
Global Educational Studies Review

GESR promotes the best in research practices in the field of education that ultimately help students, teachers, community and the policymakers to identify and overcomes the problems of teaching and learning process. Moreover, it provides guidelines to government, policymakers, curriculum developers, textbooks compilers, and administrators in planning as per the current needs in the era of technology and knowledge-based economy. GESR is a quarterly double-blind peer-reviewed journal covering all areas of the teaching and learning process i.e. educational psychology, lesson planning, classroom management, teaching methodologies, assessment, and evaluation

GESR aims to be at the forefront in the innovation and development of education sector worldwide by providing research-oriented guidelines to all stakeholders for bringing changes to improve teaching and learning. It intends to become the global leader to change the ways of teaching and learning with the support of the findings of the educational research it publishes. Further, it aims to ensure the instrumental use of education in initiation of development, promotion of equality, tolerance and peace in the local and global community.

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