Effect of Technology-Supported Collaborative Learning Techniques on Prospective Teachers' Sense of Learning Community Through the use of Moodle
Technology-supported collaborative learning can help educators develop twenty-first-century workforce skills among students. The study aimed to assess the effect of technology-supported collaborative learning techniques on prospective teachers' sense of learning community through the use of MOODLE and Google Docs. In this study, a "pre-test post-test non-equivalent control group(Quasi-experimental) design" was applied. A sense of learning community questionnaire was prepared for prospective teachers. Effect of intervention was measured through independent samples t-test: paired sample t-test and effect size. The finding of the study showed a statistically significant effect of the intervention on prospective teachers' sense of learning community scores. The study concluded that a sense of learning community is an integral and important element of technology-supported collaborative learning strategy and it helps to accept any new technology integration in classroom practices and decrease the dropout rate of the students in higher education online learning classes.
Google Docs, MOODLE, Learning Management System, Online Learning, Sense of Learning Community, Technology Supported Collaborative Learning
(1) Darakhshan Siraj
PhD Scholar, Institute of Education and Research, University of Punjab, Lahore, Punjab, Pakistan
(2) Nighat Sana Kirmani
Assistant Professor, Department of Science Education, Institute of Education and Research, University of the Punjab, Lahore, Punjab, Pakistan.
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APA : Siraj, D., & Kirmani, N. S. (2022). Effect of Technology-Supported Collaborative Learning Techniques on Prospective Teachers' Sense of Learning Community Through the use of Moodle. Global Educational Studies Review, VII(II), 107 - 115. https://doi.org/10.31703/gesr.2022(VII-II).10
CHICAGO : Siraj, Darakhshan, and Nighat Sana Kirmani. 2022. "Effect of Technology-Supported Collaborative Learning Techniques on Prospective Teachers' Sense of Learning Community Through the use of Moodle." Global Educational Studies Review, VII (II): 107 - 115 doi: 10.31703/gesr.2022(VII-II).10
HARVARD : SIRAJ, D. & KIRMANI, N. S. 2022. Effect of Technology-Supported Collaborative Learning Techniques on Prospective Teachers' Sense of Learning Community Through the use of Moodle. Global Educational Studies Review, VII, 107 - 115.
MHRA : Siraj, Darakhshan, and Nighat Sana Kirmani. 2022. "Effect of Technology-Supported Collaborative Learning Techniques on Prospective Teachers' Sense of Learning Community Through the use of Moodle." Global Educational Studies Review, VII: 107 - 115
MLA : Siraj, Darakhshan, and Nighat Sana Kirmani. "Effect of Technology-Supported Collaborative Learning Techniques on Prospective Teachers' Sense of Learning Community Through the use of Moodle." Global Educational Studies Review, VII.II (2022): 107 - 115 Print.
OXFORD : Siraj, Darakhshan and Kirmani, Nighat Sana (2022), "Effect of Technology-Supported Collaborative Learning Techniques on Prospective Teachers' Sense of Learning Community Through the use of Moodle", Global Educational Studies Review, VII (II), 107 - 115
TURABIAN : Siraj, Darakhshan, and Nighat Sana Kirmani. "Effect of Technology-Supported Collaborative Learning Techniques on Prospective Teachers' Sense of Learning Community Through the use of Moodle." Global Educational Studies Review VII, no. II (2022): 107 - 115. https://doi.org/10.31703/gesr.2022(VII-II).10