02 Pages : 11-23      10.31703/gesr.2022(VII-III).02      Published : Sep 2022

Perspectives of Students Regarding Abusive Supervision in their Division at Secondary Education

    The research study aimed to investigate the perspectives of students regarding Abusive supervision in their division of secondary education. The design of the research study was descriptive and quantitative in nature. A survey method was used for data from the sample of the study. The population of the study consisted of students of government boys' secondary school districts in Lahore. Thirty-one secondary schools were taken as a sample through the lottery method. There were 150 students from the secondary level taken as a sample through a random sampling technique. A survey questionnaire was distributed among students after taking permission from the school head through a consent letter. The response rate was 95%. The researcher used a self-developed questionnaire for data collection. Data were analyzed through frequency, mean score and standard deviation of each statement was calculated. It was concluded that abusive supervision has become a serious problem at the secondary school level which may be solved.

    Perspective, Abusive Supervision, Students, Secondary Level
    (1) Umar Draz
    M. Phil Scholar, Division of Education, University of Education Lahore, Punjab, Pakistan.
    (2) Nasir Mehmood Khan
    Lecturer of Sociology, Department of Sociology, University of Chakwal, Punjab, Pakistan.
    (3) Hina Mehmood
    Pir Mehr Ali Shah Arid Agriculture University, Rawalpindi, Punjab, Pakistan.
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    APA : Draz, U., Khan, N. M., & Mehmood, H. (2022). Perspectives of Students Regarding Abusive Supervision in their Division at Secondary Education. Global Educational Studies Review, VII(III), 11-23.
    CHICAGO : Draz, Umar, Nasir Mehmood Khan, and Hina Mehmood. 2022. "Perspectives of Students Regarding Abusive Supervision in their Division at Secondary Education." Global Educational Studies Review, VII (III): 11-23 doi: 10.31703/gesr.2022(VII-III).02
    HARVARD : DRAZ, U., KHAN, N. M. & MEHMOOD, H. 2022. Perspectives of Students Regarding Abusive Supervision in their Division at Secondary Education. Global Educational Studies Review, VII, 11-23.
    MHRA : Draz, Umar, Nasir Mehmood Khan, and Hina Mehmood. 2022. "Perspectives of Students Regarding Abusive Supervision in their Division at Secondary Education." Global Educational Studies Review, VII: 11-23
    MLA : Draz, Umar, Nasir Mehmood Khan, and Hina Mehmood. "Perspectives of Students Regarding Abusive Supervision in their Division at Secondary Education." Global Educational Studies Review, VII.III (2022): 11-23 Print.
    OXFORD : Draz, Umar, Khan, Nasir Mehmood, and Mehmood, Hina (2022), "Perspectives of Students Regarding Abusive Supervision in their Division at Secondary Education", Global Educational Studies Review, VII (III), 11-23
    TURABIAN : Draz, Umar, Nasir Mehmood Khan, and Hina Mehmood. "Perspectives of Students Regarding Abusive Supervision in their Division at Secondary Education." Global Educational Studies Review VII, no. III (2022): 11-23.