20 Pages : 209 - 220      10.31703/gesr.2022(VII-II).20      Published : Jun 2022

Citizenship among University Students: Perceptions of BS Students

    Citizenship is a vital aspect of higher education around the World. Universities are expected to cater to the need for citizenship education to provide skilled and responsible management for the development of a nation. However, there is too scarce research to make any claim about the views of university graduates concerning citizenship. Consequently, it was considered quite imperative to conduct a study to examine knowledge and practices of citizenship among university students. This study was carried out with an objective; to explore the attributes of good citizenship among university students; a questionnaire and a sample of 1500 BS students from 15 private/public universities in Pakistan. The analysis (i.e. mean, percentage and chi-square) exposed the findings that students were significantly in support of building up courtesy/morality, social responsibility, accountability/critical thinking and patriotism. They have urged to contribute to society and provide services for human well beings; they were moderate, trustworthy and avoided discrimination. The majority of students honor property rights' and race, have firm faith in the welfare of their motherland, possess good moral conduct and respect the authority of rules. Institutions of higher education may consider it mandatory to establish citizenship as a crucial discipline and try to facilitate it by operating entire consistent resources

    Citizenship, Civic Attributes, Civic Education, Civic Perception, University, Students
    (1) Zia Ur Rehman
    Department of Education, Hazara University, Mansehra, KP, Pakistan.
    (2) Sadia Naz
    Department of Islamic and Religious Studies, Hazara University, Mansehra, KP, Pakistan.
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    CHICAGO : Rehman, Zia Ur, and Sadia Naz. 2022. "Citizenship among University Students: Perceptions of BS Students." Global Educational Studies Review, VII (II): 209 - 220 doi: 10.31703/gesr.2022(VII-II).20
    HARVARD : REHMAN, Z. U. & NAZ, S. 2022. Citizenship among University Students: Perceptions of BS Students. Global Educational Studies Review, VII, 209 - 220 .
    MHRA : Rehman, Zia Ur, and Sadia Naz. 2022. "Citizenship among University Students: Perceptions of BS Students." Global Educational Studies Review, VII: 209 - 220
    MLA : Rehman, Zia Ur, and Sadia Naz. "Citizenship among University Students: Perceptions of BS Students." Global Educational Studies Review, VII.II (2022): 209 - 220 Print.
    OXFORD : Rehman, Zia Ur and Naz, Sadia (2022), "Citizenship among University Students: Perceptions of BS Students", Global Educational Studies Review, VII (II), 209 - 220