21 Pages : 204 - 217      10.31703/gesr.2022(VII-I).21      Published : Mar 2022

EFL School Teachers Perceptions about In-Service Trainings: A Cross- Sectional Study

    This study explores the perceptions of EFL school teachers about their in-service trainings in Balochistan, Pakistan. In addition to self-reflection and experiences, teacher trainings contribute to enhancing teachers' skilling, re skilling and up skilling with best classroom practices. However, not all teachers may have an opportunity to quality teacher trainings. Those who do, also carry varied views about in-service teacher training. This study attempted to unveil general perceptions of EFL teachers and the differences in perceptions of primary, middle, or high school EFL teachers in terms of motivation,attitude, ongoing learning, and factors affecting CPD in Balochistan. The findings show that there were no meaningful differences in perceptions of teachers in terms of factors affecting professional development, motivation, ongoing learning, and attitudes. As professional development is a life-long process, the study suggests that at least one CPD activity should be fixed for every EFL teacher each year to develop them professionally.

    Professional Development, In-service Teacher Trainings, EFL Teachers, CPD
    (1) Abdul Malik
    MPhil Scholar, English Language Centre, University of Balochistan, Quetta, Balochistan, Pakistan
    (2) Niaz H. Soomro
    Assistant Professor, Department of English Linguistics, University of Balochistan, Quetta, Balochistan, Pakistan.
    (3) Zahid H. Pathan
    Assistant Professor, English Language Center, University of Balochistan, Quetta, Balochistan, Pakistan.
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    APA : Malik, A., Soomro, N. H., & Pathan, Z. H. (2022). EFL School Teachers Perceptions about In-Service Trainings: A Cross- Sectional Study. Global Educational Studies Review, VII(I), 204 - 217.
    CHICAGO : Malik, Abdul, Niaz H. Soomro, and Zahid H. Pathan. 2022. "EFL School Teachers Perceptions about In-Service Trainings: A Cross- Sectional Study." Global Educational Studies Review, VII (I): 204 - 217 doi: 10.31703/gesr.2022(VII-I).21
    HARVARD : MALIK, A., SOOMRO, N. H. & PATHAN, Z. H. 2022. EFL School Teachers Perceptions about In-Service Trainings: A Cross- Sectional Study. Global Educational Studies Review, VII, 204 - 217.
    MHRA : Malik, Abdul, Niaz H. Soomro, and Zahid H. Pathan. 2022. "EFL School Teachers Perceptions about In-Service Trainings: A Cross- Sectional Study." Global Educational Studies Review, VII: 204 - 217
    MLA : Malik, Abdul, Niaz H. Soomro, and Zahid H. Pathan. "EFL School Teachers Perceptions about In-Service Trainings: A Cross- Sectional Study." Global Educational Studies Review, VII.I (2022): 204 - 217 Print.
    OXFORD : Malik, Abdul, Soomro, Niaz H., and Pathan, Zahid H. (2022), "EFL School Teachers Perceptions about In-Service Trainings: A Cross- Sectional Study", Global Educational Studies Review, VII (I), 204 - 217
    TURABIAN : Malik, Abdul, Niaz H. Soomro, and Zahid H. Pathan. "EFL School Teachers Perceptions about In-Service Trainings: A Cross- Sectional Study." Global Educational Studies Review VII, no. I (2022): 204 - 217.