Development of Diagnostic Assessment Test for Misconceptions (ATM) in Mathematics at Elementary School Level
Diagnostic assessment test for misconceptions (ATM) help teachers identifying misconceptions of students and help students to enhance conceptual understandings. The main purpose of the study was to develop a diagnostic assessment test for misconceptions (ATM) in Mathematics at the elementary school level. At the first stage, the content was defined, and a table of specifications was made. Students' misconceptions from previous literature were identified, and then a two-tier MCQs type misconceptions test was developed. Validity was ensured by school teachers, educationists and experts of the field. For pilot testing, the test was conducted among 60 students of three schools and item analysis was employed. Item difficulty and item discrimination through item analysis was drawn to standardize the test. Test-retest reliability was also measured by pilot testing. After testing the validity and reliability, thirty items remained in the diagnostic test. The final form of the test enables the Mathematics teachers to understand the weak areas of students.
Diagnostic Assessment Test, Two tiers, Misconceptions, Mathematics, Elementary School Level
(1) Sumera Kanwal
Institute of Education and Research, University of the Punjab, Lahore, Punjab, Pakistan.
(2) Muhammad Shahid Farooq
Professor, Institute of Education and Research, University of the Punjab, Lahore, Punjab, Pakistan.
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APA : Kanwal, S., & Farooq, M. S. (2021). Development of Diagnostic Assessment Test for Misconceptions (ATM) in Mathematics at Elementary School Level. Global Educational Studies Review, VI(I), 94-102.
CHICAGO : Kanwal, Sumera, and Muhammad Shahid Farooq. 2021. "Development of Diagnostic Assessment Test for Misconceptions (ATM) in Mathematics at Elementary School Level." Global Educational Studies Review, VI (I): 94-102 doi: 10.31703/gesr.2021(VI-I).10
HARVARD : KANWAL, S. & FAROOQ, M. S. 2021. Development of Diagnostic Assessment Test for Misconceptions (ATM) in Mathematics at Elementary School Level. Global Educational Studies Review, VI, 94-102.
MHRA : Kanwal, Sumera, and Muhammad Shahid Farooq. 2021. "Development of Diagnostic Assessment Test for Misconceptions (ATM) in Mathematics at Elementary School Level." Global Educational Studies Review, VI: 94-102
MLA : Kanwal, Sumera, and Muhammad Shahid Farooq. "Development of Diagnostic Assessment Test for Misconceptions (ATM) in Mathematics at Elementary School Level." Global Educational Studies Review, VI.I (2021): 94-102 Print.
OXFORD : Kanwal, Sumera and Farooq, Muhammad Shahid (2021), "Development of Diagnostic Assessment Test for Misconceptions (ATM) in Mathematics at Elementary School Level", Global Educational Studies Review, VI (I), 94-102
TURABIAN : Kanwal, Sumera, and Muhammad Shahid Farooq. "Development of Diagnostic Assessment Test for Misconceptions (ATM) in Mathematics at Elementary School Level." Global Educational Studies Review VI, no. I (2021): 94-102.