analytical Study. Multicultural Education, 7(9), 174- 181.
  • Khanam, A., Iqbal, Z., & Kalsoom, Q. (2020). Effect of Religious Education on the Moral Development of Children. International Journal of Management, 11(11), 2314- 2329.
  • Krzesni, D. (2015). Morality. Pedagogy for Restoration: Addressing Social and Ecological Degradation through Education, 205, 55-77.
  • Latif, K. (2008, December 22). Morality and Ethics in Islam.
  • Levitt, H. M., Motulsky, S. L., Wertz, F. J., Morrow, S. L., & Ponterotto, J. G. (2017). Recommendations for designing and reviewing qualitative research in psychology: Promoting Methodological Integrity. Qualitative Psychology, 4(1), 2- 22.
  • Muhammed-Lawal, A. A., & Hussien, S. (2018). The Role of Islamic Education Teacher in Moral Education: A Case Study of (IIS) Malaysia. Journal of Education and Practice, 9(36), 170-174.
  • Mulyani, S. (2019). Character Educatin in Islamic Perspective. A- Idarah Research Gate, 2(2), 127-137.
  • Narvaez, D. (2020). Moral Education in a time of Human Ecological Devastation.
  • Journal of Moral Edcuation, 2-14.
  • Niwaz, A., & Ishfaq, U. (2018). Importance of Morality in Islam: Development of Moral Values through Activities by Parents. Journal of Islamic & Religious Studies, 3(1), 49-62.
  • Naz, H., & Kashif, N. U. (2020). Social Change Model through Teaching of Islamiat for Secondary School Teachers: A Systematic Literature Review. Global Regional Review, 5(3), 297-306.
  • NEP. (2017). National Education Policy. Islamabad, Pakistan: Ministy of Federal Education and Professional Training.
  • Nucci, L. (2016). Recovering the role of Reasoning in Moral Education to address Inequity and Social Justice. Journal of Moral Education, 45(3), 291-307.
  • Rafikov, I., Akhmetova, E., & Yapar, O. E. (2021). Prospects of Morality-Based Education in the 21st Century. Journal of Islamic Thought and Civilization, 11(1), 1- 21.
  • Rissanen, I., Kuusisto, E., Hanhimäki , E., & Tirri, K. (2018). The Implications of Teachers’ Implicit Theories for Moral Education: A case study from Finland. Journal of Moral Education, 47(1), 63-77.
  • Rofam, G. K. (2019). Ideas of Character Education at the Integrated Islamic Elementary School in Banjarmasin. Riayah: Jurnal Sosial Dan Keagamaan, 4(2), 156-166.
  • Rosenberg, G. R. (2015). Portrait of a Moral Agent Teacher. New York: Routledge.
  • Saeed, R. A., & Parveen, Z. (2020). Ethical and Moral Impact of Islamic and WesternConcept of Freedom (An Analytical Study). Burjis, 7(1), 38-55.
  • Segev, A. (2017). Does classic school curriculum contribute to morality? Integrating school curriculum with moral and intellectual education. Educational Philosophy and Theory, 49(1), 89-98.
  • Sevim, O. M. (2021). What is Morality?: The Concept of Morality from Prospective Teachers' Perspective. Bulletin of Education and Research, 43(1), 135-154.
  • Shah, H. M., Raza, M., & Irfan, M. (2021). Morality in Islam and Culture of Moral Education in Pakistan: A Comparative Analysis. Ilkogretim Online - Elementary Education Online, 20(5), 4505-4511.
  • Siddiqui, R., & Habib, Z. (2021). Moral Education at Primary Level in Selected Private Schools of Karachi: Role of Teachers and Parents. Pakistan Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences, 9(2), 59- 73.
  • Ste'ç, M., & Kulik, M. M. (2021). The Psych- Didatic Approach in Religious and Moral Education. Towards Personal Growth and Positive Mental Health of Students. Religions, 12(6), 1-17.
  • Sukardi, I. (2016). Character Education Based on Religious Values: an Islamic Perspective. Journal of Islamic Education, 21(1), 41-57.
  • Tahiri, M., & Zubairi, S. (2017). Towards the Role of Islamic Education in Promoting Peace and Harmony in a Society: An Analysis. TahdhÄ«b al Afkār, 25-36.
  • Yaqin, A. (2019). Developing Moral Reasoning Theory Based on Islamic Education Perspective. 3rd International Conference on Education Innovation (ICEI 2019), 387, 55-61.
  • Yuliasih, M., Suharyat, Y., & Najmulmunir, N. (2018). National Character Education Model based on Islamic Values. In Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Recent Innovations (2057- 2066). Science and Technology Publications.
  • Abdullah, M. R., Sultana, T., Shaari, A. H., & Shaari, N. D. (2021). Contrasts Between Moral and Islamic Religious Education: Dilemmas and Prospects. Jurnal Pendidikan Islam, 10(1), 1-22.
  • Abro, A. A., Ul Mustafa, A. R., Ali, M., & Nayyar, Y. (2021). Does Ramzan effect the returns and volatility? Evidence from GCC share market. The Journal of Asian Finance, Economics and Business, 8(7), 11- 19.
  • Al-Aidros, A.-H., Shamsudin, M. F., & Idris, M. K. (2013). Ethics and Ethical Theories from Islamic Perspective. International Journal of Islamic Thought, 4, 1-13.
  • Ali, A., Aleem, A., Mahmood, N., & Mann, M. (2022). Islamic Education in Pakistan and its Objectives for Peaceful Society: Analytical Study. PalArch's Journal of Archaeology of Egypt/ Egyptology, 19(2), 1153-1160.
  • Asif, T., Guangming, O., Haider, M. A., Colomer, J., Kayani, S., & Amin, N. (2020). Moral Education for Sustainable Development: Comparison of University Teachers’ Perceptions in China and Pakistan. Sustainability, 12(7), 1-20.
  • Awan, N. W., Abro, A. A., & Mustafa, A. R. (2021). Do environmental degradation and agricultural accessories impact on agricultural crops and land revenue? Evidence from Pakistan. Sarhad Journal of Agriculture, 37(2), 639-649.
  • Aziz, A. A., Ibrahim, M. A., Shaker, M. H., & Nor, A. M. (2016). Teaching Technique of Islamic Studies in Higher Learning Institutions for Non-Arabic Speakers: Experience of Faculty of Quranic and Sunnah Studies and Tamhidi Centre, Universiti Sains Islam Malaysia. Universal Journal of Educational, 4(4), 755-760.
  • Boscaljon, D., & Levinovitz, A. (2019). Teaching Religion and Literature. Newyork: Routledge.
  • Cerna, M. (2018). Psychodidactic Approach in the Development of Language Competencies in University Students with Blended Learning. Open Learning: The Journal of Open, Distance and e-Learning, 2(33), 142-154.
  • Chowdhury, M. (2016). Emphasizing Morals, Values, Ethics and Character Education in Science Education and Science Teaching. Malaysian Online Journal of Educational Science, 4(2), 1-16.
  • Corbin, J., & Strauss, A. (2008). Basics of Qualitative Research (3rd ed.): Techniques and Procedures for Developing Grounded Theory. Thousands Oaks, London: SAGE Publications.
  • Halstead, J. M. (2007). Islamic Values: A distinctive Framework for Moral Education? Journal of Moral Education, 36(3), 283-296.
  • Haron, H., Jamil, N. N., & Ramli, N. M. (2020). Western and Islamic Values and Ethics: Are they Different? Journal of Governance and Integrity, 4(1), 12-28.
  • Hasanah, N. Z., Sutra, S. D., Istiqomah, Dewantara, M. H., & Boulahnane, S. (2022). The Role of Islamic Education The Role of Islamic Education. Mudarrisa: Jurnal Kajian Pendidikan Islam, 14(1), 33- 47.
  • Hassan, A., & Rehema, K. (2021). An Islamic Approach towards Nurturing Learners’ Morals in Institutions of Higher Learningin Uganda. East African Journal of Interdisciplinary Studies, 3(1), 207-220.
  • Khan, H. M., Khan, W., Farooq, S., Aleem, A., Mann, M., & Akhtar, S. (2021). The Role of Islamic Education in Moral Character Building of Pakistani Youth: An Analytical Study. Multicultural Education, 7(9), 174- 181.
  • Khanam, A., Iqbal, Z., & Kalsoom, Q. (2020). Effect of Religious Education on the Moral Development of Children. International Journal of Management, 11(11), 2314- 2329.
  • Krzesni, D. (2015). Morality. Pedagogy for Restoration: Addressing Social and Ecological Degradation through Education, 205, 55-77.
  • Latif, K. (2008, December 22). Morality and Ethics in Islam.
  • Levitt, H. M., Motulsky, S. L., Wertz, F. J., Morrow, S. L., & Ponterotto, J. G. (2017). Recommendations for designing and reviewing qualitative research in psychology: Promoting Methodological Integrity. Qualitative Psychology, 4(1), 2- 22.
  • Muhammed-Lawal, A. A., & Hussien, S. (2018). The Role of Islamic Education Teacher in Moral Education: A Case Study of (IIS) Malaysia. Journal of Education and Practice, 9(36), 170-174.
  • Mulyani, S. (2019). Character Educatin in Islamic Perspective. A- Idarah Research Gate, 2(2), 127-137.
  • Narvaez, D. (2020). Moral Education in a time of Human Ecological Devastation.
  • Journal of Moral Edcuation, 2-14.
  • Niwaz, A., & Ishfaq, U. (2018). Importance of Morality in Islam: Development of Moral Values through Activities by Parents. Journal of Islamic & Religious Studies, 3(1), 49-62.
  • Naz, H., & Kashif, N. U. (2020). Social Change Model through Teaching of Islamiat for Secondary School Teachers: A Systematic Literature Review. Global Regional Review, 5(3), 297-306.
  • NEP. (2017). National Education Policy. Islamabad, Pakistan: Ministy of Federal Education and Professional Training.
  • Nucci, L. (2016). Recovering the role of Reasoning in Moral Education to address Inequity and Social Justice. Journal of Moral Education, 45(3), 291-307.
  • Rafikov, I., Akhmetova, E., & Yapar, O. E. (2021). Prospects of Morality-Based Education in the 21st Century. Journal of Islamic Thought and Civilization, 11(1), 1- 21.
  • Rissanen, I., Kuusisto, E., Hanhimäki , E., & Tirri, K. (2018). The Implications of Teachers’ Implicit Theories for Moral Education: A case study from Finland. Journal of Moral Education, 47(1), 63-77.
  • Rofam, G. K. (2019). Ideas of Character Education at the Integrated Islamic Elementary School in Banjarmasin. Riayah: Jurnal Sosial Dan Keagamaan, 4(2), 156-166.
  • Rosenberg, G. R. (2015). Portrait of a Moral Agent Teacher. New York: Routledge.
  • Saeed, R. A., & Parveen, Z. (2020). Ethical and Moral Impact of Islamic and WesternConcept of Freedom (An Analytical Study). Burjis, 7(1), 38-55.
  • Segev, A. (2017). Does classic school curriculum contribute to morality? Integrating school curriculum with moral and intellectual education. Educational Philosophy and Theory, 49(1), 89-98.
  • Sevim, O. M. (2021). What is Morality?: The Concept of Morality from Prospective Teachers' Perspective. Bulletin of Education and Research, 43(1), 135-154.
  • Shah, H. M., Raza, M., & Irfan, M. (2021). Morality in Islam and Culture of Moral Education in Pakistan: A Comparative Analysis. Ilkogretim Online - Elementary Education Online, 20(5), 4505-4511.
  • Siddiqui, R., & Habib, Z. (2021). Moral Education at Primary Level in Selected Private Schools of Karachi: Role of Teachers and Parents. Pakistan Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences, 9(2), 59- 73.
  • Ste'ç, M., & Kulik, M. M. (2021). The Psych- Didatic Approach in Religious and Moral Education. Towards Personal Growth and Positive Mental Health of Students. Religions, 12(6), 1-17.
  • Sukardi, I. (2016). Character Education Based on Religious Values: an Islamic Perspective. Journal of Islamic Education, 21(1), 41-57.
  • Tahiri, M., & Zubairi, S. (2017). Towards the Role of Islamic Education in Promoting Peace and Harmony in a Society: An Analysis. TahdhÄ«b al Afkār, 25-36.
  • Yaqin, A. (2019). Developing Moral Reasoning Theory Based on Islamic Education Perspective. 3rd International Conference on Education Innovation (ICEI 2019), 387, 55-61.
  • Yuliasih, M., Suharyat, Y., & Najmulmunir, N. (2018). National Character Education Model based on Islamic Values. In Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Recent Innovations (2057- 2066). Science and Technology Publications.

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    APA : Siddiqui, R., & Habib, Z. (2022). Pakistani Teachers' Perceptions of Moral Education through Teaching of Islamic Studies: A Qualitative Study. Global Educational Studies Review, VII(IV), 13-26.
    CHICAGO : Siddiqui, Rabia, and Zehra Habib. 2022. "Pakistani Teachers' Perceptions of Moral Education through Teaching of Islamic Studies: A Qualitative Study." Global Educational Studies Review, VII (IV): 13-26 doi: 10.31703/gesr.2022(VII-IV).02
    HARVARD : SIDDIQUI, R. & HABIB, Z. 2022. Pakistani Teachers' Perceptions of Moral Education through Teaching of Islamic Studies: A Qualitative Study. Global Educational Studies Review, VII, 13-26.
    MHRA : Siddiqui, Rabia, and Zehra Habib. 2022. "Pakistani Teachers' Perceptions of Moral Education through Teaching of Islamic Studies: A Qualitative Study." Global Educational Studies Review, VII: 13-26
    MLA : Siddiqui, Rabia, and Zehra Habib. "Pakistani Teachers' Perceptions of Moral Education through Teaching of Islamic Studies: A Qualitative Study." Global Educational Studies Review, VII.IV (2022): 13-26 Print.
    OXFORD : Siddiqui, Rabia and Habib, Zehra (2022), "Pakistani Teachers' Perceptions of Moral Education through Teaching of Islamic Studies: A Qualitative Study", Global Educational Studies Review, VII (IV), 13-26
    TURABIAN : Siddiqui, Rabia, and Zehra Habib. "Pakistani Teachers' Perceptions of Moral Education through Teaching of Islamic Studies: A Qualitative Study." Global Educational Studies Review VII, no. IV (2022): 13-26.