Factors Influencing the Slow Rate of Postgraduate Degree Completion: A Case of University of Peshawar, Pakistan
The study examines the factors that contribute to the slow rate of postgraduate degree completion at the University of Peshawar-Pakistan. For this purpose, the perspectives of 52 students, both male and female at different postgraduate levels were gathered using a survey questionnaire. The findings reveal that personal factors, such as untimely correction submissions, research topic selection problems, and funding constraints significantly contribute to the slow rate of postgraduate degree completion. Additionally, the student-supervisor relationship and institutional factors including bureaucratic processes, communication gaps, and complicated evaluation processes play crucial roles in the delay. Our study recommends that research competencies, secure financial resources, and flexible study models should be enhanced for the students. Moreover, supervisors are urged to refine their supervision skills, while the institute should create a supportive research environment and reconsider outdated evaluation processes.
Contributing Factors, Completion Rate, Postgraduate Students, IER, Pakistan
(1) Maryam Begum
MPhil Scholar, Institute of Education and Research, University of Peshawar, Peshawar, KP, Pakistan.
(2) Parveen Khan
Assistant Professor, Institute of Education and Research, University of Peshawar, Peshawar, KP, Pakistan.
(3) Sabeeh Ullah
Institute of Business and Management Sciences, the University of Agriculture, Peshawar, Peshawar, KP, Pakistan.
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APA : Begum, M., Khan, P., & Ullah, S. (2024). Factors Influencing the Slow Rate of Postgraduate Degree Completion: A Case of University of Peshawar, Pakistan. Global Educational Studies Review, IX(I), 107-120. https://doi.org/10.31703/gesr.2024(IX-I).12
CHICAGO : Begum, Maryam, Parveen Khan, and Sabeeh Ullah. 2024. "Factors Influencing the Slow Rate of Postgraduate Degree Completion: A Case of University of Peshawar, Pakistan." Global Educational Studies Review, IX (I): 107-120 doi: 10.31703/gesr.2024(IX-I).12
HARVARD : BEGUM, M., KHAN, P. & ULLAH, S. 2024. Factors Influencing the Slow Rate of Postgraduate Degree Completion: A Case of University of Peshawar, Pakistan. Global Educational Studies Review, IX, 107-120.
MHRA : Begum, Maryam, Parveen Khan, and Sabeeh Ullah. 2024. "Factors Influencing the Slow Rate of Postgraduate Degree Completion: A Case of University of Peshawar, Pakistan." Global Educational Studies Review, IX: 107-120
MLA : Begum, Maryam, Parveen Khan, and Sabeeh Ullah. "Factors Influencing the Slow Rate of Postgraduate Degree Completion: A Case of University of Peshawar, Pakistan." Global Educational Studies Review, IX.I (2024): 107-120 Print.
OXFORD : Begum, Maryam, Khan, Parveen, and Ullah, Sabeeh (2024), "Factors Influencing the Slow Rate of Postgraduate Degree Completion: A Case of University of Peshawar, Pakistan", Global Educational Studies Review, IX (I), 107-120
TURABIAN : Begum, Maryam, Parveen Khan, and Sabeeh Ullah. "Factors Influencing the Slow Rate of Postgraduate Degree Completion: A Case of University of Peshawar, Pakistan." Global Educational Studies Review IX, no. I (2024): 107-120. https://doi.org/10.31703/gesr.2024(IX-I).12