05 Pages : 41-48      10.31703/gesr.2024(IX-I).05      Published : Mar 2024

Exploring Promotion-Linked Training Impact on the Professional Development of Educational Managers in Punjab

    This study aimed to explore the effectiveness of in-service professional development training provided by the Quaid-e Azam Academy for Educational Development (QAED) to 53 educational managers in Punjab, Pakistan. A qualitative feedback design was utilized to gather participants' perspectives on the most and least valuable training content, relevance to professional needs, suggested modifications, effective methodologies, and overall impressions. Data were collected through an open-ended post-training questionnaire and analyzed thematically. Findings revealed the training was well-aligned to develop financial, managerial, and IT skills but needed more practical application. Being peer-learning enabled with expansion of hands-on simulation task as budgeting and audit was suggested. The class timelines and redistributing sessions were suggested to be reduced. Activity based methods were focused on like group discussions, presentations, and hands on practice considered effective by most of the participants.

    Promotion-linked Training, Professional Development, Educational Managers, Punjab
    (1) Muhammad Abbas
    PhD Scholar, Department of Education, Superior University, Lahore, Punjab, Pakistan.
    (2) Muhammad Sarwar
    Dean, Faculty of Education, Superior University, Lahore, Punjab, Pakistan.
    (3) Raza Ur Rehman
    PhD Scholar, Department of Education, Superior University, Lahore, Punjab, Pakistan.
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    APA : Abbas, M., Sarwar, M., & Rehman, R. U. (2024). Exploring Promotion-Linked Training Impact on the Professional Development of Educational Managers in Punjab. Global Educational Studies Review, IX(I), 41-48.
    CHICAGO : Abbas, Muhammad, Muhammad Sarwar, and Raza Ur Rehman. 2024. "Exploring Promotion-Linked Training Impact on the Professional Development of Educational Managers in Punjab." Global Educational Studies Review, IX (I): 41-48 doi: 10.31703/gesr.2024(IX-I).05
    HARVARD : ABBAS, M., SARWAR, M. & REHMAN, R. U. 2024. Exploring Promotion-Linked Training Impact on the Professional Development of Educational Managers in Punjab. Global Educational Studies Review, IX, 41-48.
    MHRA : Abbas, Muhammad, Muhammad Sarwar, and Raza Ur Rehman. 2024. "Exploring Promotion-Linked Training Impact on the Professional Development of Educational Managers in Punjab." Global Educational Studies Review, IX: 41-48
    MLA : Abbas, Muhammad, Muhammad Sarwar, and Raza Ur Rehman. "Exploring Promotion-Linked Training Impact on the Professional Development of Educational Managers in Punjab." Global Educational Studies Review, IX.I (2024): 41-48 Print.
    OXFORD : Abbas, Muhammad, Sarwar, Muhammad, and Rehman, Raza Ur (2024), "Exploring Promotion-Linked Training Impact on the Professional Development of Educational Managers in Punjab", Global Educational Studies Review, IX (I), 41-48
    TURABIAN : Abbas, Muhammad, Muhammad Sarwar, and Raza Ur Rehman. "Exploring Promotion-Linked Training Impact on the Professional Development of Educational Managers in Punjab." Global Educational Studies Review IX, no. I (2024): 41-48.