47 Pages : 488-501      10.31703/gesr.2022(VII-I).47      Published : Mar 2022

Linking Head Teachers' Effectiveness Measured through Self-Evaluation with their School Performance

    The study examined the effect of self-evaluation of head teachers’ effectiveness on school performance through quality indicators: teacher evaluation, instructional leadership, organizational management, school climate, and communication and community relations. School performance is defined as the extent to which long or short-term educational targets are achieved by teachers, students and schools. In district Sahiwal, 104 head teachers evaluated their own effectiveness on HTEQ developed by researchers by selecting them conveniently. For school performance, MEAs' monthly visit reports were used to collect the data on the factors: teacher presence, school cleanliness, functioning of facilities and student presence, while data on student achievement scores were obtained from their schools. The study found that head teachers implemented these indicators effectively and their schools' performance was also at an excellent level. The study revealed a moderate relationship between both of the variables (r=.54). The study also revealed that a 41% variance in the performance of schools was explained through all five factors of head teachers’ effectiveness.

    School Performance, Head Teachers' Effectiveness, Teacher Evaluation, Instructional Leadership, Communication and Community Relations, Organizational Management, School Climate
    (1) Muhammad Irfan Malik
    Lecturer in Education, The Islamia University of Bahawalpur, Punjab, Pakistan.
    (2) Muhammad Akram
    Associate Professor, Institute of Education & Research, University of the Punjab, Lahore, Punjab, Pakistan.
    (3) Abdul Hameed Qamar
    Instructor, Human Resource Development Centre, Quetta, Balochistan, Pakistan.
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    APA : Malik, M. I., Akram, M., & Qamar, A. H. (2022). Linking Head Teachers' Effectiveness Measured through Self-Evaluation with their School Performance. Global Educational Studies Review, VII(I), 488-501.
    CHICAGO : Malik, Muhammad Irfan, Muhammad Akram, and Abdul Hameed Qamar. 2022. "Linking Head Teachers' Effectiveness Measured through Self-Evaluation with their School Performance." Global Educational Studies Review, VII (I): 488-501 doi: 10.31703/gesr.2022(VII-I).47
    HARVARD : MALIK, M. I., AKRAM, M. & QAMAR, A. H. 2022. Linking Head Teachers' Effectiveness Measured through Self-Evaluation with their School Performance. Global Educational Studies Review, VII, 488-501.
    MHRA : Malik, Muhammad Irfan, Muhammad Akram, and Abdul Hameed Qamar. 2022. "Linking Head Teachers' Effectiveness Measured through Self-Evaluation with their School Performance." Global Educational Studies Review, VII: 488-501
    MLA : Malik, Muhammad Irfan, Muhammad Akram, and Abdul Hameed Qamar. "Linking Head Teachers' Effectiveness Measured through Self-Evaluation with their School Performance." Global Educational Studies Review, VII.I (2022): 488-501 Print.
    OXFORD : Malik, Muhammad Irfan, Akram, Muhammad, and Qamar, Abdul Hameed (2022), "Linking Head Teachers' Effectiveness Measured through Self-Evaluation with their School Performance", Global Educational Studies Review, VII (I), 488-501
    TURABIAN : Malik, Muhammad Irfan, Muhammad Akram, and Abdul Hameed Qamar. "Linking Head Teachers' Effectiveness Measured through Self-Evaluation with their School Performance." Global Educational Studies Review VII, no. I (2022): 488-501.