Authored by : Mahnoor Naveed , Yaar Muhammad , Malahat Siddiqui

23 Pages : 227 - 239


  • Alzueta, E., Perrin, P., Baker, F. C., Caffarra, S., Ramos-Usuga, D., Yuksel, D., & Arango-Lasprilla, J. C. (2021). How the COVID-19 pandemic has changed our lives: A study of psychological correlates across 59 countries. Journal of Clinical Psychology, 77(3), 556-570.
  • Amzalag, M., Shapira, N., & Dolev, N. (2021). Two Sides of the Coin: Lack of Academic Integrity in Exams During the Corona Pandemic, Students’ and Lecturers’ Perceptions. Journal of Academic Ethics, 20(2), 243–263.
  • Anttila, T., Nätti, J., & Väisänen, M. (2005). The experiments of reduced working hours in Finland: impact on work–family interaction and the importance of the sociocultural setting. Community, Work Family, 8(2), 187-209.
  • Asamoah, M. K. (2019). TPACKEA model for teaching and students’ learning. Journal of Academic Ethics, 17(4), 401-421.
  • Azubuike, O. B., Adegboye, O., & Quadri, H. (2021). Who gets to learn in a pandemic? Exploring the digital divide in remote learning during the COVID-19 pandemic in Nigeria. International Journal of Educational Research Open, 2, 100022.
  • Barbetta, P. M., Norona, K. L., & Bicard, D. F. (2005). Classroom Behavior Management: A Dozen Common Mistakes and What to Do Instead. Preventing School Failure: Alternative Education for Children and Youth, 49(3), 11–19.
  • Basilaia, G., & Kvavadze, D. (2020). Transition to Online Education in Schools during a SARS-CoV-2 Coronavirus (COVID-19) Pandemic in Georgia. Pedagogical Research, 5(4).
  • Berg, B. L., & Lune, H. (2017). Qualitative research methods for the social sciences (9th ed.). Boston: Pearson.
  • Borthwick, A. C., & Hansen, R. (2017). Digital literacy in teacher education: Are teacher educators competent? Journal of Digital Learning in Teacher Education 33(2), 46- 48.
  • Braod, K., & Evans, M. (2006). A review of literature on professional development content and delivery modes for experienced teachers. Toronto, Canada: Ontario Institute for Studies in Education.
  • Braun, V., Clarke, V., Hayfield, N., & Terry, G. (2019). Thematic analysis. In P. Liamputtong (Ed.), Handbook of research methods in health social sciences (pp. 843- 860). Singapore: Springer Nature Ptv Ltd.
  • Brinkmann, S., & Kvale, S. (2015). Interviews: Learning the craft of qualitative research interviewing (3rd ed.). London, UK: Sage Publications.
  • Brinkmann, S., & Kvale, S. (2018). Doing interviews (2nd ed.). London: Sage.
  • Buonsenso, D., Roland, D., de Rose, C., Vásquez-Hoyos, P., Ramly, B., Chakakala- Chaziya, J. N., Munro, A., & González- Dambrauskas, S. (2021). Schools Closures During the COVID-19 Pandemic. Pediatric Infectious Disease Journal, 40(4), e146– e150.
  • Campbell, S., Greenwood, M., Prior, S., Shearer, T., Walkem, K., Young, S., Bywaters, D., & Walker, K. (2020). Purposive sampling: complex or simple? Research case examples. Journal of Research in Nursing, 25(8), 652–661.
  • Chung, E., Subramaniam, G., & Dass, L. C. (2020). Online learning readiness among university students in Malaysia amidst COVID-19. Asian Journal of University Education, 16(2), 46-58.
  • Denieffe, S. (2020). Commentary: Purposive sampling: complex or simple? Research case examples. Journal of Research in Nursing, 25(8), 662–663.
  • Dhawan, S. (2020). Online learning: A panacea in the time of COVID-19 crisis. Journal of Educational Technology Systems, 49(1), 5-22.
  • Dolighan, T., & Owen, M. (2021). Teacher efficacy for online teaching during the COVID-19 pandemic. Brock Education Journal, 30(1), 95-95.
  • Dontre, A. (2021). The influence of technology on academic distraction: A review. Human Behavior Emerging Technologies, 3(3), 379-390.
  • Ellis, W. E., Dumas, T. M., & Forbes, L. M. (2020). Physically isolated but socially connected: Psychological adjustment and stress among adolescents during the initial COVID-19 crisis. Canadian Journal of Behavioural Science, 52(3), 177.
  • Erdamar, G., & Demirel, H. (2014). Investigation of work-family, family-work conflict of the teachers. Procedia-social behavioral sciences, 116, 4919-4924.
  • Evertson, C. M., & Weinstein, C. S. (2006). Classroom management as a field of inquiry. In Handbook of classroom management: Research, practice, contemporary issues (1 ed., pp. 34-37). Malwah, NY: Routledge.
  • Ferri, F., Grifoni, P., & Guzzo, T. (2020). Online learning and emergency remote teaching: Opportunities and challenges in emergency situations. Societies, 10(4), 86.
  • Gage, N. A., Scott, T., Hirn, R., & MacSuga- Gage, A. S. (2018). The relationship between teachers’ implementation of classroom management practices and student behavior in elementary school. Behavioral disorders, 43(2), 302-315.
  • Garrett, T. (2014). Effective classroom management: The essentials: Teachers College Press.
  • Hassan, M. M., Mirza, T., & Hussain, M. W. (2020). A critical review by teachers on the online teaching-learning during the COVID-19. International Journal of Education Management Engineering, 10(8), 17-27.
  • Henriques, S., Correia, J. D., & Dias-Trindade, S. (2021). Portuguese Primary and Secondary Education in Times of COVID-19 Pandemic: An Exploratory Study on Teacher Training and Challenges. Education Sciences, 11(9), 542.
  • Kebritchi, M., Lipschuetz, A., & Santiague, L. (2017). Issues and challenges for teaching successful online courses in higher education: A literature review. Journal of Educational Technology Systems, 46(1), 4- 29.
  • Keengwe, J., & Kidd, T. T. (2010). Towards best practices in online learning and teaching in higher education. MERLOT Journal of Online Learning Teaching, 6(2), 533-541.
  • Klapproth, F., Federkeil, L., Heinschke, F., & Jungmann, T. (2020). Teachers' Experiences of Stress and Their Coping Strategies during COVID-19 Induced Distance Teaching. Journal of Pedagogical Research, 4(4), 444-452.
  • Kyriacou, C. (2001). Teacher stress: Directions for future research. Educational Review, 53(1), 27-35.
  • Laferrière, T., Hamel, C., & Searson, M. (2013). Barriers to successful implementation of technology integration in educational settings: A case study. Journal of Computer Assisted Learning, 29(5), 463-473.
  • Landau, B. (2009). Classroom management. In International handbook of research on teachers and teaching (pp. 739-753). Springer.
  • Lathifah, Z. K., Helmanto, F., & Maryani, N. (2020). The practice of effective classroom management in COVID-19 time. International Journal of Advanced Science Technology, 29(7), 3263-3271.
  • Luke, K. (2021). Twelve tips for using synchronous virtual classroom technologies in medical education. MedEdPublish, 10(1).
  • Marzano, R. J., & Marzano, J. S. (2003). The key to classroom management. Educational leadership, 61(1), 6-13.
  • Morisano, D., Hirsh, J. B., Peterson, J. B., Pihl, R. O., & Shore, B. M. (2010). Setting, elaborating, and reflecting on personalgoals improves academic performance. Journal of Applied Psychology, 95(2), 255.
  • Munoz Najar Luque, A., & Oviawe, J. O. (2020). Nigeria-Edo-BEST at the rate Home.
  • Panatik, S. A. B., Badri, S. K. Z., Rajab, A., Rahman, H. A., & Shah, I. M. (2011). The impact of work family conflict on psychological well-being among school teachers in Malaysia. Procedia-social behavioral sciences, 29, 1500-1507.
  • Patton, M. Q. (2015). Qualitative research & research methods (4th ed.). Thousand Oaks: Sage Publications, Inc.
  • Peters, M. A., Rizvi, F., McCulloch, G., Gibbs, P., Gorur, R., Hong, M., . . . Robertson, S. (2020). Reimagining the new pedagogical possibilities for universities post-Covid- 19: An EPAT Collective Project. Educational Philosophy Theory, 1-44.
  • Pullis, M. (1992). An analysis of the occupational stress of teachers of the behaviorally disordered: Sources, effects, and strategies for coping. Behavioral Disorders, 17(3), 191-201.
  • Putri, N. R., Sari, F. M., & Learning. (2021). Investigating English Teaching Strategies to Reduce Online Teaching Obstacles in the Secondary School. Journal of English Language Teaching Learning, 2(1), 23-31.
  • Rafique, G. M., Mahmood, K., Warraich, N. F., & Rehman, S. U. (2021). Readiness for Online Learning during COVID-19 pandemic: A survey of Pakistani LIS students. The Journal of Academic Librarianship, 47(3), 102346.
  • Raworth, K., Sweetman, C., Narayan, S., Rowlands, J., & Hopkins, A. (2012). Conducting semi-structured Interviews: Oxfam.
  • Reid, D. B. (2022). Suppressing and sharing: how school principals manage stress and anxiety during COVID-19. School Leadership Management, 42(1), 62-78.
  • Ryan, S. V. (2017). Leaving the teaching profession: The role of teacher stress and educational accountability policies onturnover intent. Teaching and Teacher Education, 66, 1-11.
  • Åžahin, Ä°. T., Tantekin-Erden, F., & Akar, H. (2011). The influence of the physical environment on early childhood education classroom management. Eurasian Journal of Educational Research, 44, 185-202.
  • Siddiqui, M., & Awan, M. M. W. (2020 July). An Upsurge in Pandemic Anxiety: Exploratory Analysis of Higher Education Students' Mindfulness post COVID19. Paper presented at the E-Conference on COVID- 19: The Changing Hoizons, Lahore.
  • Siddiqui, M., Arif, M., & Muhammad, D. Y. (2020). Maintaining discipline in private primary schools in the wake of ban on corporal punishment: A qualitative case study of teachers’ perspectives. Kashmir Journal of Education, 1(3), 52-76.
  • Tamah, S. M., Triwidayati, K. R., & Utami, T. S. D. (2020). Secondary school language teachers’ online learning engagement during the COVID-19 pandemic in Indonesia. Journal of Information Technology Education: Research, 19, 803- 832.
  • Teng, M. F., & Wu, J. G. (2021). Tea or tears: online teaching during the COVID-19 pandemic. Journal of Education for Teaching, 47(2), 290-292.
  • UNESCO, UNICEF, & Weltbank. (2020). What have we learnt?: Overview of Findings from a Survey of Ministries of Education on National Responses to COVID-19: UNESCO, UNICEF, World Bank.
  • Whalen, J. (2020). Should teachers be trained in emergency remote teaching? Lessons learned from the COVID-19 pandemic. Journal of Technology Teacher Education, 28(2), 189-199.
  • Yousuf, B., & Ahmad, J. (2020). Are we prepared enough? A case study of challenges in online learning in a private higher learning institution during the Covid-19 outbreaks. Advances in Social Sciences Research Journal, 7(5), 205-212.
  • Alzueta, E., Perrin, P., Baker, F. C., Caffarra, S., Ramos-Usuga, D., Yuksel, D., & Arango-Lasprilla, J. C. (2021). How the COVID-19 pandemic has changed our lives: A study of psychological correlates across 59 countries. Journal of Clinical Psychology, 77(3), 556-570.
  • Amzalag, M., Shapira, N., & Dolev, N. (2021). Two Sides of the Coin: Lack of Academic Integrity in Exams During the Corona Pandemic, Students’ and Lecturers’ Perceptions. Journal of Academic Ethics, 20(2), 243–263.
  • Anttila, T., Nätti, J., & Väisänen, M. (2005). The experiments of reduced working hours in Finland: impact on work–family interaction and the importance of the sociocultural setting. Community, Work Family, 8(2), 187-209.
  • Asamoah, M. K. (2019). TPACKEA model for teaching and students’ learning. Journal of Academic Ethics, 17(4), 401-421.
  • Azubuike, O. B., Adegboye, O., & Quadri, H. (2021). Who gets to learn in a pandemic? Exploring the digital divide in remote learning during the COVID-19 pandemic in Nigeria. International Journal of Educational Research Open, 2, 100022.
  • Barbetta, P. M., Norona, K. L., & Bicard, D. F. (2005). Classroom Behavior Management: A Dozen Common Mistakes and What to Do Instead. Preventing School Failure: Alternative Education for Children and Youth, 49(3), 11–19.
  • Basilaia, G., & Kvavadze, D. (2020). Transition to Online Education in Schools during a SARS-CoV-2 Coronavirus (COVID-19) Pandemic in Georgia. Pedagogical Research, 5(4).
  • Berg, B. L., & Lune, H. (2017). Qualitative research methods for the social sciences (9th ed.). Boston: Pearson.
  • Borthwick, A. C., & Hansen, R. (2017). Digital literacy in teacher education: Are teacher educators competent? Journal of Digital Learning in Teacher Education 33(2), 46- 48.
  • Braod, K., & Evans, M. (2006). A review of literature on professional development content and delivery modes for experienced teachers. Toronto, Canada: Ontario Institute for Studies in Education.
  • Braun, V., Clarke, V., Hayfield, N., & Terry, G. (2019). Thematic analysis. In P. Liamputtong (Ed.), Handbook of research methods in health social sciences (pp. 843- 860). Singapore: Springer Nature Ptv Ltd.
  • Brinkmann, S., & Kvale, S. (2015). Interviews: Learning the craft of qualitative research interviewing (3rd ed.). London, UK: Sage Publications.
  • Brinkmann, S., & Kvale, S. (2018). Doing interviews (2nd ed.). London: Sage.
  • Buonsenso, D., Roland, D., de Rose, C., Vásquez-Hoyos, P., Ramly, B., Chakakala- Chaziya, J. N., Munro, A., & González- Dambrauskas, S. (2021). Schools Closures During the COVID-19 Pandemic. Pediatric Infectious Disease Journal, 40(4), e146– e150.
  • Campbell, S., Greenwood, M., Prior, S., Shearer, T., Walkem, K., Young, S., Bywaters, D., & Walker, K. (2020). Purposive sampling: complex or simple? Research case examples. Journal of Research in Nursing, 25(8), 652–661.
  • Chung, E., Subramaniam, G., & Dass, L. C. (2020). Online learning readiness among university students in Malaysia amidst COVID-19. Asian Journal of University Education, 16(2), 46-58.
  • Denieffe, S. (2020). Commentary: Purposive sampling: complex or simple? Research case examples. Journal of Research in Nursing, 25(8), 662–663.
  • Dhawan, S. (2020). Online learning: A panacea in the time of COVID-19 crisis. Journal of Educational Technology Systems, 49(1), 5-22.
  • Dolighan, T., & Owen, M. (2021). Teacher efficacy for online teaching during the COVID-19 pandemic. Brock Education Journal, 30(1), 95-95.
  • Dontre, A. (2021). The influence of technology on academic distraction: A review. Human Behavior Emerging Technologies, 3(3), 379-390.
  • Ellis, W. E., Dumas, T. M., & Forbes, L. M. (2020). Physically isolated but socially connected: Psychological adjustment and stress among adolescents during the initial COVID-19 crisis. Canadian Journal of Behavioural Science, 52(3), 177.
  • Erdamar, G., & Demirel, H. (2014). Investigation of work-family, family-work conflict of the teachers. Procedia-social behavioral sciences, 116, 4919-4924.
  • Evertson, C. M., & Weinstein, C. S. (2006). Classroom management as a field of inquiry. In Handbook of classroom management: Research, practice, contemporary issues (1 ed., pp. 34-37). Malwah, NY: Routledge.
  • Ferri, F., Grifoni, P., & Guzzo, T. (2020). Online learning and emergency remote teaching: Opportunities and challenges in emergency situations. Societies, 10(4), 86.
  • Gage, N. A., Scott, T., Hirn, R., & MacSuga- Gage, A. S. (2018). The relationship between teachers’ implementation of classroom management practices and student behavior in elementary school. Behavioral disorders, 43(2), 302-315.
  • Garrett, T. (2014). Effective classroom management: The essentials: Teachers College Press.
  • Hassan, M. M., Mirza, T., & Hussain, M. W. (2020). A critical review by teachers on the online teaching-learning during the COVID-19. International Journal of Education Management Engineering, 10(8), 17-27.
  • Henriques, S., Correia, J. D., & Dias-Trindade, S. (2021). Portuguese Primary and Secondary Education in Times of COVID-19 Pandemic: An Exploratory Study on Teacher Training and Challenges. Education Sciences, 11(9), 542.
  • Kebritchi, M., Lipschuetz, A., & Santiague, L. (2017). Issues and challenges for teaching successful online courses in higher education: A literature review. Journal of Educational Technology Systems, 46(1), 4- 29.
  • Keengwe, J., & Kidd, T. T. (2010). Towards best practices in online learning and teaching in higher education. MERLOT Journal of Online Learning Teaching, 6(2), 533-541.
  • Klapproth, F., Federkeil, L., Heinschke, F., & Jungmann, T. (2020). Teachers' Experiences of Stress and Their Coping Strategies during COVID-19 Induced Distance Teaching. Journal of Pedagogical Research, 4(4), 444-452.
  • Kyriacou, C. (2001). Teacher stress: Directions for future research. Educational Review, 53(1), 27-35.
  • Laferrière, T., Hamel, C., & Searson, M. (2013). Barriers to successful implementation of technology integration in educational settings: A case study. Journal of Computer Assisted Learning, 29(5), 463-473.
  • Landau, B. (2009). Classroom management. In International handbook of research on teachers and teaching (pp. 739-753). Springer.
  • Lathifah, Z. K., Helmanto, F., & Maryani, N. (2020). The practice of effective classroom management in COVID-19 time. International Journal of Advanced Science Technology, 29(7), 3263-3271.
  • Luke, K. (2021). Twelve tips for using synchronous virtual classroom technologies in medical education. MedEdPublish, 10(1).
  • Marzano, R. J., & Marzano, J. S. (2003). The key to classroom management. Educational leadership, 61(1), 6-13.
  • Morisano, D., Hirsh, J. B., Peterson, J. B., Pihl, R. O., & Shore, B. M. (2010). Setting, elaborating, and reflecting on personalgoals improves academic performance. Journal of Applied Psychology, 95(2), 255.
  • Munoz Najar Luque, A., & Oviawe, J. O. (2020). Nigeria-Edo-BEST at the rate Home.
  • Panatik, S. A. B., Badri, S. K. Z., Rajab, A., Rahman, H. A., & Shah, I. M. (2011). The impact of work family conflict on psychological well-being among school teachers in Malaysia. Procedia-social behavioral sciences, 29, 1500-1507.
  • Patton, M. Q. (2015). Qualitative research & research methods (4th ed.). Thousand Oaks: Sage Publications, Inc.
  • Peters, M. A., Rizvi, F., McCulloch, G., Gibbs, P., Gorur, R., Hong, M., . . . Robertson, S. (2020). Reimagining the new pedagogical possibilities for universities post-Covid- 19: An EPAT Collective Project. Educational Philosophy Theory, 1-44.
  • Pullis, M. (1992). An analysis of the occupational stress of teachers of the behaviorally disordered: Sources, effects, and strategies for coping. Behavioral Disorders, 17(3), 191-201.
  • Putri, N. R., Sari, F. M., & Learning. (2021). Investigating English Teaching Strategies to Reduce Online Teaching Obstacles in the Secondary School. Journal of English Language Teaching Learning, 2(1), 23-31.
  • Rafique, G. M., Mahmood, K., Warraich, N. F., & Rehman, S. U. (2021). Readiness for Online Learning during COVID-19 pandemic: A survey of Pakistani LIS students. The Journal of Academic Librarianship, 47(3), 102346.
  • Raworth, K., Sweetman, C., Narayan, S., Rowlands, J., & Hopkins, A. (2012). Conducting semi-structured Interviews: Oxfam.
  • Reid, D. B. (2022). Suppressing and sharing: how school principals manage stress and anxiety during COVID-19. School Leadership Management, 42(1), 62-78.
  • Ryan, S. V. (2017). Leaving the teaching profession: The role of teacher stress and educational accountability policies onturnover intent. Teaching and Teacher Education, 66, 1-11.
  • Åžahin, Ä°. T., Tantekin-Erden, F., & Akar, H. (2011). The influence of the physical environment on early childhood education classroom management. Eurasian Journal of Educational Research, 44, 185-202.
  • Siddiqui, M., & Awan, M. M. W. (2020 July). An Upsurge in Pandemic Anxiety: Exploratory Analysis of Higher Education Students' Mindfulness post COVID19. Paper presented at the E-Conference on COVID- 19: The Changing Hoizons, Lahore.
  • Siddiqui, M., Arif, M., & Muhammad, D. Y. (2020). Maintaining discipline in private primary schools in the wake of ban on corporal punishment: A qualitative case study of teachers’ perspectives. Kashmir Journal of Education, 1(3), 52-76.
  • Tamah, S. M., Triwidayati, K. R., & Utami, T. S. D. (2020). Secondary school language teachers’ online learning engagement during the COVID-19 pandemic in Indonesia. Journal of Information Technology Education: Research, 19, 803- 832.
  • Teng, M. F., & Wu, J. G. (2021). Tea or tears: online teaching during the COVID-19 pandemic. Journal of Education for Teaching, 47(2), 290-292.
  • UNESCO, UNICEF, & Weltbank. (2020). What have we learnt?: Overview of Findings from a Survey of Ministries of Education on National Responses to COVID-19: UNESCO, UNICEF, World Bank.
  • Whalen, J. (2020). Should teachers be trained in emergency remote teaching? Lessons learned from the COVID-19 pandemic. Journal of Technology Teacher Education, 28(2), 189-199.
  • Yousuf, B., & Ahmad, J. (2020). Are we prepared enough? A case study of challenges in online learning in a private higher learning institution during the Covid-19 outbreaks. Advances in Social Sciences Research Journal, 7(5), 205-212.

Cite this article

    APA : Naveed, M., Muhammad, Y., & Siddiqui, M. (2022). Influence of Virtual Professional Development on Teachers' Online Classroom Management Practices: An Interview Study. Global Educational Studies Review, VII(I), 227 - 239.
    CHICAGO : Naveed, Mahnoor, Yaar Muhammad, and Malahat Siddiqui. 2022. "Influence of Virtual Professional Development on Teachers' Online Classroom Management Practices: An Interview Study." Global Educational Studies Review, VII (I): 227 - 239 doi: 10.31703/gesr.2022(VII-I).23
    HARVARD : NAVEED, M., MUHAMMAD, Y. & SIDDIQUI, M. 2022. Influence of Virtual Professional Development on Teachers' Online Classroom Management Practices: An Interview Study. Global Educational Studies Review, VII, 227 - 239.
    MHRA : Naveed, Mahnoor, Yaar Muhammad, and Malahat Siddiqui. 2022. "Influence of Virtual Professional Development on Teachers' Online Classroom Management Practices: An Interview Study." Global Educational Studies Review, VII: 227 - 239
    MLA : Naveed, Mahnoor, Yaar Muhammad, and Malahat Siddiqui. "Influence of Virtual Professional Development on Teachers' Online Classroom Management Practices: An Interview Study." Global Educational Studies Review, VII.I (2022): 227 - 239 Print.
    OXFORD : Naveed, Mahnoor, Muhammad, Yaar, and Siddiqui, Malahat (2022), "Influence of Virtual Professional Development on Teachers' Online Classroom Management Practices: An Interview Study", Global Educational Studies Review, VII (I), 227 - 239
    TURABIAN : Naveed, Mahnoor, Yaar Muhammad, and Malahat Siddiqui. "Influence of Virtual Professional Development on Teachers' Online Classroom Management Practices: An Interview Study." Global Educational Studies Review VII, no. I (2022): 227 - 239.