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APA : Anjum, S., Shehzad, S., & Jalal, H. (2021). Thriving at Work: The Effect of Psychological Capital on Teachers Burnout Symptoms. Global Educational Studies Review, VI(II), 151-161.
CHICAGO : Anjum, Shagufta, Shumaila Shehzad, and Hina Jalal. 2021. "Thriving at Work: The Effect of Psychological Capital on Teachers Burnout Symptoms." Global Educational Studies Review, VI (II): 151-161 doi: 10.31703/gesr.2021(VI-II).15
HARVARD : ANJUM, S., SHEHZAD, S. & JALAL, H. 2021. Thriving at Work: The Effect of Psychological Capital on Teachers Burnout Symptoms. Global Educational Studies Review, VI, 151-161.
MHRA : Anjum, Shagufta, Shumaila Shehzad, and Hina Jalal. 2021. "Thriving at Work: The Effect of Psychological Capital on Teachers Burnout Symptoms." Global Educational Studies Review, VI: 151-161
MLA : Anjum, Shagufta, Shumaila Shehzad, and Hina Jalal. "Thriving at Work: The Effect of Psychological Capital on Teachers Burnout Symptoms." Global Educational Studies Review, VI.II (2021): 151-161 Print.
OXFORD : Anjum, Shagufta, Shehzad, Shumaila, and Jalal, Hina (2021), "Thriving at Work: The Effect of Psychological Capital on Teachers Burnout Symptoms", Global Educational Studies Review, VI (II), 151-161
TURABIAN : Anjum, Shagufta, Shumaila Shehzad, and Hina Jalal. "Thriving at Work: The Effect of Psychological Capital on Teachers Burnout Symptoms." Global Educational Studies Review VI, no. II (2021): 151-161.