01 Pages : 1-11
http://dx.doi.org/10.31703/gesr.2021(VI-IV).01 10.31703/gesr.2021(VI-IV).01 Published : Dec 2021The SAMR Model and Bloom's Taxonomy as a Framework for Evaluating Technology Integration at University Level
The purpose of this study was to find out the difference in opinions of the tertiary level teachers regarding technology integration in teaching. The study used a survey method. Participants for data collection were 14% faculty of Social Sciences, Engineering, and Computer Science which were sampled through the proportional stratified sampling technique. The study used a self-developed questionnaire in support of the SAMR (Substitution, Augmentation, Modification, and Redefinition) Model while coupling it with Bloom's revised taxonomy. Findings revealed that the opinions of both public and private sector teachers were better aligned with the study framework. A significant difference was found among teachers' perceptions based on sector (public and private). The study recommended integrating practical components or approaches to ICT usage in training programs and workshops introducing new teaching models and techniques.
SAMR Model, Blooms' Revised Taxonomy, Technology Integration, ICT (Information and Communication Technology)
(1) Zia Ur Rehman
PhD Scholar, National University of Modern Languages, Islamabad, Pakistan.
(2) Wajeeha Aurangzeb
Associate Professor, National University of Modern Languages, Islamabad, Pakistan.
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APA : Rehman, Z. U., & Aurangzeb, W. (2021). The SAMR Model and Bloom's Taxonomy as a Framework for Evaluating Technology Integration at University Level. Global Educational Studies Review, VI(IV), 1-11. https://doi.org/10.31703/gesr.2021(VI-IV).01
CHICAGO : Rehman, Zia Ur, and Wajeeha Aurangzeb. 2021. "The SAMR Model and Bloom's Taxonomy as a Framework for Evaluating Technology Integration at University Level." Global Educational Studies Review, VI (IV): 1-11 doi: 10.31703/gesr.2021(VI-IV).01
HARVARD : REHMAN, Z. U. & AURANGZEB, W. 2021. The SAMR Model and Bloom's Taxonomy as a Framework for Evaluating Technology Integration at University Level. Global Educational Studies Review, VI, 1-11.
MHRA : Rehman, Zia Ur, and Wajeeha Aurangzeb. 2021. "The SAMR Model and Bloom's Taxonomy as a Framework for Evaluating Technology Integration at University Level." Global Educational Studies Review, VI: 1-11
MLA : Rehman, Zia Ur, and Wajeeha Aurangzeb. "The SAMR Model and Bloom's Taxonomy as a Framework for Evaluating Technology Integration at University Level." Global Educational Studies Review, VI.IV (2021): 1-11 Print.
OXFORD : Rehman, Zia Ur and Aurangzeb, Wajeeha (2021), "The SAMR Model and Bloom's Taxonomy as a Framework for Evaluating Technology Integration at University Level", Global Educational Studies Review, VI (IV), 1-11
TURABIAN : Rehman, Zia Ur, and Wajeeha Aurangzeb. "The SAMR Model and Bloom's Taxonomy as a Framework for Evaluating Technology Integration at University Level." Global Educational Studies Review VI, no. IV (2021): 1-11. https://doi.org/10.31703/gesr.2021(VI-IV).01