Principal Leadership Strategies for Achieving Organizational Excellence of Public Sector Colleges
Understanding how different strategies and leadership styles contribute to organizational excellence is essential for higher education institutions that face increasing pressure for accountability. Objectives include identifying effective leadership strategies for organizational excellence, exploring the links between strategic leadership practices and employee efficiency, and evaluating the impact of different leadership styles on organizational performance.The study used descriptive and quantitative methodology. Respondents were selected from 40 colleges in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa using a cluster sampling technique. Data were collected from 720 male and female teachers and principals working in government colleges in the Khyber Pakhtunkhwa region. The research instrument was a comprehensive questionnaire designed to assess two key variables: leadership strategies and organizational excellence.Effective leadership practices were found necessary but they must be complemented by a supportive organizational environment and adequate resources to achieve high performance and it also provides evidence for leaders and organizations to improve their strategies for achieving organizational success.
Principal Leadership Strategies, Organizational Excellence, Leadership Styles, Performance, Organizational Success
(1) Abdul Wahab
Lecturer, Institute of Education and Research, Kohat University of Science and Technology, Kohat, KP, Pakistan.
(2) Muhammad Yasir Fayyaz
M.Phil Scholar, Institute of Education and Research, Kohat University of Science and Technology, Kohat, KP, Pakistan.
(3) Sajid Ishaq
M.Phil Scholar, Institute of Education and Research, Kohat University of Science and Technology, Kohat, KP, Pakistan.
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APA : Wahab, A., Fayyaz, M. Y., & Ishaq, S. (2023). Principal Leadership Strategies for Achieving Organizational Excellence of Public Sector Colleges. Global Educational Studies Review, VIII(I), 566-579.
CHICAGO : Wahab, Abdul, Muhammad Yasir Fayyaz, and Sajid Ishaq. 2023. "Principal Leadership Strategies for Achieving Organizational Excellence of Public Sector Colleges." Global Educational Studies Review, VIII (I): 566-579 doi: 10.31703/gesr.2023(VIII-I).50
HARVARD : WAHAB, A., FAYYAZ, M. Y. & ISHAQ, S. 2023. Principal Leadership Strategies for Achieving Organizational Excellence of Public Sector Colleges. Global Educational Studies Review, VIII, 566-579.
MHRA : Wahab, Abdul, Muhammad Yasir Fayyaz, and Sajid Ishaq. 2023. "Principal Leadership Strategies for Achieving Organizational Excellence of Public Sector Colleges." Global Educational Studies Review, VIII: 566-579
MLA : Wahab, Abdul, Muhammad Yasir Fayyaz, and Sajid Ishaq. "Principal Leadership Strategies for Achieving Organizational Excellence of Public Sector Colleges." Global Educational Studies Review, VIII.I (2023): 566-579 Print.
OXFORD : Wahab, Abdul, Fayyaz, Muhammad Yasir, and Ishaq, Sajid (2023), "Principal Leadership Strategies for Achieving Organizational Excellence of Public Sector Colleges", Global Educational Studies Review, VIII (I), 566-579
TURABIAN : Wahab, Abdul, Muhammad Yasir Fayyaz, and Sajid Ishaq. "Principal Leadership Strategies for Achieving Organizational Excellence of Public Sector Colleges." Global Educational Studies Review VIII, no. I (2023): 566-579.