Exploration of Distance Learners' Nature of Locus of Control: Qualitative Analysis
Distance education is a dynamic field and students belonging to this mode of education encompass several psychological characteristics, i.e., self-concept, locus of control etc. this study was conducted to analyze the nature of locus of control of distance learners. This study had a population of distance learners from distance learning universities in Pakistan. Sample of 76 students was taken out by a random sampling technique. The selfdeveloped interview guide was developed, and semi-structured interviews were conducted through audio recording. Thematic analysis was done for data analysis. Major themes and codes revealed that distance learners exhibit an internal locus of control. It was recommended that LOC might be considered by teachers, administrators, and educational planners as an alternative variable that can influence the academic achievement of the students.
Internal Locus of Control, External Locus of Control, Distance Learners
(1) Naila Naseer
Lecturer Distance, Non-formal and Continuing Education Department, AIOU, Islamabad, Pakistan.
(2) Shamsa Kanwal
Field Coordinator, Allama Iqbal Open University, Islamabad, Pakistan.
(3) Zahida Habib
Associate Professor, University of Education, Township, Lahore, Punjab, Pakistan.
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APA : Naseer, N., Kanwal, S., & Habib, Z. (2020). Exploration of Distance Learners' Nature of Locus of Control: Qualitative Analysis. Global Educational Studies Review, V(IV), 20-31. https://doi.org/10.31703/gesr.2020(V-IV).03
CHICAGO : Naseer, Naila, Shamsa Kanwal, and Zahida Habib. 2020. "Exploration of Distance Learners' Nature of Locus of Control: Qualitative Analysis." Global Educational Studies Review, V (IV): 20-31 doi: 10.31703/gesr.2020(V-IV).03
HARVARD : NASEER, N., KANWAL, S. & HABIB, Z. 2020. Exploration of Distance Learners' Nature of Locus of Control: Qualitative Analysis. Global Educational Studies Review, V, 20-31.
MHRA : Naseer, Naila, Shamsa Kanwal, and Zahida Habib. 2020. "Exploration of Distance Learners' Nature of Locus of Control: Qualitative Analysis." Global Educational Studies Review, V: 20-31
MLA : Naseer, Naila, Shamsa Kanwal, and Zahida Habib. "Exploration of Distance Learners' Nature of Locus of Control: Qualitative Analysis." Global Educational Studies Review, V.IV (2020): 20-31 Print.
OXFORD : Naseer, Naila, Kanwal, Shamsa, and Habib, Zahida (2020), "Exploration of Distance Learners' Nature of Locus of Control: Qualitative Analysis", Global Educational Studies Review, V (IV), 20-31
TURABIAN : Naseer, Naila, Shamsa Kanwal, and Zahida Habib. "Exploration of Distance Learners' Nature of Locus of Control: Qualitative Analysis." Global Educational Studies Review V, no. IV (2020): 20-31. https://doi.org/10.31703/gesr.2020(V-IV).03