Authored by : Marryum Tahira , Faran Ahmed , Faisal Anis

44 Pages : 484-495


  • Agran, M., Blanchard, C., Wehmeyer, M., & Hughes, C. (2002). Access to the general curriculum for students with significant disabilities: What it means to teachers. In Education and training in mental retardation and developmental disabilities (pp. 123-133)
  • Ahmed, M., Khan, A. B., & Nasem, F. (2011). Policies for special persons in Pakistan: Analysis of policy implementation. Berkeley Journal of Social Sciences, 1(2), 1- 11.
  • Akhtar, M., Ilyas, M., & Dastgir, G. (2022). Impact of Science Teachers’ Attitude on Academic Achievement of Students at Secondary Level in Lahore. Global Educational Studies Review, VII(II), 242– 250.
  • Ashraf, M., Muhammad, Y., & Bokhari, T. B. (2022). Enhancing classroom management skills through critical reflection: A qualitative study of primary teachers. Journal of Educational Research & Social Science Review, 2(3), 105-114.
  • Bracken, B. A., & Theodore, L. A. (2023). Promoting Health and Wellness in Young Children: Preschool Assessment. Perspectives on Early Childhood Psychology and Education, 5(1), 139–169.
  • Burns, E. M. (2015). Peer-mediated interventions for students classified with emotional and behavioural disorders.
  • Clarke, V., & Braun, V. (2013). Teaching thematic analysis: Overcoming challenges and developing strategies for effective learning. The psychologist, 26(2), 120- 123.
  • Copeland, S. R., McCall, J., Williams, C. R., Guth, C., Carter, E. W., Fowler, S. E., Presley, J. A., & Hughes, C. (2002). High school peer buddies: A win-win situation. TEACHING Exceptional Children, 35(1), 16–21.
  • Creswell, J. W., & Poth, C. N. (2018). Qualitative inquiry & research design: Choosing among five approaches (4th ed.). Los Angeles: Sage.
  • Draper, E. A. (2022). Working Together: Peer Interactions to Support Students with Disabilities in the Music Classroom. Journal of General Music Education, 36(2), 38–41.
  • Fuchs, D., Fuchs, L. S., Mathes, P. G., & Martinez, E. A. (2002). Preliminary Evidence on the Social Standing of Students with Learning Disabilities in PALS and No-PALS Classrooms. Learning Disabilities Research and Practice, 17(4), 205–215.
  • Goldstein, H., & Thiemann, K. (2000). Effects of visually-mediated intervention on the social communication of children with pervasive developmental disorders. Final report.
  • Government of the Punjab. (2022). Population: Punjab Portal.
  • Hardy, I., & Woodcock, S. (2015). Inclusive education policies: discourses of difference, diversity and deficit. International Journal of Inclusive Education, 19(2), 141–164.
  • Hayes, A. M., & Bulat, J. (2017). Disabilities inclusive education systems and policies guide for low- and middle-income countries. RTI Press.
  • Helbig, K. A., Schrieber, S. R., Radley, K. C., & Dereiux, J. (2023). Effects of a teacher- implemented social skills intervention for elementary students with autism and developmental disabilities. Journal of Educational and Psychological Consultation, 1-29.
  • Iqbal, T., & Muhammad, Y. (2020). Using differentiated instruction in inclusive schools: A qualitative analysis of prospective teachers’ self-efficacy. Journal of Inclusive Education, 4(1), 229-257.
  • Kazmi, A. B., Kamran, M., & Siddiqui, S. (2023). The effect of teachers' attitudes in supporting inclusive education by catering to diverse learners. Paper presented at the Frontiers in Education.
  • Kolbina, L., Kasianenko, O., Sopivnyk, I., Karskanova, S., & Chepka, O. (2023). The role of inclusive education in the personal growth of a child with special educational needs. Amazonia Investiga, 12(64), 156- 164. .15
  • Lindner, K.-T., Schwab, S., Emara, M., & Avramidis, E. (2023). Do teachers favor the inclusion of all students? A systematic review of primary schoolteachers’ attitudes towards inclusive education. European Journal of Special Needs Education, 1–22.
  • Loreman, T., Deppeler, J., & Harvey, D. (2010). Inclusive education: Supporting diversity in the classroom. London: Routledge.
  • Maguire, M., & Delahunt, B. (2017). Doing a thematic analysis: A practical, step-by- step guide for learning and teaching scholars. AISHE-J: The All Ireland Journal of Teaching and Learning in Higher Education, 9(3).
  • Malik, M., & Amin, N. (2012). Inclusive education in Pakistan: Challenges and opportunities. International Journal of Humanities and Social Science, 2(14), 276- 283.
  • Miles, S., & Singal, N. (2010a). Developing inclusive education policies and practices in Pakistan: Processes, issues and challenges. British Journal of Special Education, 37(4), 187-203.
  • Miles, S., & Singal, N. (2010b). Education for all and inclusive education: Are we there yet? Some insights from disability studies to bridge the implementation gap. International Journal of Inclusive Education, 14(5), 529-543.
  • Mills, G. E., & Gay, L. R. (2019). Educational research: Competencies for analysis and applications: ERIC.
  • Odom, S. L., Vitztum, J., Wolery, R., Lieber, J., Sandall, S., Hanson, M. J., Beckman, P., Schwartz, I., & Horn, E. (2004). Preschool inclusion in the United States: a review of research from an ecological systems perspective. Journal of Research in Special Educational Needs, 4(1), 17–49.
  • Ryan, J. B., Reid, R., & Epstein, M. H. (2004). Peer-Mediated Intervention Studies on Academic Achievement for Students with EBD. Remedial and Special Education, 25(6), 330–341.
  • Saleem, A. (2020). Support Needs of Novice Public-School Teachers for Effective Management of Elementary Level Classrooms in Lahore. Pakistan Social Sciences Review, 4(III), 682–697.
  • Saleem, A. (2021). Strategies and Challenges of Novice Public-School Teachers Related to Classroom Management at the Elementary Level in Lahore. Pakistan Social Sciences Review, 5(IV), 258–271.
  • Saleem, A., Muhammad, Y., & Masood, S. (2019). Negative emotions and self- created challenges of novice public-school teachers in managing classroom behaviour. Journal of elementary education, 29(2), 178-195. DF/13_v29_2_19.pdf
  • Saleem, A., Muhammad, Y., & Qureshi, N. (2023). Managing public elementary school classrooms in Lahore: Physical facilities related challenges for novice teachers. Global Educational Studies Review, 8(2), 377-387. VIII-II).34
  • Saleem, A., Muhammad, Y., & Siddiqui, M. F. (2021). Effectively Managing Classroom: A Case Study of Four Novice Elementary Teachers in Private Schools. Global Social Sciences Review, VI(III), 72–79.
  • Spencer, V. G., Scruggs, T. E., & Mastropieri, M. A. (2003). Content Area Learning in Middle School Social Studies Classrooms and Students with Emotional or Behavioral Disorders: A Comparison of Strategies. Behavioral Disorders, 28(2), 77–93.
  • Sperry, L., Neitzel, J., & Engelhardt-Wells, K. (2010). Peer-Mediated Instruction and Intervention Strategies for Students with Autism Spectrum Disorders. Preventing School Failure: Alternative Education for Children and Youth, 54(4), 256–264.
  • Tahira, M., Muhammad, Y., & Masood, S. (2020). Early childhood teachers’ attitudes towards teacher-directed classroom management strategies in inclusive settings. Journal of Early Childhood Care and Education, 4(1), 37- 60.
  • Tracy, S. J. (2020). Qualitative research methods: Collecting evidence, crafting analysis, communicating impact (2nd ed.). Hoboken, NJ: Wiley-Blackwell.
  • UNESCO. (2014). The right to inclusive quality education for students with disabilities. National report on inclusion: Pakistan. Islamabad: UNESCO
  • United Nations. (2016). Inclusive education: Opportunities for marginalized children. Bangkok: United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization
  • Vagle, M. D. (2018). Crafting phenomenological research. London: Routledge.
  • Vygotsky, L. S. (1978). Mind in society: The development of higher psychological processes. New York: Harvard University Press
  • Zahid, S. B., Muhammad, Y., & Waqar, Y. (2022). Becoming an Effective Classroom Manager: Preservice Teachers’ Perceptions of their Classroom Management Education and Self-Efficacy Beliefs. Sjesr, 5(3), 68–77.
  • Agran, M., Blanchard, C., Wehmeyer, M., & Hughes, C. (2002). Access to the general curriculum for students with significant disabilities: What it means to teachers. In Education and training in mental retardation and developmental disabilities (pp. 123-133)
  • Ahmed, M., Khan, A. B., & Nasem, F. (2011). Policies for special persons in Pakistan: Analysis of policy implementation. Berkeley Journal of Social Sciences, 1(2), 1- 11.
  • Akhtar, M., Ilyas, M., & Dastgir, G. (2022). Impact of Science Teachers’ Attitude on Academic Achievement of Students at Secondary Level in Lahore. Global Educational Studies Review, VII(II), 242– 250.
  • Ashraf, M., Muhammad, Y., & Bokhari, T. B. (2022). Enhancing classroom management skills through critical reflection: A qualitative study of primary teachers. Journal of Educational Research & Social Science Review, 2(3), 105-114.
  • Bracken, B. A., & Theodore, L. A. (2023). Promoting Health and Wellness in Young Children: Preschool Assessment. Perspectives on Early Childhood Psychology and Education, 5(1), 139–169.
  • Burns, E. M. (2015). Peer-mediated interventions for students classified with emotional and behavioural disorders.
  • Clarke, V., & Braun, V. (2013). Teaching thematic analysis: Overcoming challenges and developing strategies for effective learning. The psychologist, 26(2), 120- 123.
  • Copeland, S. R., McCall, J., Williams, C. R., Guth, C., Carter, E. W., Fowler, S. E., Presley, J. A., & Hughes, C. (2002). High school peer buddies: A win-win situation. TEACHING Exceptional Children, 35(1), 16–21.
  • Creswell, J. W., & Poth, C. N. (2018). Qualitative inquiry & research design: Choosing among five approaches (4th ed.). Los Angeles: Sage.
  • Draper, E. A. (2022). Working Together: Peer Interactions to Support Students with Disabilities in the Music Classroom. Journal of General Music Education, 36(2), 38–41.
  • Fuchs, D., Fuchs, L. S., Mathes, P. G., & Martinez, E. A. (2002). Preliminary Evidence on the Social Standing of Students with Learning Disabilities in PALS and No-PALS Classrooms. Learning Disabilities Research and Practice, 17(4), 205–215.
  • Goldstein, H., & Thiemann, K. (2000). Effects of visually-mediated intervention on the social communication of children with pervasive developmental disorders. Final report.
  • Government of the Punjab. (2022). Population: Punjab Portal.
  • Hardy, I., & Woodcock, S. (2015). Inclusive education policies: discourses of difference, diversity and deficit. International Journal of Inclusive Education, 19(2), 141–164.
  • Hayes, A. M., & Bulat, J. (2017). Disabilities inclusive education systems and policies guide for low- and middle-income countries. RTI Press.
  • Helbig, K. A., Schrieber, S. R., Radley, K. C., & Dereiux, J. (2023). Effects of a teacher- implemented social skills intervention for elementary students with autism and developmental disabilities. Journal of Educational and Psychological Consultation, 1-29.
  • Iqbal, T., & Muhammad, Y. (2020). Using differentiated instruction in inclusive schools: A qualitative analysis of prospective teachers’ self-efficacy. Journal of Inclusive Education, 4(1), 229-257.
  • Kazmi, A. B., Kamran, M., & Siddiqui, S. (2023). The effect of teachers' attitudes in supporting inclusive education by catering to diverse learners. Paper presented at the Frontiers in Education.
  • Kolbina, L., Kasianenko, O., Sopivnyk, I., Karskanova, S., & Chepka, O. (2023). The role of inclusive education in the personal growth of a child with special educational needs. Amazonia Investiga, 12(64), 156- 164. .15
  • Lindner, K.-T., Schwab, S., Emara, M., & Avramidis, E. (2023). Do teachers favor the inclusion of all students? A systematic review of primary schoolteachers’ attitudes towards inclusive education. European Journal of Special Needs Education, 1–22.
  • Loreman, T., Deppeler, J., & Harvey, D. (2010). Inclusive education: Supporting diversity in the classroom. London: Routledge.
  • Maguire, M., & Delahunt, B. (2017). Doing a thematic analysis: A practical, step-by- step guide for learning and teaching scholars. AISHE-J: The All Ireland Journal of Teaching and Learning in Higher Education, 9(3).
  • Malik, M., & Amin, N. (2012). Inclusive education in Pakistan: Challenges and opportunities. International Journal of Humanities and Social Science, 2(14), 276- 283.
  • Miles, S., & Singal, N. (2010a). Developing inclusive education policies and practices in Pakistan: Processes, issues and challenges. British Journal of Special Education, 37(4), 187-203.
  • Miles, S., & Singal, N. (2010b). Education for all and inclusive education: Are we there yet? Some insights from disability studies to bridge the implementation gap. International Journal of Inclusive Education, 14(5), 529-543.
  • Mills, G. E., & Gay, L. R. (2019). Educational research: Competencies for analysis and applications: ERIC.
  • Odom, S. L., Vitztum, J., Wolery, R., Lieber, J., Sandall, S., Hanson, M. J., Beckman, P., Schwartz, I., & Horn, E. (2004). Preschool inclusion in the United States: a review of research from an ecological systems perspective. Journal of Research in Special Educational Needs, 4(1), 17–49.
  • Ryan, J. B., Reid, R., & Epstein, M. H. (2004). Peer-Mediated Intervention Studies on Academic Achievement for Students with EBD. Remedial and Special Education, 25(6), 330–341.
  • Saleem, A. (2020). Support Needs of Novice Public-School Teachers for Effective Management of Elementary Level Classrooms in Lahore. Pakistan Social Sciences Review, 4(III), 682–697.
  • Saleem, A. (2021). Strategies and Challenges of Novice Public-School Teachers Related to Classroom Management at the Elementary Level in Lahore. Pakistan Social Sciences Review, 5(IV), 258–271.
  • Saleem, A., Muhammad, Y., & Masood, S. (2019). Negative emotions and self- created challenges of novice public-school teachers in managing classroom behaviour. Journal of elementary education, 29(2), 178-195. DF/13_v29_2_19.pdf
  • Saleem, A., Muhammad, Y., & Qureshi, N. (2023). Managing public elementary school classrooms in Lahore: Physical facilities related challenges for novice teachers. Global Educational Studies Review, 8(2), 377-387. VIII-II).34
  • Saleem, A., Muhammad, Y., & Siddiqui, M. F. (2021). Effectively Managing Classroom: A Case Study of Four Novice Elementary Teachers in Private Schools. Global Social Sciences Review, VI(III), 72–79.
  • Spencer, V. G., Scruggs, T. E., & Mastropieri, M. A. (2003). Content Area Learning in Middle School Social Studies Classrooms and Students with Emotional or Behavioral Disorders: A Comparison of Strategies. Behavioral Disorders, 28(2), 77–93.
  • Sperry, L., Neitzel, J., & Engelhardt-Wells, K. (2010). Peer-Mediated Instruction and Intervention Strategies for Students with Autism Spectrum Disorders. Preventing School Failure: Alternative Education for Children and Youth, 54(4), 256–264.
  • Tahira, M., Muhammad, Y., & Masood, S. (2020). Early childhood teachers’ attitudes towards teacher-directed classroom management strategies in inclusive settings. Journal of Early Childhood Care and Education, 4(1), 37- 60.
  • Tracy, S. J. (2020). Qualitative research methods: Collecting evidence, crafting analysis, communicating impact (2nd ed.). Hoboken, NJ: Wiley-Blackwell.
  • UNESCO. (2014). The right to inclusive quality education for students with disabilities. National report on inclusion: Pakistan. Islamabad: UNESCO
  • United Nations. (2016). Inclusive education: Opportunities for marginalized children. Bangkok: United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization
  • Vagle, M. D. (2018). Crafting phenomenological research. London: Routledge.
  • Vygotsky, L. S. (1978). Mind in society: The development of higher psychological processes. New York: Harvard University Press
  • Zahid, S. B., Muhammad, Y., & Waqar, Y. (2022). Becoming an Effective Classroom Manager: Preservice Teachers’ Perceptions of their Classroom Management Education and Self-Efficacy Beliefs. Sjesr, 5(3), 68–77.

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    APA : Tahira, M., Ahmed, F., & Anis, F. (2023). Peer-Mediated Strategies for Managing Inclusive Early Childhood Classrooms: A Phenomenological Study. Global Educational Studies Review, VIII(II), 484-495.
    CHICAGO : Tahira, Marryum, Faran Ahmed, and Faisal Anis. 2023. "Peer-Mediated Strategies for Managing Inclusive Early Childhood Classrooms: A Phenomenological Study." Global Educational Studies Review, VIII (II): 484-495 doi: 10.31703/gesr.2023(VIII-II).44
    HARVARD : TAHIRA, M., AHMED, F. & ANIS, F. 2023. Peer-Mediated Strategies for Managing Inclusive Early Childhood Classrooms: A Phenomenological Study. Global Educational Studies Review, VIII, 484-495.
    MHRA : Tahira, Marryum, Faran Ahmed, and Faisal Anis. 2023. "Peer-Mediated Strategies for Managing Inclusive Early Childhood Classrooms: A Phenomenological Study." Global Educational Studies Review, VIII: 484-495
    MLA : Tahira, Marryum, Faran Ahmed, and Faisal Anis. "Peer-Mediated Strategies for Managing Inclusive Early Childhood Classrooms: A Phenomenological Study." Global Educational Studies Review, VIII.II (2023): 484-495 Print.
    OXFORD : Tahira, Marryum, Ahmed, Faran, and Anis, Faisal (2023), "Peer-Mediated Strategies for Managing Inclusive Early Childhood Classrooms: A Phenomenological Study", Global Educational Studies Review, VIII (II), 484-495
    TURABIAN : Tahira, Marryum, Faran Ahmed, and Faisal Anis. "Peer-Mediated Strategies for Managing Inclusive Early Childhood Classrooms: A Phenomenological Study." Global Educational Studies Review VIII, no. II (2023): 484-495.