Impact of Cyberbullying Behavior on the Self-Esteem among Secondary and Higher Secondary School Students in Punjab, Pakistan
The internet users are more than four billion globally. The fast advancement in electronic technology caused an unpredictable variation in the development of students. The use of the internet has become the backbone of education and communication. The current study sets out to measure the impact of cyberbullying on the selfesteem among secondary and higher secondary school students in nine districts of Punjab, Pakistan were selected. The total sample size comprised of 3236 (1614 male 1622 female) students, and their ages were 13-19 years, recruited through conveniently sampling. Two questionnaires were employed in the present research for the purpose of data collection; Cyberbullying Scale and Rosenberg Self-Esteem Scale. The data were analyzed through Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS 23.0). The quantitative results revealed that cyberbullying was significantly (p < .01) positively correlated with self-esteem. Further, linear regression results showed that cyberbullying was a significant impact on self-esteem. Results also showed the comparison between male and female samples for cyberbullying on the self-esteem, and results of the comparison showed that the mean of cyberbullying was selfesteem was significantly higher among female students than male respondents. The limitations of the results are discussed.
Cyberbullying, Cyber Victimization, Cyberbully Typologies, Self-Esteem, Students
(1) Fouzia Perveen
PhD Scholar, Department of Education, The Islamia University of Bahawalpur, Punjab, Pakistan.
(2) Asghar Ali
PhD Scholar, Department of Education, The Islamia University of Bahawalpur, Punjab, Pakistan.
(3) Muhammad Ramzan
PhD Scholar, Department of Education, The Islamia University of Bahawalpur, Punjab, Pakistan.
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APA : Perveen, F., Ali, A., & Ramzan, M. (2020). Impact of Cyberbullying Behavior on the Self-Esteem among Secondary and Higher Secondary School Students in Punjab, Pakistan. Global Educational Studies Review, V(III), 385-395.
CHICAGO : Perveen, Fouzia, Asghar Ali, and Muhammad Ramzan. 2020. "Impact of Cyberbullying Behavior on the Self-Esteem among Secondary and Higher Secondary School Students in Punjab, Pakistan." Global Educational Studies Review, V (III): 385-395 doi: 10.31703/gesr.2020(V-III).37
HARVARD : PERVEEN, F., ALI, A. & RAMZAN, M. 2020. Impact of Cyberbullying Behavior on the Self-Esteem among Secondary and Higher Secondary School Students in Punjab, Pakistan. Global Educational Studies Review, V, 385-395.
MHRA : Perveen, Fouzia, Asghar Ali, and Muhammad Ramzan. 2020. "Impact of Cyberbullying Behavior on the Self-Esteem among Secondary and Higher Secondary School Students in Punjab, Pakistan." Global Educational Studies Review, V: 385-395
MLA : Perveen, Fouzia, Asghar Ali, and Muhammad Ramzan. "Impact of Cyberbullying Behavior on the Self-Esteem among Secondary and Higher Secondary School Students in Punjab, Pakistan." Global Educational Studies Review, V.III (2020): 385-395 Print.
OXFORD : Perveen, Fouzia, Ali, Asghar, and Ramzan, Muhammad (2020), "Impact of Cyberbullying Behavior on the Self-Esteem among Secondary and Higher Secondary School Students in Punjab, Pakistan", Global Educational Studies Review, V (III), 385-395
TURABIAN : Perveen, Fouzia, Asghar Ali, and Muhammad Ramzan. "Impact of Cyberbullying Behavior on the Self-Esteem among Secondary and Higher Secondary School Students in Punjab, Pakistan." Global Educational Studies Review V, no. III (2020): 385-395.