Authored by : Sana Mahmood Qureshi Hashmi

01 Pages : 1-12


  • Aghaie, R., & Zhang, L. J. (2012). Effects of explicit instructions in Cognitive and Metacognitive reading strategies on Iranian EFL students’ reading performance and strategy transfer . Instructional Science. Springer. 40(6), 1063-1081.
  • Anderson, A. W. (1960). Directing reading comprehension. The Reading Teacher. International Literacy Association. 13(3).
  • Attaprechakul, D. (2013). Inference strategies to improve reading comprehension of challenging texts. English Language Teaching. Canadian Center of Science and Education. 6(3). (82-91).
  • Baker, L., & Brown, A.L. (1984). Metacognitive skills and reading. Handbook of Reading Research (345-394). New York: Longman.
  • Baker, L. (2005). Developmental Differences in Metacognition: Implications for Metacognitively Oriented Reading Instruction. In S.E. Israel, C.C. Block, K.L. Bauserman,& K. Kinnucan-Welsch(Eds). Metacognition in Literacy Learning: Theory, assessment, instruction, and professional development. (61-79 ). Hillsdale, NJ: Erlbaum
  • Barbe, W. B. (1958). Measuring reading comprehension . The Clearing House. Taylor & Francis. 32(6).
  • Channa, M. A. & Nordin, Z. S. (2016). Measuring the reliability of Metacognitive strategies in reading comprehension questionnaire: A pilot study on first- year Engineering students in Pakistan. Journal of Cognitive Science and Human Department. 1(2).
  • Channa, M. A., Nordin, Z. S. & Simming I. A. (2017). Lenses on Metacognition: Teachers’ perceptions toward strategies in reading in a Pakistani context. Psychology in Russia: State of the Art. 10(1). (34-48).
  • Channa, M. A., Nordin, Z. S. & Abbasi, A. M. (2018). Metacognitive scaffolding in reading comprehension: Reveal strategies to overcome reading obstacles of Engineering at QUEST, Nawabshah, Sindh, Pakistan. International Journal of English Linguistics, 83(131- 138). Canadian Centre of Science and Education.
  • Erwin, R. W. (1985). Research currents for developmental reading educators: Metacognition. Research and Teaching in Developmental Education. New York College Learning Skill Association. 2(1). (19-23).
  • Fitrisia, D., Tan, K. E., & Yusuf, Y. Q. (2015). Investigating metacognitive awareness of reading strategies to strengthen students’ performance in reading comprehension. Asia Pacific Journal of Educators and Education. 30,15-30.
  • Flavell, J. H. (1987). Speculation about the nature and development of metacognition. In F. Weinert & R. Kluwe(Eds). Metacognition, Motivation, and Understanding. (21-29). Hillsdale, NJ: Erlbaum. Flavell, J. H. (1971). First discussant’s comments: What is memory development? Human Development. 14, 272- 278.
  • Flavell, J. H. (1976). Metacognitive aspects of problem- solving. In L. B. Resnick (Ed .), The Nature of Intelligence (231-236). Hillsdale, NJ: Erlbaum
  • Flavell, J. H. (1979). Metacognition and cognitive monitoring: A new area of cognitive development inquiry. American Psychologist. 34. (906-911).
  • Grabe, W., & Stoller, F.L. (2002). Teaching and Researching Reading. Harlow: Pearson Education.
  • Griffith, P. L. & Ruan, J. (2005). What is Metacognition and what should be its role in Literacy Instruction? In S.E. Israel, C.C. Block, K.L. Bauserman, & K. Kinnucan- Welsch(Eds). Metacognition in Literacy Learning: Theory, assessment, instruction, and professional development. (3-18 ). Hillsdale, NJ: Erlbaum.
  • Habibian, M. (2015). The impact of training Metacognitive strategies on reading comprehension among ESL learners. Journal of Education and Practice 6(28). (61- 69).
  • Israel, S. E. (2007). Using Metacognitive Assessments to Create Individualized Reading Instruction. International Literacy Association.
  • Iwai, Y. (2011). The effects of Metacognitive reading strategies: pedagogical implications for EFL/ESL teachers. The Reading Matrix. 11(2). (150-159).
  • Jafari, D. (2012). Metacognitive strategies and reading comprehension enhancement in Iranian EFL setting. International Journal of Linguistics. Macrothink Institute. 4(3).
  • Karim, S. & Qanwal, S. (2016). A correlational study of Cognitive reading strategy instruction and Metacognitive strategy awareness. ELF Annual Research Journal 18. (01-22).
  • Livingston, J. A. (2003). Metacognition: An overview. Educational Resources Information Center (ERIC).
  • Martinez, S, A. (2007). Survey research of reading methods used by New Mexico middle school teachers. Kansas State University, Manhattan, Kansas.
  • Mckeown, M. G., Beck, I. L. & Blake R. G. K. (2009). Rethinking reading comprehension instruction: A comparison of instruction for strategies and content approach. Reading Research Quarterly. International Reading Association. 44(3). (218-253).
  • Michalsky, T., Mevarech, Z. R. & Haibi, L. (2009). Elementary school children reading texts: Effects of Metacognitive instruction. The Journal of Educational Research. Taylor & Francis. 4(5) (363-374).
  • Mijuskovic, M., & Simovic, S. (2015). Metacognitive strategies that enhance reading comprehension in the foreign language university classroom. Andragoske Studije. 1, (145-174).
  • Pressley, M., & Afflerbach, P. (1995). Verbal protocols of reading: The nature of constructively responsive reading. Hillsdale, NJ: Erlbaum.
  • RAND & Snow, C. (2002). Defining comprehension. Reading for understanding. RAND Corporation. (11-17).
  • Randi, J., Grigorenko, E. L. & Sternberg, R. J. (2005). Revisiting definitions of reading comprehension: Just what is reading comprehension anyway? In S.E. Israel, C.C. Block, K.L. Bauserman, & K. Kinnucan- Welsch(Eds). Metacognition in Literacy Learning: Theory, assessment, instruction, and professional development. (19-39 ). Hillsdale, NJ: Erlbaum.
  • Simons, H. D. (1971). Reading comprehension: The need for a new perspective. Reading Research Quarterly. International Literacy Association. 6(3), 338-363).
  • Sitthiprom, P. (2012). The development of English reading comprehension ability of grade 11 students using Metacognitive strategies . International Journal of Social Science and Humanity. 2(6).
  • Zhang, L. J. (2008). Constructive pedagogy in strategic reading instruction: exploring pathways to learner development in the English as second language (ESL) classroom. Instructional Science. Springer. 36(2), (89- 116).
  • Zhang, L. & Seepho, S. (2013). Metacognitive Strategy Use and Academic Reading Achievement. Electronic Journal of Foreign Language Teaching. 1(1). 54-69.
  • Zhussupova, R., & Kazbekova, M. (2016). Metacognitive strategies as points in teaching reading comprehension. Social and Behavioral Sciences 228. (593-600). Elsevier Ltd.
  • Aghaie, R., & Zhang, L. J. (2012). Effects of explicit instructions in Cognitive and Metacognitive reading strategies on Iranian EFL students’ reading performance and strategy transfer . Instructional Science. Springer. 40(6), 1063-1081.
  • Anderson, A. W. (1960). Directing reading comprehension. The Reading Teacher. International Literacy Association. 13(3).
  • Attaprechakul, D. (2013). Inference strategies to improve reading comprehension of challenging texts. English Language Teaching. Canadian Center of Science and Education. 6(3). (82-91).
  • Baker, L., & Brown, A.L. (1984). Metacognitive skills and reading. Handbook of Reading Research (345-394). New York: Longman.
  • Baker, L. (2005). Developmental Differences in Metacognition: Implications for Metacognitively Oriented Reading Instruction. In S.E. Israel, C.C. Block, K.L. Bauserman,& K. Kinnucan-Welsch(Eds). Metacognition in Literacy Learning: Theory, assessment, instruction, and professional development. (61-79 ). Hillsdale, NJ: Erlbaum
  • Barbe, W. B. (1958). Measuring reading comprehension . The Clearing House. Taylor & Francis. 32(6).
  • Channa, M. A. & Nordin, Z. S. (2016). Measuring the reliability of Metacognitive strategies in reading comprehension questionnaire: A pilot study on first- year Engineering students in Pakistan. Journal of Cognitive Science and Human Department. 1(2).
  • Channa, M. A., Nordin, Z. S. & Simming I. A. (2017). Lenses on Metacognition: Teachers’ perceptions toward strategies in reading in a Pakistani context. Psychology in Russia: State of the Art. 10(1). (34-48).
  • Channa, M. A., Nordin, Z. S. & Abbasi, A. M. (2018). Metacognitive scaffolding in reading comprehension: Reveal strategies to overcome reading obstacles of Engineering at QUEST, Nawabshah, Sindh, Pakistan. International Journal of English Linguistics, 83(131- 138). Canadian Centre of Science and Education.
  • Erwin, R. W. (1985). Research currents for developmental reading educators: Metacognition. Research and Teaching in Developmental Education. New York College Learning Skill Association. 2(1). (19-23).
  • Fitrisia, D., Tan, K. E., & Yusuf, Y. Q. (2015). Investigating metacognitive awareness of reading strategies to strengthen students’ performance in reading comprehension. Asia Pacific Journal of Educators and Education. 30,15-30.
  • Flavell, J. H. (1987). Speculation about the nature and development of metacognition. In F. Weinert & R. Kluwe(Eds). Metacognition, Motivation, and Understanding. (21-29). Hillsdale, NJ: Erlbaum. Flavell, J. H. (1971). First discussant’s comments: What is memory development? Human Development. 14, 272- 278.
  • Flavell, J. H. (1976). Metacognitive aspects of problem- solving. In L. B. Resnick (Ed .), The Nature of Intelligence (231-236). Hillsdale, NJ: Erlbaum
  • Flavell, J. H. (1979). Metacognition and cognitive monitoring: A new area of cognitive development inquiry. American Psychologist. 34. (906-911).
  • Grabe, W., & Stoller, F.L. (2002). Teaching and Researching Reading. Harlow: Pearson Education.
  • Griffith, P. L. & Ruan, J. (2005). What is Metacognition and what should be its role in Literacy Instruction? In S.E. Israel, C.C. Block, K.L. Bauserman, & K. Kinnucan- Welsch(Eds). Metacognition in Literacy Learning: Theory, assessment, instruction, and professional development. (3-18 ). Hillsdale, NJ: Erlbaum.
  • Habibian, M. (2015). The impact of training Metacognitive strategies on reading comprehension among ESL learners. Journal of Education and Practice 6(28). (61- 69).
  • Israel, S. E. (2007). Using Metacognitive Assessments to Create Individualized Reading Instruction. International Literacy Association.
  • Iwai, Y. (2011). The effects of Metacognitive reading strategies: pedagogical implications for EFL/ESL teachers. The Reading Matrix. 11(2). (150-159).
  • Jafari, D. (2012). Metacognitive strategies and reading comprehension enhancement in Iranian EFL setting. International Journal of Linguistics. Macrothink Institute. 4(3).
  • Karim, S. & Qanwal, S. (2016). A correlational study of Cognitive reading strategy instruction and Metacognitive strategy awareness. ELF Annual Research Journal 18. (01-22).
  • Livingston, J. A. (2003). Metacognition: An overview. Educational Resources Information Center (ERIC).
  • Martinez, S, A. (2007). Survey research of reading methods used by New Mexico middle school teachers. Kansas State University, Manhattan, Kansas.
  • Mckeown, M. G., Beck, I. L. & Blake R. G. K. (2009). Rethinking reading comprehension instruction: A comparison of instruction for strategies and content approach. Reading Research Quarterly. International Reading Association. 44(3). (218-253).
  • Michalsky, T., Mevarech, Z. R. & Haibi, L. (2009). Elementary school children reading texts: Effects of Metacognitive instruction. The Journal of Educational Research. Taylor & Francis. 4(5) (363-374).
  • Mijuskovic, M., & Simovic, S. (2015). Metacognitive strategies that enhance reading comprehension in the foreign language university classroom. Andragoske Studije. 1, (145-174).
  • Pressley, M., & Afflerbach, P. (1995). Verbal protocols of reading: The nature of constructively responsive reading. Hillsdale, NJ: Erlbaum.
  • RAND & Snow, C. (2002). Defining comprehension. Reading for understanding. RAND Corporation. (11-17).
  • Randi, J., Grigorenko, E. L. & Sternberg, R. J. (2005). Revisiting definitions of reading comprehension: Just what is reading comprehension anyway? In S.E. Israel, C.C. Block, K.L. Bauserman, & K. Kinnucan- Welsch(Eds). Metacognition in Literacy Learning: Theory, assessment, instruction, and professional development. (19-39 ). Hillsdale, NJ: Erlbaum.
  • Simons, H. D. (1971). Reading comprehension: The need for a new perspective. Reading Research Quarterly. International Literacy Association. 6(3), 338-363).
  • Sitthiprom, P. (2012). The development of English reading comprehension ability of grade 11 students using Metacognitive strategies . International Journal of Social Science and Humanity. 2(6).
  • Zhang, L. J. (2008). Constructive pedagogy in strategic reading instruction: exploring pathways to learner development in the English as second language (ESL) classroom. Instructional Science. Springer. 36(2), (89- 116).
  • Zhang, L. & Seepho, S. (2013). Metacognitive Strategy Use and Academic Reading Achievement. Electronic Journal of Foreign Language Teaching. 1(1). 54-69.
  • Zhussupova, R., & Kazbekova, M. (2016). Metacognitive strategies as points in teaching reading comprehension. Social and Behavioral Sciences 228. (593-600). Elsevier Ltd.

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    CHICAGO : Hashmi, Sana Mahmood Qureshi. 2024. "The Effects of Metacognitive Strategies on Reading Comprehension of ESL Students." Global Educational Studies Review, IX (I): 1-12 doi: 10.31703/gesr.2024(IX-I).01
    HARVARD : HASHMI, S. M. Q. 2024. The Effects of Metacognitive Strategies on Reading Comprehension of ESL Students. Global Educational Studies Review, IX, 1-12.
    MHRA : Hashmi, Sana Mahmood Qureshi. 2024. "The Effects of Metacognitive Strategies on Reading Comprehension of ESL Students." Global Educational Studies Review, IX: 1-12
    MLA : Hashmi, Sana Mahmood Qureshi. "The Effects of Metacognitive Strategies on Reading Comprehension of ESL Students." Global Educational Studies Review, IX.I (2024): 1-12 Print.
    OXFORD : Hashmi, Sana Mahmood Qureshi (2024), "The Effects of Metacognitive Strategies on Reading Comprehension of ESL Students", Global Educational Studies Review, IX (I), 1-12
    TURABIAN : Hashmi, Sana Mahmood Qureshi. "The Effects of Metacognitive Strategies on Reading Comprehension of ESL Students." Global Educational Studies Review IX, no. I (2024): 1-12.