Science Learning Through Interactive Teaching Method: An Experimental Study
An experimental study was conducted to find the impact of interactive teaching method on science learning. 70 students from seventh grade were selected to participate in this study. A control group with 35 randomly assigned students was taught by the traditional lecture method, and an experimental group with another 35 students was taught by an interactive teaching method. A pre-test was conducted prior to implementing the intervention to measure the baseline score, while a post-test was administered to measure the impact of the intervention. An ANCOVA (Analysis of Covariance) was used to find the significant difference in science achievement score of students between the traditional teaching method and interactive teaching method after controlling the effect of pretest scores. There was a significant difference in students' science achievement score between students in the traditional teaching group and students in the interactive teaching group, F(2, 67) = 153.47, p <.001n 2 = .82. It was concluded that the interactive teaching method significantly improves student science learning.
Interactive Teaching, Science, Experiment Study
(1) Sajid Ali Yousuf Zai
Assistant Professor, Department of Education, National University of Modern Languages, Islamabad, Pakistan.
(2) Fouzia Ajmal
Assistant Professor, Department of Education, International Islamic University, Islamabad, Pakistan.
(3) Saira Nudrat
Assistant Professor, Department of Education, National University of Modern Languages, Islamabad, Pakistan.
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APA : Zai, S. A. Y., Ajmal, F., & Nudrat, S. (2020). Science Learning Through Interactive Teaching Method: An Experimental Study. Global Educational Studies Review, V(IV), 77-87.
CHICAGO : Zai, Sajid Ali Yousuf, Fouzia Ajmal, and Saira Nudrat. 2020. "Science Learning Through Interactive Teaching Method: An Experimental Study." Global Educational Studies Review, V (IV): 77-87 doi: 10.31703/gesr.2020(V-IV).09
HARVARD : ZAI, S. A. Y., AJMAL, F. & NUDRAT, S. 2020. Science Learning Through Interactive Teaching Method: An Experimental Study. Global Educational Studies Review, V, 77-87.
MHRA : Zai, Sajid Ali Yousuf, Fouzia Ajmal, and Saira Nudrat. 2020. "Science Learning Through Interactive Teaching Method: An Experimental Study." Global Educational Studies Review, V: 77-87
MLA : Zai, Sajid Ali Yousuf, Fouzia Ajmal, and Saira Nudrat. "Science Learning Through Interactive Teaching Method: An Experimental Study." Global Educational Studies Review, V.IV (2020): 77-87 Print.
OXFORD : Zai, Sajid Ali Yousuf, Ajmal, Fouzia, and Nudrat, Saira (2020), "Science Learning Through Interactive Teaching Method: An Experimental Study", Global Educational Studies Review, V (IV), 77-87
TURABIAN : Zai, Sajid Ali Yousuf, Fouzia Ajmal, and Saira Nudrat. "Science Learning Through Interactive Teaching Method: An Experimental Study." Global Educational Studies Review V, no. IV (2020): 77-87.