The aim of this study is to analyze the influence of celebrity endorsement, music and slogans in YouTube ads on the purchasing intention of the university students of Lahore. A questionnaire was designed to get the data regarding this consideration topic; consisted on convenience sampling. The data was gathered from 120 students of four main universities in Lahore. The ages of the respondents were 18 to 30. The targeted students were registered in different undergraduate programs in the private sector universities of Lahore, Pakistan. The AIDA model was used to analyze the collected data. The findings suggest that in spite of the celebrity endorsed YouTube advertisements, use of catchy music and slogans, the respondents don’t purchase the products on behalf of these aspects. Furthermore, the YouTube ads are failed to play a favorable part to influence the consumers towards purchase intention after watching the YouTube ads.
Key Words
YouTube, YouTube Advertisements, Students Purchasing Intention, Celebrity Endorsement, Music, Slogans
Once upon a time, when people lived in simple manners, brands started stuffing every channel of communication with ads. In those days’ advertisements was just a supportive idea about to market the product. With the passage of time, fundamental needs of people were redefined and comforts were changed into basic needs. Brands started their participation to catch the attention of their consumers and time. All of a sudden, advertisement became a universal aspect; emerging throughout globally (Saleem & Khalid, 2018). Ads are significant tools to catch the attention of consumers. With the passage of time, modern ways of ads are being have been replaced by the older ways. Now, online ads are used by companies as like TV and radio ads. The way of online advertising is using at the platform of interactive media. Social media have modernized due to internet, and these platforms are using rapidly. Furthermore, the limited number of social media platforms has improved with the passage of time on initial basis, for example, different sites of social media like blogs, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and YouTube (Firat, 2019).
YouTube has been processed as a very famous online video-sharing forum. Splendidly, the users of internet upload above 500 hours of video by minute. Furthermore, the online people watch videos on YouTube over a billion hours on daily basis (Chakraborty et al., 2021). Regardless of watching videos on YouTube, people also participate to create their own content and as an advertiser they can advertise campaigns. Therefore, YouTube is an example of modern market of advertising, where any kind of user can get advantage from advertisements. From another perspective, the normal user, viewer, can have a better good understanding when the advertisements are demonstrated to them related to their own interest (Arantes, Figueiredo & Almeida, 2018).
On the other hand, YouTube meets the benefit of advertiser by enabling them to promote video advertisements regarding to meet their specific audience. The content creators for YouTube also earn money from ads that are accepted for monetization. To understand the ads on YouTube, two different video ad patterns are famous. Some ads are up to 3 minutes long but it can be skip able after 5 seconds. The second pattern is based on skip able short advertisement more than twenty seconds long. Advertisers pay a specific amount to YouTube when users watch the complete advertisement, if it is less or at least thirty second long (Banerjee & Pal, 2022).
For recent years, YouTube has provided a platform of advertisement. Many multinational companies advertise their products related to food, beverages and services. There are many big names of these brands like HBL, Pepsi, Coke, InDrive, Uber, Lays, Haier, McDonald’s, Sprite, KFC, Tiger Biscuit, Zeera Plus, Zong 4G and many more. These ads are started in the start of the video or and in between the video of YouTube and these companies give a handsome amount to YouTube to advertise their products. This study will analyze the buying behavior of the university students regarding the YouTube ads.
Literature Review
A study was conducted by the authors Zarina, Joshua, Catherine and Raman on “Measuring the Impact of YouTube Ads on The Buying Behavior of Consumers in Chennai Through Brand Recognition and Motivation” in 2021. The aim of this study was to investigate the experience of the customers when they watch YouTube ads and also to check the buying behavior of the consumers after watching the ads. The convenience sampling technique was used to attain the data. The results showed that the YouTube ads influence the purchasing intention of the consumers and the YouTube ads don’t influence the behavior of the consumers in direct manners but the ads leave the optimistic impact on the consumers through brand identity and inspiration.
Sabuncuo?lu-?nanç, Gökaliler and Gülay made a research on “Do Bumper Ads Bump Consumers?: An Empirical Research on YouTube Video Viewers” in 2019. The study checked the attitude of the consumers towards bumper ads (6 Seconds shippable) ads of the YouTube. The factors of entertainment, information, credibility, impatience, exposure’s frequency and values of ads were analyzed in this research. The findings showed that the respondents don’t have an optimistic behavior regarding these elements and the bumper ads too.
The researchers Dehghani, Niaki, Ramezani and Sali (2016) conducted a study on “Evaluating the influence of YouTube advertising for attraction of young customers”. For this research, data were attained from 315 respondents through questionnaires. The findings revealed the elements of the entertainment, information and customization are the powerful factors, and on the other hand the factor of irritation is disapprovingly related to YouTube ads. Alternatively, the value of YouTube ads affects the awareness of brand and buying behavior of the people.
A study “The Impact of Shopee's YouTube Ads Shopee Version 4.4 Mega Elektronik Sale on Purchase Intention” was conducted by Fataron in 2021. The purpose of this study was to measure the buying behavior of the consumers regarding the slogan of the Shopee’s YouTube ad. The slogan was “Shopee 4.4 Mega Elektronik Sale”. The data was collected through survey. The results showed that the slogan of the Shopee YouTube ad has a significant role in purchasing intention of the consumers.
A research “Impact of YouTube as a Social Media Marketing Tool” arranged by Rathee, Rajain and Tejaswini in 2021. The aim of this research was to investigate the impact of the consumer’s buying interest of YouTube advertisements regarding memorable music and desired actors. The data was collected through 203 users of YouTube. The conclusion was that these factors lead the people towards buying behavior.
Process of Consumer Decision Making
Figure 1

Need: The journey of the decision making starts with a demand or a need a product. The consumer assesses to those products and selects those products and then uses them (Hamilton et al., 2019).
Information Research: At this second stage, there are two factors are involved in this regard, one is internal factor and second is external factor. An internal factor consists of the previous experiences with that product/service. An external factor involved to ask the kith and kin about their experiences to acquire a new product. Consumer can also research public means, as like feedbacks, blogs, banners, TVC’s, brochures, etc (Stankevich, 2017).
Evaluating Alternatives: After the second stage, the consumer associates to evaluate the information which he/she has collected. The consumer analyzes and compares all the data gathered about products and services through the information research based on the needs and demands on the basis of as dimensions, quality, brand name and price (Karpenko & Ivannikova , 2020).
Buying: The fourth point is the buying decision and starts after the evaluation of alternatives when the buyer originates a favorite product among the brands and intends to purchase the selected product. The buying decision is affected by probable risk, thus the purchase can be modified, delayed or avoided (Reddy, 2017).
Feedback: Feedback is also called post-purchase attitude and it is also familiar as the satisfactory/dissatisfactory mood of customer. Customers evaluate and analyze the purchased product, fulfill or their demands or does not. The positive feedback leads the consumer towards repurchasing. If there is negative feedback, negative consequences can be occurred (Ivanov, Konov & Akiba, 2021).
Advertising Effect Model – AIDA
The main role of ad is to start the decision-making process by the consumers. In the age of the competition, advertisers have initiated to target the emotions and psychology of the consumers. A brand is what a consumer can keep in mind a specific product of that brand. The AIDA model was initiated by Elias St. Elmo Lewis from America in 1898.
The AIDA model informs about the cognitive and emotional levels, in which a consumer goes through during the purchasing procedure. The AIDA model supports the purchaser to leads him towards the ultimate purchase. The AIDA model’s relevant stages are:
? The cognitive level in which the attention of the consumer can be drawn;
? At the effective level, consumers take interest in the products and services which offered and figure out what is being offered and it produces the desire to purchase that product by the consumers.
? The action happens on behavior level.
Figure 2

Awareness: How information-based advertisements can develop the awareness of a brand and enhance the awareness about latest products or innovative characteristics of current products. This level enhances the awareness of the consumer with the product and services (Batra & Keller, 2016).
Interest: In this step, the interest of the advertising content is generated in the consumers. To generate the interest, it is essential to select the target consumers, particular information and exclusive content (Prathapan, Sahadevan & Zakkariya, 2018).
Desire: At this level the marketers give the accurate solution regarding the judgment for the consumer. Audiences have a desire to get a product (Budimansyah et al., 2019).
Action: At first, consumer give awareness then attracts with that product or service with interest then originates desire and at last, participates to buy that product. This thing leads the consumer towards that level on which actions are completed and consumer utilizes the service or product (Mumtaz, 2019).
Importance of YouTube
America introduced this video-sharing site YouTube and its headquarters are existed in San Bruno, California. Three famous PayPal workers - Chad Hurley, Steve Chen, and Jawed Karim, established YouTube in February 2005. After it, American company Google purchased this website in November 2006. YouTube is a free of cost website that enables the people to publish, watch, evaluate, share, report, comments, make playlists and subscribe the channels. The material on YouTube based on video footage, TV shows and music videos, short and documentary videos, film teasers, live videos, and other material as like blogging via video, official videos, and academics videos (Srinivasacharlu, 2020).
YouTube allows the people to develop the content from non-professional to professional; advertisers cooperate with digital media regulators for marketing purposes as they recognize their influence within their societies as crucial (Schwemmer & Ziewiecki, 2018).
YouTube is important for the students as a tool of learning and also an efficient and extra tool for learning the basic skills (Babu, Buddayya & Gujjarappa, 2019). Additionally, YouTube is a digital media tool particularly uses to share the medical education and information related to healthcare (Bopp et al., 2019). YouTube portal where the content presented to the audiences is the television programs. YouTube is a systematic network that runs via computer or mobile phone; it enables the people to get knowledge and entertainment in all aspects of the globe through one click (Haqqu, Hastjarjo & Slamet, 2019).
Importance of YouTube Ads and Purchasing Intention
Many viewers of YouTube are also purchasers of YouTube ads, and now YouTube is one of the most famous platforms to promote all types of ads worldwide. YouTube ads can be very significant for a lot of sponsors as like corporations, information by governing bodies and pandemic ads (Ali & Yang, 2022). YouTube ads has potential to create an impact by a specific type of information on an increased level of the engagement of the users, that causes it very effectual to deliver the information and advertisements to the selective audience within its accessibility (Fedric & Singh, 2018). The best famous type of YouTube ads is pre-roll advertisements. Furthermore, audience can watch the ad related to brand for 15-seconds before they can shift to the content of the main video. The main importance of YouTube advertisement is to persuade the public to take a specific decision about brand. The style of the ads on YouTube present different kind of formats to brands as like display, pre-roll, mid-content, to attract the attention of the audience. As a result, companies use YouTube ads to attain different kinds of goals related to brand as like to build the awareness of brand, to influence the attitudes of brand, and motivate the consumers towards particular intentions and measures of brand (Diwanji & Lee, 2022).
YouTube is an attention seeker dimension for all ages and it based on info and entertaining factors. On global level, the advertising revenue by the YouTube has noted a boost of 16.06% in 2021 in contrast to 2020, which concludes the effect of YouTube ad among the people. YouTube establishes the situation and standard to cooperate in promotions which leads towards the purchasing behavior (Dey & Sorab, 2022). The factor of entertainment, knowledge, personalizing, and irritation are the aspects of YouTube ads that influence the buying behavior of the consumers (Silaban et al., 2022). YouTube advertising has become a necessary instrument of promotion, among companies, with approximately 80% of sellers say that YouTube is a platform of advertising through beneficial online digital/modern video and people buy their advertised product through the platform o YouTube. YouTube ads have an optimistic result on consumer buying attitude regarding a product or service, comparable to the studies done by many other authors who give a statement that there is a favorable association between advertisement and buying behavior (Febriyantoro, 2020).
Celebrity Endorsement by YouTube Ads
Celebrity endorsement through social media sites is a increasing strategy of advertising on global level and the YouTube video is a demonstration of the celebrity culture in THE SHAPE ads on YouTube (Martíneza & Olsson, 2019). Millions of followers are attracted by the celebrities in YouTube ads on daily basis (Schouten, Janssen & Verspaget, 2020). The status of a Celebrity can be arisen from skill and aptitude in a specific domain as like music, acting, or sports; from ancestors and family; or connections with other celebrities (Raposo, 2019).
Aoki and Downes (2003) concluded that majority of the college students use mobile phones given by their parents for remaining in touch with family and friends.
YouTube advertisements by celebrity had an optimistic impression on the watching style and attitude of the consumers who watch YouTube ads. Celebrity based YouTube ads are welcomed by the audience and leave an impact on their buying decision (Sukanya & Subbulakshmi, 2022). A lot of brands are used the YouTube celebrities as an endorser to attract the audience to serve the product which aimed to reach the audience on high level. Many brands also give payment to those celebrities or the product endorsements (Rasmussen, 2018).
Role of Music in YouTube Advertisements
During the past years, advertisers of both goods and services have familiar that digital media platforms are important to their achievement. Undeniably, one of them, YouTube provides an effective way to a lot of fresh e-marketers which can easily get optimistic advantages from it. Music is used to persuade the commercial advertising in front of consumers. Music, attached with other aspects as like voice over, graphics and lyrics, provides an attractive impact via expressive and cognitive processes (Karpasitis, Polycarpou & Kaniadakis, 2018). The effect of music regarding YouTube advertising is both understandable and tactful. It has been confirmed that specific lyrics-based music establishes a clear image of a brand, and the selection of music can give the consumers with an enlarged perceptive of a product. Music in YouTube ads has an ability to position the strategy, recall the product, formation, target the audience, establish the product, identity of a brand. Music can also entertain us regarding advertisements, seek the interest of the purchasers, and can even influence the mood of the purchasers and persuade the buyers to purchase the product (Wang, 2021).
The music in YouTube ads boost the effectiveness of sales and promote the image of a brand. Advertisers utilize music to form the behavior of the consumers, to establish the emotional attachment with audience, and to boost the brand image of the corporation. Music has ability to become strongly join with a brand and provides consumers connectivity with the story of a brand at a extreme degree (Le, 2016). An ad with a congruent music on upper-level leads to a more optimistic response of the consumer or the perception of a brand. In addition, music plays as a role of narrator in ads due to instruments (Sharples, 2020). Entertainment is among the main ingredient that contributes the consumers to evaluate the values of advertisements and behavior towards the YouTube ads. The word of entertainment can be explained as the stage of pleasure that consisted within the message of advertisement, often contains aspects as like humor, music, which also influences the attention of a consumer to connect with the message of an advertisement. Particularly these days, the ads messages accessible through the mobile apps and internet are entertaining on high level and research the consumers show the optimistic behavior regarding ads as they get pleasure from the ads (Sabuncuo?lu-?nanç, Gökaliler & Gülay, 2020).
Role of Slogans in YouTube Ads
The slogan is an element of a publicity to establish the advertisement simple for people to memorize. The slogan has an ability to interpret as a little wording that is solid and simple to remember. So, the slogan is a phrase that is simple to recall and memorize and slogan can demonstrate the whole ad from the corporate sector to the audience in the framework to inculcate the thought of the brand optimistically into the memory of people (Yung & Sukendro, 2021). The important perspective in ads is advertising slogans. The aim of the attractive slogans in ads slogans is to catch the concentration of the latent consumers and help to differentiate a brand or service from other brands in the marketplace. The slogans in ads help to connect the usage of the language in advertisement and advertising objectives (Shariq, 2020).
The slogans in YouTube ads trigger the business of the companies and people to demonstrate the benefits of products in front of consumers that are charmingly bundled via online videos. YouTube has become a channel of video advertisements with a low budget as compare to the TV ads (Fataron, 2021). If the ad is understandable in well manners, it can be a very memorable advertisement Slogans and jingles have an ability to enhance memorability. Slogans have also an ability to catch the focus along with time by provoking or reassuring the consumers to assist a brand. The basic aim of the taglines and slogans of brand is to advertise a product or any service (Alvi, 2021). In advertising, the promoter introduces the product with packing, and slogan to establish the product diverse from the other products and advertise the words of advertisement with recognition, differentiation, involvement, and reiteration (Hasanah, 2019). The slogans in YouTube ads depict the image of a specific product and this image urge the people to use the product. Similar to advertisements, slogans are based on the symbols, double meaning wordings, use puns, famous phrases, expressions or proverbs. Sometimes, slogans have new- imaginary words, like artistic words that attain the concentration of the people in quick manners (Komljenovi?, 2017).
YouTube ads and Brand Awareness
At the present time, digital media platforms not only boost the relationships between customer and company but also give the pattern of a new trend in straight options, enhancing the ability of a company to interrelate with consumer and thereby increasing their communication tactics. Brands have an ability to enhance a powerful connection with customers in effective manners (Tsimonis & Dimitriadis, 2014). Though, it has not direct outcome through casualness, trustworthiness and entertainment. The brand awareness of the consumer established through ads on social media platforms and influences the purchase intentions of the consumers (Dehghani & Tumer, 2016). According to past studies, the image of the brand establishes the optimistic results to increase the awareness about product, image of the organization, survival, profit, and boost, particularly between the bigger organizational brands (Foroudi, 2019). As said by Prentice and Loureiro (2018), the brand image develops different kind of experiences for consumers and affective reactions to purchase the selected brands. Brand image participates as a vital aspect to improve the identification of the product and consumer buying behavior regarding a specific product or service.
With the help of incorporated advertising, brands can recall the consumers regarding any new advancement in a product to draw the attention of the consumers to remain attached with the product or service (Chaab & Rasti-Barzoki, 2016). At the phase of making the consumer buying behavior, brand awareness has an important role in this regard. Many aspects normally become the reason for a brand to attain brand awareness on high level: continuous advertisement and attachment with the presence and market the products that reach many people (Razak et al., 2020). Platforms like Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, YouYube are platforms on social level where audience has an ability to convey their opinion with freedom. Anyone has the capacity to chit chat frankly about any topic. Even that, it is packed with pattern of life so the activities of brand awareness implemented through social media platforms seem very sincere (Çizmeci & Ercan, 2015).
The Situation of Mobile Phone Users in Pakistan
Research done by the Society of Pakistan Advertisers concluded that the youngsters use the mobile phones on major level in Pakistan. According to this study, there is 9% ratio of those people who are between 10 to 20 years in ages, 77% those people who are 20 to 30 in ages, the people whose ages between 30 to 40 years are 12% and only 1% ratio is over 40 years.
PEW Research Center conducted research and compared the statistical data of mobile phone users worldwide with Pakistan and stated that most of states have age range 18 to 29 consider the users of mobile phones in significant manners.
Research Methodology
According to the results, the hypotheses established for this research are:
H1 – The buying behavior of Youth is affected by celebrity endorsements, in case of YouTube ads.
H2 –Buying behavior of Youth, in case of YouTube ads, is affected majorly by other aspects (music and slogans and).
The technique of convenience sampling is used to get the data; where the youngsters are getting focused, according to the results about age groups. The sample comprised of respondents between the ages 18 to 30, selected randomly from 4 separate private sector universities of Lahore, Pakistan. The data was attained from University of Management and Technology, University of Lahore, Minhaj-ul-Quran University and University of Central Punjab. The total sample size was 120 students, in which 60 male and 60 were female. Cluster sampling was utilized to select the sample and 15 boys and 15 girls each were selected; 30 students from each university. A questionnaire, consisting of 15 questions was used for this research. This questionnaire is emphasis on different angles of YouTube advertisements and their consequences on the youth regarding their purchasing decisions.
Findings and Analysis
This research investigated that 35.00% students use other brands of phones and 27.50% students use iPhone (as shown in Figure I) and 55.83% students are affiliated with the specific brand of phone they are using and 44.17% are not satisfied with their phone (as shown in Figure II). Although, iPhone has no any kind of official publicity, it is becoming the second largest brand in Pakistan due to its security and marvelous features. So, the results (as shown in Figure III) determined that the 30.83% rare cases that the people watch YouTube ads and 27.50% students frequently watch YouTube ads and 22.50% people watch YouTube ads on regular basis and 19.17% respondents who never watch YouTube ads.
Regarding the aspect of YouTube ads where the ads of different brands are demonstrated in the front of public. According to the results, 45.00% students are agreed that the YouTube ads provide awareness about certain brand and only 19.17% respondents were neutral and disagreed with it (as shown in Figure IV). The advertisers use different aspects (music, slogans, graphics, lyrics, celebrities, humor, and services) in their ads to attract the consumers. The results of figure V showed that the 20.00% respondents from music, 17.50% humor, 15.83% graphics, 15.00% brand name, 13.33% celebrity endorsement, 11.67% services 5.00% lyrics and 1.67% respondents attracted by these aspects in YouTube ads. This thing shows that most of people are attracted by the music of YouTube ads.
Sometimes, audience also tries to look its self for some aspects in the YouTube ads as like mentioned in the questionnaire (celebrity endorsement, music, lyrics and slogans). The results (as shown in Figure VI) indicated that 55.00% students like music most in the YouTube ads. The 17.50% respondents look for celebrity endorsement, 15.83% slogans and 11.67% lyrics. The behavior of purchase is affected by the identity of a brand, with or without the presence of ads. Ads play a vital role to make the identity of a brand of in a powerful manner; there are various aspects to strengthen the identity of a brand. Sometimes advertisers make an advertisement to target the emotions of the consumers. They leave an emotional message regarding a specific product on the consumers and then the consumers buy that certain product because they often emotionally attached with that product. In this perspective, 30.00% students said that the YouTube ads emotionally attached them with a specific brand and 26.67% respondents disagreed with this question (mentioned in figure VII).
Advertisers make an ad to inform the audience about a certain product, in this ad all the information of a product is mentioned then the audience take interest in that kind of product and buy it. The aptitude of the 73.33% respondents showed that the YouTube ads provide the information about a product in a short period of time. On the other hand, 26.67% students said that the YouTube ads don’t provide the information in a proper way because the YouTube ads are too short therefore, they did not get the complete information about the advertised product (as shown in figure VIII).
The information which reaches to the audience is majorly regarding the latest clothing trends and secondly the ads of the food and beverages are advertised in the front of audience. The ads regarding lavish life style are demonstrated in front of 19.17% respondents and 14.17% respondents answered that they the advertisers advertise the ads of services in front of them, as shown by Figure IX. The aim of the advertisers is to produce the buying behavior of the consumers and then this thing lead the consumers towards purchase intention. The effect of these YouTube ads on the buying behavior of the consumers is shown in Figure X and the results depicted that YouTube ads has rarely change the decision of the buying behavior of the consumers towards a certain brand/product.
The advertising makers involve the entertaining factors in the YouTube ads to attract the consumers. The results shown in the figure XI that the entertaining factors in YouTube ads never persuade the respondents to buy a certain product. In figure XII, the results showed that the consumers never persuaded by the celebrities to buy a certain product in the YouTube ads. Likewise, the endorsement by the celebrities and entertaining factors are failed to influence the buying behavior of the consumer. In figure XIII, the catchy music of YouTube ads is failed to persuade the audience to buy a certain product. On the other hand, in figure XIV, the huge ratio of 32.50% of respondents showed that they never persuaded to buy a certain product after watching the slogans in YouTube ads.
Graphical Representation
Figure 1

Figure 2

Figure 3

Figure 4

Figure 5

Figure 6

Figure 7

Figure 8
Figure 9

Figure 10

Figure 11

Figure 12

Figure 14

The purpose of this study was to analyze the importance of YouTube ads regarding the buying behavior of youth in Pakistan. According to the results of this research, the YouTube ads provide awareness to the audience. The people attracted by the music which used in these ads and then they also look for music in these ads; but, the music of these YouTube ads doesn’t persuade them to buy the certain product. Music is failed to affect the buying behavior of the audience. Similar to this, the buying behavior of the people doesn’t affect by the slogans that are used in YouTube ads and these slogans don’t lead the audience to buy a certain product. The results depicted that YouTube ads has rarely change the decision of the buying behavior of the consumers towards a certain brand/product. The advertisers in Pakistan spend huge budget to create high quality ads to connect the consumers with the ads of different products. The YouTube ads are also the examples of this practice. The YouTube ads are consisted of music, lyrics, slogans and celebrities. The multinational brands invest a handsome amount on YouTube ads. They pay the vast amount on the celebrities to persuade the audience. The findings of this research are in contrast. The results showed that the consumers never persuaded by the celebrities in the YouTube ads to buy a product. Thus, the audience gets pleasure from the YouTube ads but the YouTube ads don’t affect their buying behavior regarding the brand or product. The conclusion of this study is that the YouTube ads are failed to lead the consumers towards purchase the products regarding celebrity endorsement, music and slogans. The celebrities are failed to convince the audience regarding to purchase the products or brands through YouTube ads.
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APA : Saleem, U. B., Hussain, T., & Bhatti, Z. I. (2023). Youth and Youtube Advertisements: A Critical Analysis of Purchasing behaviour of University Students in Pakistan. Global Educational Studies Review, VIII(I), 75-92. https://doi.org/10.31703/gesr.2023(VIII-I).08
CHICAGO : Saleem, Usama Bin, Tanveer Hussain, and Zafar Iqbal Bhatti. 2023. "Youth and Youtube Advertisements: A Critical Analysis of Purchasing behaviour of University Students in Pakistan." Global Educational Studies Review, VIII (I): 75-92 doi: 10.31703/gesr.2023(VIII-I).08
HARVARD : SALEEM, U. B., HUSSAIN, T. & BHATTI, Z. I. 2023. Youth and Youtube Advertisements: A Critical Analysis of Purchasing behaviour of University Students in Pakistan. Global Educational Studies Review, VIII, 75-92.
MHRA : Saleem, Usama Bin, Tanveer Hussain, and Zafar Iqbal Bhatti. 2023. "Youth and Youtube Advertisements: A Critical Analysis of Purchasing behaviour of University Students in Pakistan." Global Educational Studies Review, VIII: 75-92
MLA : Saleem, Usama Bin, Tanveer Hussain, and Zafar Iqbal Bhatti. "Youth and Youtube Advertisements: A Critical Analysis of Purchasing behaviour of University Students in Pakistan." Global Educational Studies Review, VIII.I (2023): 75-92 Print.
OXFORD : Saleem, Usama Bin, Hussain, Tanveer, and Bhatti, Zafar Iqbal (2023), "Youth and Youtube Advertisements: A Critical Analysis of Purchasing behaviour of University Students in Pakistan", Global Educational Studies Review, VIII (I), 75-92
TURABIAN : Saleem, Usama Bin, Tanveer Hussain, and Zafar Iqbal Bhatti. "Youth and Youtube Advertisements: A Critical Analysis of Purchasing behaviour of University Students in Pakistan." Global Educational Studies Review VIII, no. I (2023): 75-92. https://doi.org/10.31703/gesr.2023(VIII-I).08