Maximising Professional Growth: A Case Study Exploring Reflective Practices of Teacher Educators
This qualitative case study aimed to explore the reflective teaching practices used by teacher educators in their classrooms for professional learning and development in Pakistan. Semi-structured interviews were conducted with two experienced teacher educators from a public university. Using within-case and cross-case analysis, data analysis uncovered themes related to interactive teaching methods, student feedback, self-reflection, collegial support, evaluation techniques, and contextual constraints. The results of the study revealed that teacher educators used reflection-on-action and reflection-for-action techniques for the improvement of their teaching. However, they faced some barriers while implementing these practices in classrooms due to contextual settings. The study’s findings emphasise the need for institutional support and the provision of professional development opportunities to teacher educators for facilitating reflective teaching practices. The study contributes meaningful insights into teacher educators’ experiences employing reflective practices in their unique contexts.
Reflective Teaching, Teacher Education, Professional Development, Qualitative Case Study, Thematic Analysis, Developing Countries
(1) Sajida Saif
Ph.D. Scholar, Department of Education, University of Management and Technology, Lahore, Punjab, Pakistan.
(2) Samina Safdar
Assistant Professor of Education, Department of Educational Leadership and Policy Studies, University of Education, Lahore, Punjab, Pakistan.
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APA : Saif, S., & Safdar, S. (2023). Maximising Professional Growth: A Case Study Exploring Reflective Practices of Teacher Educators. Global Educational Studies Review, VIII(I), 410-424.
CHICAGO : Saif, Sajida, and Samina Safdar. 2023. "Maximising Professional Growth: A Case Study Exploring Reflective Practices of Teacher Educators." Global Educational Studies Review, VIII (I): 410-424 doi: 10.31703/gesr.2023(VIII-I).36
HARVARD : SAIF, S. & SAFDAR, S. 2023. Maximising Professional Growth: A Case Study Exploring Reflective Practices of Teacher Educators. Global Educational Studies Review, VIII, 410-424.
MHRA : Saif, Sajida, and Samina Safdar. 2023. "Maximising Professional Growth: A Case Study Exploring Reflective Practices of Teacher Educators." Global Educational Studies Review, VIII: 410-424
MLA : Saif, Sajida, and Samina Safdar. "Maximising Professional Growth: A Case Study Exploring Reflective Practices of Teacher Educators." Global Educational Studies Review, VIII.I (2023): 410-424 Print.
OXFORD : Saif, Sajida and Safdar, Samina (2023), "Maximising Professional Growth: A Case Study Exploring Reflective Practices of Teacher Educators", Global Educational Studies Review, VIII (I), 410-424
TURABIAN : Saif, Sajida, and Samina Safdar. "Maximising Professional Growth: A Case Study Exploring Reflective Practices of Teacher Educators." Global Educational Studies Review VIII, no. I (2023): 410-424.